Every aspect of these photos frightens me.


Well-known member
That's some of the worst photoshopping I have seen. They look like cartoon drawings of Barbie meets sex-trade worker.


Well-known member
But they're supposed to be that way. The whole idea is to create the 'doll' effect.
Which she does.
To chilling effect.
I don't like dolls. Or clowns. *shudder*


Well-known member
I'm with you. Clowns are by far worse than dolls, though. And people just don't understand me when I say they creep me out. They're suppose to be funny, they're suppose to be entertaining, but it's just something in the makeup and the facial expressions that gives me the creeps. On top of that, Hollywood's portrayal of killer clowns and killer dolls (Chucky) doesn't exaclty help the situation.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I know some people think looking doll-like is a good thing (enough people have told me that I look like a doll and meant it in a complimentary way), but that's taking it the extreme. Little kids should look human-like, not doll-like.

Then again, with the way adult people are made to look plastic (the cover of Beyonce's B'Day comes to mind), it's no surprise that it's trickled down to kids. It's sad, but some people have really out there standards of beauty


Well-known member
This reminds me of why my mother took my sister out of beauty pagaents as a baby. My sister won a few on her own looks (she had naturally rosy cheeks and pigmented lips, as well as long lashes so there wasn't a need for any makeup.) She got fed up because she was seeing these moms spend hundreds, even thousands, of dollars on gowns, putting on fake eyelashes on 13 month y.o.'s, babies who couldn't even walk "needing" concealer and foundation with drag queen eye makeup, even going so far as to put fake tans on toddlers. This was the late 80's, so I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten.


Well-known member
l enjoy looking at my ancestors pictures, because I know what people really looked like. I know where I get body type and features.

Now with photoshop and plastic surgery, people in the future will not know what adults and children actually looked like. It's getting where natural is totally unacceptable. Everything plastic is becoming fantastic. Where do you draw the line? I am not surprised by this at all. This is the way our society has become obsessed with perfection.


Well-known member
i think old peoples homes are gonna be crazy in the future!

imagine all the plastic surgery nan's,with huge breast implants covered in tattoos!well.... thatll be me!ha ha!

the blue rinses will be long gone!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I think, given that so many people get so many dumb tattoos, there's going to be a cheaper and more efficient way of removing them in the future, before we're all dead. There's too big of a market for someone not to be working on it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I think, given that so many people get so many dumb tattoos, there's going to be a cheaper and more efficient way of removing them in the future, before we're all dead. There's too big of a market for someone not to be working on it.

they've already come up with removable tattoo ink.


Well-known member
There was a movie back in the '70's that addressed what is actually happening now. It was a youth obsessed society. You never saw any older people. In the movie once people got to a certain age, they were destroyed.

Our society does not like to look older anymore from being conditioned to seeing photoshopped pictures and plastic surgery. Wrinkles, lines, cellulite are taboo now. Even teens are wanting breast implants, liposuction, and botox. I will not be surprised when children are going to be given liposuction, color contacts, teeth bleaching, chemical peels, etc. It's a matter of time.

In regard of tattoos. There are parents that try to get their infants and young children tattooed as well. I know a tattoo artist and she turns parents away all the time.

I have actually seen a child that was 8 y/o with a tattoo on his shoulder. I guess that was cool to some. Again, where do you draw the line?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
There was a movie back in the '70's that addressed what is actually happening now. It was a youth obsessed society. You never saw any older people. In the movie once people got to a certain age, they were destroyed.

Soylent Green?


Well-known member
that is one scary website, shim!

it would be very interesting to see those photos un-photochopped. I'm not even going to call them photoshopped, because they have been mutilated.

the thing that creeps me out the most is the fake-looking plastic doll eyelashes. No one's eye lashes look like that! No one's! not even when wearing falsies.

it's disturbing that there are people out there that think this is normal.


ok, while the pictures and the fact that people think this is ok and normal still make me feel all weird and disgusted, i've just found a whole new level of weird.

check out these two: (WARNING! possible stomach-turning content if you believe that this sort of stuff is weird)

http://www.naturalbeautiescontest.ho.../retouch5.html -----> eeek!

http://www.naturalbeautiescontest.ho...retouch1b.html ----> This one just shows the amount of fake.


