Originally Posted by fireatwill
Sorry girl, I don't mean to insult you, just sharing my point of view on emo kids
but thats guy on the flick is a tottal turn off on me... I mean total...
Specially the way he placed his hand on the second one with the tight ass pants with the boxers stiking out and the belly shirt.... eerggrkk
it just like a girl with a thong stiking out....
I guess I'm old fashion...
I love beards, hair, muscles and hard labor... A MAN!!!! lol

MmMMmMM just like wolverine in the X-men movies

I'm so atracted to beards then when ever one of my ex's shaved I'd be so pissed at him... I wouldnt do anything lol
But when I say beard, Im talking in a clean way, not oussama bin laden look.... you know...