omg. holy shizz. I have so many hot mess stories...most of them involving crappy college times....
Hot mess moment # 1: Freshman year of college. Gained weight. About 20 lbs. Then I got worms. From the dining hall no less. So, I went from being normal sized in August, then slowly gaining weight, then I dropped down to about 95lbs before I got any help. I was a bag of bones. Everyone thought I had an eating disorder when I got back from the hospital. It was sad, gross and scary. So, I had stretched all my clothes out from the weight gain, which had me depressed as it was. Then, I started feeling sick all the time and stopped going to class. My friends thought I was depressed and stopped hanging out with me. So by the time I got to a hospital, I was a skeleton, and severly dehydrated/suffering from malnutrition. When I got out of the hospital, rumors had started that I had either tried to kill myself or had an eating disorder, so I not only looked like crap, I felt like crap too. On top of it all, I didn't bother to try and improve on my "sick" look. I wore these nasty sweats and baggy tee shirts every day with my pink uggs. Plus I had gained a nice set of dark circles under my eyes and my skin was waxy and yellow-pale. One friend told me that I looked like a zombie. My hair didn't get washed for almost the entire time, and most of the time it was just crammed under a baseball cap. I was failing from having not attended classes. Ugh, it was a seriously low point in my life. During the time when I was sick, I didn't shower a lot either... So, basically I looked like a homeless person and smelled like one too. I never ever ate at the on campus dining hall again. Oh, and my boyfriend dumped me around the same time cause I looked like crap and didn't give a flying-f**k anymore. Talk about a shitty hot-mess year.
Sophomore year was MUCH better.
Hot-mess moment # 2: My junior year at college, I had my best friend, who I used to dance (ballet) with, come up and visit me. He decided that this was a good time to introduce me to his boyfriend and some of his other very hot friends. So, they get sweet hotel room while they are in town, and brought tons of booze with them, b/c I lived in a dry county. So, we all get completely trashed at some local bars/clubs, stay out until they shut the bars down/kick us out, then we head back to the hotel room. Drink more. Lots more. Get so f***in' drunk that I don't remember the rest of the night. Hazy-hazy blur. Anyhow, I woke up the next morning with a new shorter, uneven haircut, half smoked cigarettes in said hair and sticky booze and puke covering my body which was sans slutty club clothes and smeared makeup all down my face. Plus, I'm sleeping with two rather naked men in the same bed. Yeah, not only a hot-mess moment - but a skanky ho moment too. After waking up I figured that I had let one of them cut my hair the night before because there was hair EVERYWHERE. There was a plus side: I ended up with a really cute short haircut, fixed by my amazing hairstylist at the time. Yeah, I had to tell her how I ended up looking like my head went through a weed whacker though.
Hot-mess moment #3: My last semester: Dec 2008: I was prepping for graduation, finishing my thesis, then presenting my thesis to a board of my professors and the dean, planning my wedding and getting married, moving and on top of all that: I got food poisoning. On my birthday. Yuk. So, I look like hell most of the semester, forgot to hit the gym for five months. Made the mistake of bleaching my hair. It turns a nice shade of orange. I keep trying to remind myself that I don't make a pretty blonde, nor does my hair bleach easily. Then, I start puking five days before my wedding. I've been stressed so my skin has gone to hell. I try to make up for it by covering it up with makeup. Bad mistake. the time my wedding comes around, I have crap skin, gained, then lost weight by food poisoning plus stress. my dress doesn't fit and it wants to fall off every minute or so, I have bags under my eyes from being sleep deprived and I feel like a pile of dog crap. Yeah, total hot mess moment - and it was my wedding. At least the groom looked/felt good. But, a plus to the whole situation was that I got married, graduated with honors and am happy. Now I just need to find a job...and start working out again.
Hot-mess/startlingly stupid moment #4: I was in a dancing accident. I got dropped, and injured my back. Ended up in PT. That isn't the hot mess incident. It was started with the meds my doc put me on. I had started taking some heavy duty pain killers, and edidn't start noticing the downward spiral they had me on. Apparenly I can't handle heavy opiates in my system. Who'd've thunk. So, I'm on these meds, they do kill the pain, but also kill any sort of numb my brain as well. I take them before hitting the bars one night with my friends. Pills + alcohol = omfg. Yeah, got into a druged up-boozed-out fight with a friend. Ended up falling all over the place. Started crying. Crying and screaming in bars is never cute. It's all sort of a haze now. It's a good thing that a friend drove me home and stayed with me that night. It was definetely another low moment. Eventually I got off the pills and made up with the friend. But I will never ever be seen in that bar again.