Fashion Pet Peeves


When girls put the bottoms of their pants in their shoes (usually an ugg, something similiar with furballs attached or cowboy boots).


Well-known member
OK, here goes!

  • Guys who wear their trousers with their crotch around the knees for the authentic "convict" look
  • Burberry baseball caps
  • Any baseball cap worn backwards
  • Very large people who tuck their t-shirts into their trousers with a tight belt creating a monstrous gut overhang.
  • "Bling" jewellery
  • Thongs visible above the waistband - I was in a London restaurant a while back and a girl sitting opposite was displaying way too much thong and crack as she hung her derrière from the edge of her seat. Later I went to the toilets (restroom/bathroom for US readers) and as I opened the outer door there she was squatting in the middle of the floor in front of a full length mirror with her pants even further down. Bizarre!
  • Eyebrows plucked into oblivion
I'd better stop there for the moment!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sooz
When girls put the bottoms of their pants in their shoes (usually an ugg, something similiar with furballs attached or cowboy boots).

I do confess that sometimes I wear my jeans inside my knee-high leather boots (they're not Uggs or cowboy boots) - especially if it is raining. It stops the bottom of my jeans getting soaked.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Pink shirts on guys ppl! *runs away and hides*

I think it can look pretty good on some guys... if it's a dress shirt that is

Oh and I thought of one more thing I can't stand POP-COLLARS!!!!! I hate that..... I deffinitelly agree about the panty lines too. Ick.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AlliSwan
Oh. My. God.

Originally Posted by GreekChick

It could be worse - at least she's not hanging over her thong!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jude
3. Hmmm.. this might be a touchy one but here goes. I don't understand when women don't wear clothes appropriate for their body type. Now, I am not saying that if you have a little chunk on you that you shouldn't be stylish (I have a little chunk on me and think I do okay) but you will never see me running around in belly shirts and tight low rise jeans. When I see girls and ladies running around with their rolls hanging out, it just makes me cringe.

I agree. I try to focus on the fit of the clothes as opposed to the size. If it's all a weight/appearance issue in your mind, chances are that you'll look much slimmer in clothes that fit and flatter your body shape.

I guess the same can be said about shoes. Well, specifically open-toed or strappy ones... I used to work for a place that sold shoes and I would regularly get women who were a size 10 shoe try on and buy a size 7???! They thought that the smaller shoe would look more dainty and feminine. Umm.... no. It's gross when your toes are curled over the edge of your sandal and can touch the ground.


Well-known member
Tara, a "popped" collar is when you turn the collar of your shirt (usually a polo shirt) up. Just think of any Molly Ringwald movie of the 1980's.

My peeves:

1. Wearing clothes that don't fit you, regardless of body shape.

2. Pants with writing on the butt

3. Anything that exposes too much flesh - I'm talking boobs or cooch. I don't want to see your goodies, I have my own, thanks.

4. UGGs with short skirts. Ridiculous

5. Short skirts worn over leggings. Blech!

6. Leggings with 4 inch heels - it just says "I'm out on the ho stroll" to me.

7. Off the shoulder sweaters with your bra straps showing.

I'm sure I will think of others


Well-known member
1. stocking or socks with sandals it makes me absolutely ill.
2. fanny packs....why do people still wear these?
3. Men who wear highwaters with a belt and tuck there shirt in, so the pants come up to the middle of there chest oh god.


Active member
clothing that doesn't fit
shirts that say "mrs. timberlake" or w/e
shirts/pants that say "angel" "sexy" "cutie" etc..
uggs on top of sweat pants!!


the worst thing i ever saw was a tube top dress with uggs and a scarf. i actually just stopped and stared at this girl.

- those same color tracksuits, you look like a walking plum
- writing on the ass, its like giving everyone an excuse to look at it
- so many sparkles and sequins that if you shined a light on it you'd be a discoball
- looking like crap in sweats and messed up hair while carrying a designer bag
- i generally don't like clothing with sayings in big bold letters

also on the whole "clothes fitting" issue, i've always felt that you can be super thin, but if you've got rolls on the side of your jeans you'll look like a cow anyways. it's not worth it just to fit in a small size.


Well-known member
lol, you girls are too's mine, though some were mentioned...
-thongs are meant to be kept in your pants, ladies
-cheap "chinese-looking" slip-on shoes are hideous, especially with socks
-when corporate-looking woman flood in their "work pants" (i see this every morning on public transportation to work, EW)
-VPL, for sure
-tech vests, so 1999
-layering, only since your shirt over the little white tank top is too small
-those "baby girl", "angel", or "princess" tee shirts...can we say cheap
-and i have to agree, among others, that knock-offs are the worst. the mossimo line @ target has to be the epitome of this, it's like his line is a cheaper version of what was out 2 years ago, totally copies every other brand

god i'm a bitch, sorry if i sound horrible...i guess i just think about this a LOT, <3


Well-known member
-thong exposure
- ill fitting clothes, take them to a seamstress, please
- too small clothes, it only emphasizes the persons size. A proper fit would actually make you look thinner
- tee's with messages, No one but Demi should be wearing a shirt that says "Mrs. Kutcher"
-shoes that are not appropriate for the rest of the outfit
-Girls who wear the wrong bra size, it is so obvious from the outside. My SIL is so guilty of this. She is probably a DD or E cup naturally, but only buys whatever is the largest size at Victoria's Secret. She looks very stuffed in her clothing, and has
uni-boob frequently
-too short pants


Well-known member
-Guys wearing long tees.
-Guys wearing pink tees.
-Girls how have their thong showing. You wouldn't believe how many times in class I'm forced to see someone's thong.
-I HATE HATE HATE those big jumbo glasses that everyone is wearing nowadays. Especially when people with small heads wear it, they just end up looking like an unattractive alien.


New member
~ugly painted eyebrows
~ugg boots and a skirt
~sweats, messy hair and a fancy hand bag
~hair the same cocor of your skin
~the poof hairdoo
~fat girls who wear small skimpy clothing

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