Fake tan products vs tanning beds?? Advice!


Well-known member
As it is getting closer to summer time I am feeling more an more self concious of my pale skin! Everyone seems to be emerging with a beautiful tan :sun:and I'm feeling the need to follow suit. Problem is I find fake tanning lotions and sprays have a rather unpleasent 'curry' smell. I can't deal with it! And I am totally not up for tanning beds! I went into one for four minutes and it just made me feel super uncomfortable and closed in! Not to mention paranoid about getting cancer!
So what does every1 use to get that summer glow? Can any1 reccommend some face and body products that have a nice natural effect and last and build up each time you use them? :shrug:


Well-known member
I like tanning beds. I just make sure to put SPF 15 on my face and hands (they age fastest). You only have to tan every other day to get good color, and many lotions have bronzers (like Bombshell or Almost Famous) so you get color REALLY quickly.

I hate gradual tanners. They leave me orange (I've tried Jergens, Olay, Fake Bake, Aveeno, and a few others ^.^; I hate them all). Although I got good color from L'Oreal Sublime Bronze, a nice toasty gold color.


Well-known member
Go with a self-tanner, the formulas have come A LONG way over the years. I recommend testing the product (Jergens makes a good self-tanner as mentioned above) first on an area that's normally covered up so that in case the color is fake, you don't have to be embarassed. Also, apply the stuff per the instructions on the bottle/packaging/etc. for natural looking results. Stay FAR FAR away from tanning beds. Resist the urge - they do more harm than good in the long run. Besides increasing your chances of getting skin cancer EXPONENTIALLY, tanning via these methods (or under the natural rays of the sun) ends up drying out your skin over time. If you're lucky enough not to end up with some form of skin cancer, you're most likely looking at freckles, wrinkles, and shoe-leather like skin.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
go for fake tan indefinite. Tanning beds gives you skin cancer and can age your skin alot even if you can't notice it. there's alot of great fake tans out there but I never used it so i cant really suggest which FT is the best one


Well-known member
I've used practically every self-tanner out there. They all leave that nasty DHA smell.. For a long time I was totally against tanning beds but now I do it all the time. Bad, i know!! but I just hate rubbing in the lotion and the sticky feeling. The ones that have the LEAST smell is Coppertone Gradual Tan, Famous Dave's Self tanner (you can get it on ebay, its really cheap and works well. Dries very quick) and Neutrogena MicroMist. You can also do Mystic Tan (gets you really tan but stinks) or airbrushing tan (expensive but you get the best look)


Well-known member
I'll put it to you the same way I put it to clients at work: the only safe tan is a fake tan. Tanning beds use the same UV rays that you would get in the sun, only artificially. If you're very pale, there's a good chance that you would burn before tanning, and your skin would be especially sensitive to the harms of tanning. If you simply just want a nice healthy glow, try a gradual self tanner. I agree with the posts above, they've come a long way.


Well-known member
I am a st trop addict but do use beds for a couple of weeks before I go on hols to adjust my skin beforehand


Well-known member
Have you tried the Mystic Tan? It is a spray on done at a tanning salon. And costs around $30. you aren't supposed to shower for 4-5 hours afterwards and the color is supposed to last longer than self tanners.


Well-known member
I have skin cancer. I'm 30 years old. I'm almost rid of it, but please, don't do tanning beds. I did. I'm not saying that's what caused my cancer. But, I'm sure it didn't help.


Well-known member
Not only are tanning beds small , and sort of .. coffin like (not to mention the skin damage) .. They are also filled with bacteria. . ew. your laying there in someone else's sweat. The spray they use to clean the beds.. HAH. have you ever watched a girl clean the bed.. "spray spray spray..wipe" done . that wont kill all that nastiness. Its gonna take a LOT more than a few sprays!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
As it is getting closer to summer time I am feeling more an more self concious of my pale skin! Everyone seems to be emerging with a beautiful tan :sun:and I'm feeling the need to follow suit. Problem is I find fake tanning lotions and sprays have a rather unpleasent 'curry' smell. I can't deal with it! And I am totally not up for tanning beds! I went into one for four minutes and it just made me feel super uncomfortable and closed in! Not to mention paranoid about getting cancer!
So what does every1 use to get that summer glow? Can any1 reccommend some face and body products that have a nice natural effect and last and build up each time you use them? :shrug:

I dont use anything...

All getting a tan does is give you wrinkles later in life. No thanks

When I do go to the beach I tend to use excessive amounts of sun block, so I dont tend to tan anyways. I dont mind being pale. I used to tan, but now, i'll keep my pale skin. I actually lightened up to the point where SFF NW15 is to dark for me, and was really happy about that.


New member
Ok even though I know it is bad for you I tan in beds. I hate the smell of lotions as well(yuck) I put sunscreen on my face and hands. If you don't want to do a tanning bed try the Mystic tan, or some new salon are offering the California Tan Spray tan (much better than Mystic but also more $) the only problem is,is if you are a big sweater than these will not last long for you at all because you sweat the color off onto your clothes. Well hope you find some answers.


Well-known member
Clarins makes awesome self-tanners! The smell of tanning lotions only lasts for an hour or so, but if it's really that intolerable try one of the buildable tanners - they have less color in them so it isn't as strong. You just use it every day for a week to build up to the color you want.

Don't go to the tanning beds! It's so preventable it's not even funny. Just like smoking - it's just asking for health problems.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't worry about tanning, but I urge you to use fake tanning stuff. I think Clinique or some of the higher-end brands make stuff that smells pleasant, like oranges or something citrusy.

I imagine if you go to a spray tanning salon or a place that does it that the scent is very pleasant.

I think of the neighbor woman from There's Something About Mary as to why I shouldn't tan. Also, tanning beds, if not cleaned properly, can house bacteria and such that give you all sorts of unpleasant things.


Well-known member
you should try lotions with bronzer in them for a temporary tan until your next shower.. i know a few summers ago.. victorias secret made a bronzing lotion you added to your regular lotion to give you a tanned look. its called beyond bronze. they discontinued that particular product but ebay still has them floating around.


Well-known member
Thanks for all the advice! I think I will steer clear of the tanning beds. It felt un natural the first time and I would rather be in the sun than on a fake artifically lit cancer giving bed. You guys are totally right! So now I just need to pick the best tanning lotion out of all that lot! Lol! I have tried Johnsons and Johnsons. That smelt of curry. I have also tried Ambre Solair spray on build up tan and that was nice but also smelt a bit odd. So I'm after the one that smells nicest....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Not only are tanning beds small , and sort of .. coffin like (not to mention the skin damage) .. They are also filled with bacteria. . ew. your laying there in someone else's sweat. The spray they use to clean the beds.. HAH. have you ever watched a girl clean the bed.. "spray spray spray..wipe" done . that wont kill all that nastiness. Its gonna take a LOT more than a few sprays!

The place where I used to go tanning had the spray and clean wipes in the room, I always cleaned the tanning bed myself before getting on it, just to be on the safe side.

Having said that, I don't tan anymore. I have very fair skin that burns easily, and I went tanning for one winter long, about 2 or sometimes 3 times a week. I wasn't like super brown, but my skin looked sunkissed. I loved how it looked, but it definitely took it's toll. I got a bunch of freckles all over my face...they did fade eventually when I stopped going tanning but I bet if you go all the time for a longer period, that sun damage will be permanent.

Unfortunately, my skin reacts negatively to those fake tan sprays, I get hives. So I've just accepted that my skin is pale, and I just won't look as tan as other people. In the summer I go tanning in the sun naturally, and that's enough for me. IMO, the negative side effects of tanning were not worth it.