Ever fantasize or dream about someone other than your SO??


I was actually just about to post about this, but lo and behold.

Mine are usually about people I have been with in the past. Today during my nap, it was a guy I had been with once [total flippin hottie he is] and there was zombies involved lol. NOt sexual zombies but it was like a screw and then zombie chase, and then screw again lol.

And no, I do not tell my SO. No need for him to know I'm having freaky dreams about people in the past.

And sometimes it is Jake Gyllenhaal. And after I saw Bobby, I had one about Shia Lebouf which made me feel dirty since I love Even Stevens lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macslut
YEP! I DID IT! "Oh by the way ____, *lacing his arm under mine while he leaned his ear down*, for about the last month, I have wanted to suck and fuck you dry. And on that note, have a marvelous day." His reaction: "Sue Sue Sue" with a big goofy smile on his face and giggling. In fact, before I left, he was still smiling.

Good for you!!!


Well-known member
I'm guilty. I've had dreams of my boss. lol... He's pretty hot for a 30ish guy. And random girls. hahaha!!


Well-known member
Only about movie stars. Like Hugh Jackman in X-men. ~drool~

But I know he probably dreams about other girls, blonder prettier girls than me. So it doesn't really make me feel too guilty. Plus he also had a porn stash under my nose that I knew about for awhile. So yeah, I have no reason to feel guilty.


Well-known member
i can honestly say I never have....

well only once. it was jamie foxx. LoL i told my boyfriend about it and he got PISSED. whatever.

I really dont ever have dreams or fantasies though. I don't know why, but I'm glad I don't. I would be so upset if I found out that my boyfriend fantasized about anyone besides me. I'm just a jealous person...sometimes I see him look at a girl, but theres no expression on his face and he's not staring or anything. He looks at guys the same way though...he just looks at people. That still gets me mad because his eyes shouldn't be on another girl...period.

But yeah i dont have any fantasies. sometimes couples are into that thing. i say theres nothing wrong with it as long as theres no meaning behind it and you'd never act on it. (its wrong for me though lol)