Well-known member
EXCATLY what I was talking about! :sigh: QUOTE: "[COLOR=292929]I mean, the flecks are almost microscopic. They’re really tiny, which keeps the shade from delving into tacky territory, but it’s great. With this, you really don’t even need a highlighter."[/COLOR] [COLOR=292929]"[/COLOR][COLOR=292929]Ultimately, it depends on how you feel about glitter. It’s all really subtle in pics, but it’s like, “Hey, how YOU doin’?” in real life."[/COLOR]
I wonder if there are different batches and inconsistency? Mine has sparkle in the pan, but it doesn't translate to my face.T's description though! I can definitely see the sparkles on me!" [COLOR=333333]Initially, there seemed to be soft, silver sparkle strewn through the powder (not too much but noticeable), but applied, I really didn’t see any bits of sparkle whatsoever. The resulting finish was quite subtle–a soft, lightly luminous finish that didn’t emphasize pores."[/COLOR]