Ever fantasize or dream about someone other than your SO??


Well-known member
yes, i has happened to me too. but its just dreams, if you have fantasies while you are woken up and you imagine yourself with other guy... thats another thing :p


Well-known member
Yes...Clive Owen...
...and yes, DH knows...and thinks I am a dork!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
When I had an SO, yes. And dreams about other people are normal. You don't control what you dream about, and they're often symbolic vs. literal. Maybe the person symbolizes qualities you like about your SO.


Well-known member
yeh.. thoughts about my ex-es cross my mind.... like what if or what could have..?... i'm not dreaming.. so i do feel a little guilty... and of course i don't tell


Well-known member
i feel guilty sometimes. there was another guy and my bf and i had to choose one so i chose my bf but sometimes still think of the other. as long as i dont act on it, i guess its ok..

hell...he thinks about jessica alba lol


Well-known member
I've never dreamed or fantasized about other guys.. I don't know why. I guess were just still in that stage where were googoo over each other and I don't find other guys attractive..

I have about girls.. but thats a completely diff story.


Well-known member
Yeh it's fine.

Dreams can be a lot of fun. No reason to feel guilty about them. Most or my friends are in long term relationships or married, and we talk about hot guys that are not our SO's all the time. Doesn't mean I like my boyfriend any less.

Kinda funny typing that, lol... Been single/dateing for so long lol...


Well-known member
Question for all you ladies,

are you dreaming about celebs or guys you know in real life??

And does it make a difference in the way you approach these fantasies?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SpareMyHeart
Question for all you ladies,

are you dreaming about celebs or guys you know in real life??

And does it make a difference in the way you approach these fantasies?

I dont dream about celebs, ever. It's usually about complete strangers (like random hot guy) or someone I know...eep! some of those people I am not even attracted to...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
I dont dream about celebs, ever. It's usually about complete strangers (like random hot guy) or someone I know...eep! some of those people I am not even attracted to...

I know what you mean , I do the same.Sometimes I feel guilty for doing it and other times(if we've had an argument) not so much


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SpareMyHeart
Question for all you ladies,

are you dreaming about celebs or guys you know in real life??

And does it make a difference in the way you approach these fantasies?

Just Clive Owen...no other celeb..ever...
....any other man that pops up in my fdreams/fantasies is totally unfamiliar to me...those dreams are strange, to say the least!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
yup i do, but i dont mention it lol

I concur! It's a just a dream and it doesn't mean anything, but I'm still not going to tell my partner that Captain Brass rocked me around the world last night.