Fafi & MAC Collaboration Discussion


Well-known member
from the ebay listings earlier this week




wild child

Well-known member
I really like the pink blush! I hope the color looks the same in real life as it does on my computer screen right now


Well-known member
I've totally avoided this thread b/c I was thinking of skipping this collection (gasps all around, I know), knowing that if I even started making a list I'd shoot myself either from not buying what I wanted or buying my list and being strapped for a few weeks after gorging. =P That said.... my counter's having a seminar specifically with Fafi products! $50 (cdn) towards products and you get a makeover by a trainer too! There are two time slots and only 10 spots per slot. They're having their regular event and the seminar happens a week after the release (Feb. 20), so I'll have time to check out the collection in the meantime. I don't think I'll spend all that much but wheeeee, this is going to be AWESOME!!
Originally Posted by astronaut
Am I the only one who doesn't like the Fafi illustrations? I'm really turned off by them and think they look ugly/creepy. I think they look like little preteen girls with their nipples popping through their shirt and that's disturbing to me. The decent looking one has a face and teeth that resemble a rabbit... I like the blushes, and thankfully there's only a signature on the package.

Yeah I don't really like the packaging either. I love the colors though, and that's why I'm buying a few things.


Well-known member
oh ya the powders are irridescent pressed. one of them is basically belightful but its renamed. the other one is more light pinky and is realllyyy pretty.

the blushes i think are both frosts. they are super pretty as well. i have the peachy one already. but im definately gonna buy the other. the shadows are all different in finish. the palette i have has two velvets, one lustre and a frost i think? thats the palette with the blue, green, coral and cream


Well-known member
I booked an appointment for the FAFI event at my local mac store. Im 100% sure I AM going to buy one of everything when the collection is released online that was I am positive I will get what I want. Later, on my appt date (20th) Ill play with the colors. The girls at my mac store have this collection already..they are all raving about it.


Well-known member
When I called to book my time for the event, the MA said the release date was the 14th but here says the 13th. I am confused, lol. Does anyone know for sure?


Well-known member
I think a lot of people are still unsure. I called today and he didn't even know the date of the event. I just gave them my name and number so that they could call me when they had more info. Also, it could just be the difference between web release and actual release.


Active member

I was fortunate to have had a mini sneak preview of this collection today. It's very happy; very cheery!
These photos aren't as accurate as I'd like them to be but you can at least get the general feel of the collection!
This was taken under MAC warm lighting, with flash. The colours are a little cooler in tone, irl.


The blushes and iridescent powders look more true to life here (MAC warm lighting, no flash). Belightful (the face product in the lower right hand corner) is very glittery irl.


The face products are all washed out by the lighting even though this was taken without flash. The quad colours, funnily enough, are more true to life in the reflection (look at the plastic inserts)! Am kicking myself for not taking closeups of the quads. :p

For the record:

Fafi Eyes 1

Howzat Deep grey with silver sparkle (S)
Hey Neutral tan with pearl (VP)
Pink Venus Washed pink (L)
Vanilla Soft pale-peachy-ivory flecked with shimmer (V)

Fafi Eyes 2

Bold as Gold Yellow gold with gold pearl (L)
You're Fresh Pale green with silver sparkle (L)
Shockwave Intense orange with silver sparkle (V)
Prankster Muted dark blue (S)

Fafi Eyes 2 looks like a hybrid of Flowering and Barbie Dollymix.

A bigger photo, for anyone who wants a closer look!



Well-known member
I don't know why but I haven't really gotten excited about this collection yet. I think I feel like it is just MAC with FAFI on it. I don't really feel that any of the colors look all that "special". Sorry.

I can't wait for Heatherette. I think that one will be really cool.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for those photos! I'm all over the Fafi Eyes 2...

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