Estee Lauder Warehouse SALE - Long Island


New member
Would love any tickets to any weekend. Please let me know and I can pick up or send self addressed envelope. Thanks :)


I would like to buy estee lauder warehouse ticket for january 2012 for long island. Does anyone have the tickets? Please let me kno. Thanks


I have tickets to the warehouse sale on February 11 for Trade Only. Please let me know what date you have tickets to trade for.

Please do not ask to buy them. Thanks.


New member
Hi, how are you? I would like to know if you still have tickets to the Long Island's Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale? I Believe is the January 28th.
If you still have, them, could you please let me know.

Thank you.



I do have some extra tickets for the sale this Saturday, 2/11 but security seems so tight there – you have to write your name and company on the tickets plus show ID. I’m just not sure if they actually go back and check with the company to make sure you are an employee there.


New member
Does anybody knows when and where the next sale would be? and how can I can I get a couple of tickets. I would appreciate it very much? Thanks.


Well-known member
I went to the one in long island last year and the mac selection was AWFUL! They basically had very little mac...they had one eyeshadow palette, shadesticks, some brushes, and that was basically it. The free gift was also was one MAC nail polish and one estee lauder nail polish. They also had a CCO next door which sold basically the same things every CCO has. There was a lot of estee lauder tho. I hope it will be better for you this year tho!


Hi does anyone know when is the next estee lauder sale in Long Island? And if anyone have tickets? I would like to get it.


Well-known member
i have tickets for May 12th if any one is intrested in going or swaping...Please just leave me your address and I will mail them out to you. Thanks!


New member
I would like to know when the next warehouse sale in long island and buy ticket. If you have any information about it can you please share. Thanks.


New member
If anyone has any information or tickets regarding a sale in the upcoming months, please let me know! Thank you!


Hi is this sale for the Warehouse in Lonisland patchogue, of if elsewhere would you tell me where? I am interested in getting these tickets.

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