Eye tattooing? ** warning graphic pics**


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

Ouch! No thanks!!


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

I am all for body modification, but this seems dangerous. Again, ouch.


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

Yes, I saw this on the web awhile back. I talked to my family member who is a tattoo artist. She said there is no way she would do that. She is covered with beautiful tattoos and would never do that. She said she would be afraid of infection and blindness. She also would never perform the service to anyone either.


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

UGH, beyond yuck! It just seems so damaging somehow, there is to much potential for problems in the eye!


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

*DEAR GOD* That's sick.
Could you please put a warning about the graphicness of this?


Well-known member
Re: Eye tattooing?

They're called scalera lenses, Mr. I-Wanna-Look-Like-I've-Got-The-Spice. Probably less expensive, plus there seems to be a greater chance that you'll actually have working eyes in a couple years.


Well-known member
OH my...that's definitely something I have never seen. Thanks for sharing, that was interesting! I am putting that on my "I'll try anything, but never do that" list!


Well-known member
he looked like he had pretty eyes before. how can he see? how would people react seeing some blue-eyeballed freak coming at them. i'd run away!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
he looked like he had pretty eyes before. how can he see? how would people react seeing some blue-eyeballed freak coming at them. i'd run away!!!

I don't like the term "freak" and I don't personally know Shannon, but I am pretty sure he has never done anything "body mod-related" because of what people will think.


Well-known member
Body tatoos is all right because it's just on the outer skin layer which just serves as protection. But eyeballs!!!!! you might lose your vision for messing around w/ them.

Girl about town

Well-known member
how stupid to mess with something as important as your sight, what if you hate it you wouldn't be able to get new eyes!!!