Well-known member
Nope, it wasn't that movie. I really wish that I could remember the name. It was very modern looking. The society was extremely advanced and talked to computers. But at a certain age you were sent to the dome, people were flying in the dome and zapped. You were educated by a computer. Your features were changed to make you look like perfection. Everyone was extremely healthy, young and intelligent. No one looked like they were out of their 30's.

Children are reflections of adults and society. These pictures depict what has been going on with adults. These same things are done with adult advertisements to sell magazines, cars, etc. It's done, because it works.

Before you know it, we will have a four y/o selling everything. They will just photoshop their features and body and you will not know a thing.

In the case of these children, they look doll like and sexualized to me. They have mouths are enlarged, noses narrowed, hair thickened, and skin lightened. They aren't children anymore. They are just something for viewing enjoyment. Pedophiles must love this.


Well-known member
We are in a society that values youth and beauty and perfection.
There is no value placed on experience, character, or maturity. Look at the lashing Britney Spears has received for the past year. The biggest part of the criticism comes not because of her bad decisions (and there have been some doozies), but because she's not "hot Britney" anymore. We no longer value her as a person (did we really ever? I question that.), a performer, or an entertainer.
Undoubtedly, she's still more attractive and in better shape than Jane Average, but we long for the perfection she was at 17. The whittled abs and waist. The honey blond hair (at this point we'll take pretty much anything besides the Barbie extensions though). We bemoan the loss of the youthful beautiful package.
None of us are getting any younger. I'm five minutes older now than I was when I started this post. Nobody's moving backwards.

When we can start accepting the smile lines, the frown lines, and hoping for more smile lines than frown lines, maybe the prevalence of changing our young daughters into dolls will go away.

But I don't see that happening.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Nope, it wasn't that movie. I really wish that I could remember the name. It was very modern looking. The society was extremely advanced and talked to computers. But at a certain age you were sent to the dome, people were flying in the dome and zapped. You were educated by a computer. Your features were changed to make you look like perfection. Everyone was extremely healthy, young and intelligent. No one looked like they were out of their 30's.

Logan's Run?


Btw, if you watch it again it is not so modern looking anymore. I watched it one night when I couldn't sleep.


Well-known member
Yes, that is it. I like the one with Michael York in it. Logan's Run does cover some issues that will be addressed in our near future - overpopulation, ageism, plastic surgery, a mall like world, a computer run world, etc. By the way, I thought Farrah looked the best in her life in this movie too.

Yes, compared to today's movies, it looks sorta stupid. It was modern looking in the '70's. Today, I don't think so.

Thank you for that.

Who would know that a science fiction movie of the 1970's would predict so much of what will probably happen in the future.

Think not. Look up things like micro chipping of humans, general beliefs of people toward euthanasia of the sick, stats on how many people in the US have unnecessary plastic surgery procedures, stats of overpopulation world wide, and one world order. Some of what was science fiction in the past is playing a part of what is going now in our world and soon to be our future. Many scientists have stated that Star Trac heavily influenced them to develop their ideas for our current world.

I know that I am way off target, but it's interesting to look at how the world today was predicted by those of the past.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Logan's Run?


Btw, if you watch it again it is not so modern looking anymore. I watched it one night when I couldn't sleep.

Yes! I remember that cheesy movie from late night tv movie reruns. It is so corny that you can't stop watching.

Now, about those kids. YEaaacheaahchhh! Bllllaaaa! OK, got that out of my system. Those poor kids and their sick fvcking mothers. They look like little baby porn stars or hookers dressed like Mimi from the Drew Cary Show. That is beyond disgusting, improper and wrong.

Do you know how many sick pedofiles cruise the internet and get off to that stuff? These girls mothers are so greedy and attention needy that they don't even care about that. Or the fact that they could seriously be messing those kids up.

This one really creeped me out. Aside from the garish makeup, outfit and hair, they seemed to have enlarged her eyes to creepy doll like proportions:


This creeps me out as it isn't even the same girl anymore. She looks dead. Like an object. A doll.


And finally to address this....WTF?



Well-known member
Those pictures are bloody scary. I don't know why people would want to do that to their children or make them look like that. I feel sad for them.