Ever feel blah? in a rut? downright fugly?


Well-known member
I am in such a stinkin rit lately. My makeup looks shitty, my hair stringy, feelin fat, and having oily ass skin. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I mean there are so many other, major, major probs in the world to be sad over and here I am feeling bad because I am in a superficial rut.

Well to help get over it, I did a makeup look that I know I rock (liquid liner, gold shadow and hot pink lips), cut 6 inches off my hair and got a new cut and color!!! And worked out big time at the gym

Anyone else ever get into such a rut? If so, how do you deal?


Well-known member
I'm in a rut. School is STRESSING me out, I have been pulling long days at school getting a case done. Ugh. I've just not cared. I'm going to begin to make an effort starting tomorrow....but still. Rut.

I'm not really out of my effort, but I want a haircut and colouring. Ugh I'm just in a stressful rut. I'm planning on going a super long walk tomorrow. I think it has something to do with February/winter/crappiness.


Well-known member
Preachin' to the choir, honey! I'm living in a city I don't want to live (September cannot come soon enough!), I just had my hair colored red and loved it but the color is washing out so much so that it looks like I'm bleeding in the shower, I haven't really seen my husband since Christmas, Chicago weather sucks especially with public transit, I love my job but not the situation, I don't feel like I can move forward with my pastry business because it will be in Colorado, let alone my dream of working for MAC because I'm HERE!!! I feel totally stuck.

As far as a fix, I'm going to check out Fafi tomorrow at the MAC store on rush AND my Peggy girl is doing my make-up at the MAC counter at Nordies on Thursday. I ALWAYS feel better after playing with MAC at the store/counter because it's my thing! I'm with people that share my obsession. In a city with next to no friends except for my husband (LOVE him SO much), I NEED some girl time! This is it, for me


Well-known member
Sounds like you are working yourself out of that rut perfectly! You must show us the new cut/color Hilly Pie! Don't you worry about feeling like it's a superficial rut, because if it's a problem/important to you...then it's important. Switching up your routine a bit is definitely a good way to get out of a rut.


Well-known member
I get like that sometimes. I have been more confident lately (I don't care if I'm not wearing any makeup and I look horrible if I'm at the grocery store). But I do care whenever me and my boyfriend run into any girls he knows or if there are a lot of girls around. I feel like I should be made up then...

Anyways I hate being in a rut. I never know what to do....I just let it ride out. I can never find anything else that works. Putting on makeup never works because thats usually what I'm in a rut for lol.

Right now I'm very stressed out. Trying to save money (ugh and buy from MAC at the same time), trying to get an apartment within the next month, arguing with my bf about where we're going to live, I'm trying to get my car and my license....I just feel hopeless sometimes. Plus I'm stuck as a freaking assistant at my job. I'm tired of being the clean up bitch. I am trying to look on the positive side of things but things are tough right now. i think I'm dealing really well though (either that or I haven't broken down yet) lol. When stress becomes too much for me I end up just breaking down and crying for a night.

My face is breaking out and its not clearing up. (Probably because stress). My chest gets really tight randomly and it feels like someones standing on it (I don't even feel stressed when this happens, its crazy how your body tells you things). My hair color sucks. I don't want to cut it anymore, I want it to GROW. And I want small boobs and LASIK. Sigh.

Sorry to turn this around on to me. But yes I do get into ruts. It seems like you did the right kinds of things to help yourself out. I would just focus on relaxing, taking time to pamper yourself and make sure you are in your best health. Stress will destroy a person....


Well-known member
I hate ruts. I usually end up wallowing in self pity for a while, then doing something about it :p

I really wanna cut my hair in a short blunt cut, but I don't have the balls to do it quite yet..


Well-known member
I think we all get in a rut sometimes and may not even know it. At least if you're AWARE you're in a rut you stand a chance of getting out of it. I was in a makeup rut until a couple months ago; going to a MAC counter for a makeover pulled me out. I'm in kind of a wardrobe rut; getting Tim Gunn to come over to my house and go through my closet would really help with that

And yes, there are more serious problems in the world and in my life and I worry about those to, but a girl's gotta do what she can to change what is possible. Sometimes we can only change OUR world for the better; in so doing, we may help change another's world for the better.


Well-known member
YES! I am in one big time. My doctor just increased my medication. Next week, I am getting on an additional medication. Gosh, I don't know what I am going to be like then. I am literally a zombie now. I feel like I just can't think. I take care of the pets and the house and that's it. I don't know how my husband stands looking at me.

It's so hard to function. I just feel like crying. Life is soo hard, but we have to just stand in the winds. (((sigh)))


Well-known member
i thought you were out of it yesterday after the hair!! we can be in a rut together. however, you'll probably get out faster than me. and hey, cheer up your going to london!!!! you made 2 matches yesterday, awesome!!! and you have a great support team. what more could you ask for? don't worry about the worse things to worry about, you're already working in the trenches so you're doing your part. you'll (we'll) be fine. maybe we get together this weekend for sushi?

Professor Fate

Well-known member
Being around human beings on a daily basis makes me depressed as hell. I've been depressed over this situation for quite sometime now. Work is especially making me lose my mind right now.

Girl about town

Well-known member
I feel the same , feel fugly at this time of year!!! think it is the miserable weather!!! My boobs are massive my jeans are all too tight my skin looks shit lol, so i am eating healthy and exercising it normally helps , also spending a crapload on make up ! that makes me feel good too x


Well-known member
Yes. I've felt like that. A lot. I think 99.99999% of women have. But, I can tell you one thing....You're downright NOT fugly, plain, or anything of the sort! In fact, I can tell you, when I look at your FOTD's, I think you're SO BEAUTIFUL! You have the most amazing smile! You literally shine when you are smiling!

Hilly...I know ruts..I have them...I usually do something to pick myself up...buy something nice for myself, get my hair done, a massage, or a facial...You know what else really helps? Doing something nice for someone else. I find doing a kind deed for another person can really help pick you up, and not only make you feel better, but take your mind off of everything! I hope you feel better soon, darlin'! (((HUG)))


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Professor Fate
Being around human beings on a daily basis makes me depressed as hell......

And I thought I was the only one.


Well-known member
Lately, I haven't been feeling pretty. I don't think I'm gorgeous or anything but usually I can look in the mirror and accept myself but these past days I've not been liking to see myself. That's why I haven't been posting many full FOTDs. I don't like my face and it depresses me. But whatever. We shouldn't focus on those things. Just be think about the positive.


Well-known member
im exacltly the same
my makeup is lookin the same these days, i darent wear alot of colour unless im wearing my fake tan otherwise i feel like a clown!
my hair feels really thin lately i think its from the stress... and i need highlights REAAAL BAD!
i feel fat too as usual.. i say im gna start a diet but i keep being so lazy and eatin junk

its so annoying


Well-known member
Every damn day I feel like that. Honestly though, I just fake my way out of it most of the time but I'm feeling pretty low right now. I guess that's all I really feel like saying right now.

And also yes I agree to whoever said that being around people and seeing what they do every day makes me depressed. I can't wait until we wipe ourselves out because it's no less than we deserve.


Well-known member
Me too! The midwinter blahs have totally zapped my energy. Barely managing to keep on track with my "no fast food and 4x a week workout" resolution for the year. I need a serious dose of sunshine. That or a major shopping spree. Maybe I can talk the hubby into heading out to the huge outlets two hours from here. I can do some retail therapy... oh, and there's a CCO there too. /drool

I love a little retail therapy. Especially if it involves shoes and makeup!