I certainly wouldn't advocate banning this kind of activity through legislation, but neither would I condone this. If any one of my friends were to place her daughter in this kind of horror show, I'd let her have it. Perhaps social shunning and boycotts are the only weapons we have against these reprehensible pageants.
And we wonder why so many woman have a F##cked up self-image. We wonder why we're so obsessed with youth, which is often callow and shallow. Look no further than these baby pageants. Geeez, they don't even look like little girls; instead they look like plastic dolls without a thought in their heads.
What happened to letting kids be kids? Do these fluffed up, pressed and formed little girls ever get the chance to climb a tree, ride a bike or learn how to skate?
This just makes me shudder. The parents driven to participate, the sponsors of these pageants give me the freakin' willies as well. BTW, who DOES sponsor them? Do you think if a petition were signed to the effect that a massive boycott will result unless they suspend their glorified kiddie porn would have any impact?