Favorite Disney Movies?


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Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
The original story of Aladdin is from the 1001 Nights book which was told by a Persian Queen (Shahrzad) to his King (Shahryar) so she'll entertain him at night and prevent him from killing her. The original story of Aladdin narrated by Shahrzad was based in China. The Disney version happens in Iraq of today, which makes Jasmine an Arabian Princess (rather than a Persian one). Jasmine is absolutely gorgeous

I'm very passionate about the 1001 Nights obviousely as I am Persian. I wish Disney made another one of the stories into a movie, maybe Ali Baba? The lead female in that story is a very sexy character...

Ah, I knew it was one of the 1001 Nights stories but I didn't know it was set in China...and I didn't know that the Disney "Agrabah" is Iraq...I just sort of gave a guess, sorry! Present-day Iran was Persia at some point, right? And have you seen either of the Aladdin sequels? (They probably totally screwed up the story, but the "40 Thieves" make an appearance in the 3rd Aladdin movie).

Oh, has anyone seen any sequels? The only ones I feel are any good are *sort-of* The Lion King 2 (it has some pretty good songs, though not nearly as good as most Disney soundtracks) and actually BOTH of the Aladdin sequels. I know a lot of people think Return of Jafar is the one exception to the sequels-are-terrible rule, but the production values went WAY down in that one, even I can tell the animation isn't very good (and I know very little about animation). That, and, while Dan Castellaneta did a good job of filling in for Robin Williams, Liz Callaway (who replaced Lea Salonga as the singing voice of Jasmine) really wasn't very good. Still, it was a good movie, though not as good as the original.
For the 3rd one (Aladdin & the King of Thieves) the production values went WAY up (probably because Robin Williams came back), and Liz Callaway did a much better job of singing for Jasmine. I think they gave Robin Williams a little bit too much free rein...BUT John Rhys-Davies (I know he's done a TON of stuff, Victor/Victoria...but I suppose most notably-lately--Gimli in LOTR) is Cassim (Aladdin's dad); and Jerry Orbach (who I LOVE! I wish he was still alive...he was the father in Dirty Dancing, Detective Briscoe in Law & Order...but ALSO the voice of Lumiere in Beauty & the Beast, and was on Broadway in Chicago, Annie Get Your Gun, and The Fantasticks--and more--in his younger days) is Sa'luk, the villain. (I AM a musicals freak, and I am an instant fan of any actor who can sing without being mostly auto-tuned.) He doesn't do any singing in the 3rd movie, but I find it funny that Lumiere is also Sa'luk.
And then there's Pocahontas 2--OH, I'm missing that one! Pocahontas! Sorry guys! Well, Pocahontas...there's another story that's been Disney-ized, but there are good things about it--Mel Gibson as John Smith is a pretty darn good singer!...and it shows even more when they re-released it with "If I Never Knew You" added back in (well, the pop version already plays during the credits, but it wasn't actually in the movie until they re-released the whatever anniversary DVD edition...)...and I really really like the duet love song that plays at the end/credits of Pocahontas 2, "Between Two Worlds." (It's Billy Zane singing, apparently! At least according to the credits...he's pretty good, too! And holding his own with Judy Kuhn, which is pretty impressive).

Okay, now that I've bored you all with tons of trivia....

Anybody like the sequels? Hate them? Anybody like/dislike the added songs (the other one I know of: "Human Again" in Beauty and the Beast)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kayley123
Um...can you tell I know way too much about Disney movies? And musicals?

yes but we love you for it!
we can be disney geeks together!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
yes but we love you for it!
we can be disney geeks together!

Awww, thank you!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by kayley123
Ah, I knew it was one of the 1001 Nights stories but I didn't know it was set in China...and I didn't know that the Disney "Agrabah" is Iraq...I just sort of gave a guess, sorry! Present-day Iran was Persia at some point, right? And have you seen either of the Aladdin sequels? (They probably totally screwed up the story, but the "40 Thieves" make an appearance in the 3rd Aladdin movie).

lol, no worries
there's always confusion with the "1001 Nights" as it's also called the "Arabian Nights". The stories were told by a Persian Princess but at the time Persian Empire (current day Iran as you guessed) was under Arab occupation and hence all books had to be written in Arabic instead of Persian.

I know I watched the sequels too and I saw how the 40 Thieves randomly appear lol! I really want an Ali Baba movie though, that'd be awesome! I'm not generally a fan of sequels. I'm glad they didn't do one for Beauty and the Beast, it would totally ruined that movie for me. Look what happened to Shrek!! They did like 20 sequels for it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
lol, no worries
there's always confusion with the "1001 Nights" as it's also called the "Arabian Nights". The stories were told by a Persian Princess but at the time Persian Empire (current day Iran as you guessed) was under Arab occupation and hence all books had to be written in Arabic instead of Persian.

I know I watched the sequels too and I saw how the 40 Thieves randomly appear lol! I really want an Ali Baba movie though, that'd be awesome! I'm not generally a fan of sequels. I'm glad they didn't do one for Beauty and the Beast, it would totally ruined that movie for me. Look what happened to Shrek!! They did like 20 sequels for it

Heh I actually liked Shrek 2 more than Shrek (less gross-out humor); but I agree...though they DID do Beauty & the Beast: An Enchanted Christmas which I never saw because it's ridiculous...the Beast is still a Beast, so it must happen somewhere within Beauty & the Beast (a movie in the middle of the movie?). Then again, the Aladdin TV series must happen somewhere in between the movies...and in the Little Mermaid TV series, Ariel's still a mermaid, so all of those have to be prequels to the movie itself. (I realize it wouldn't be much of a series if she wasn't still a mermaid, and stuff like that, but its still a little funny).
I'm not bothering to see Shrek 3 or 4 or whatever they're up to now.


Well-known member
i remember watching those aladdin cartoons and little mermaid ones on staurday mornings on tv!
as a kid i loved them. but at work we have the disney channel and we watch them and they're pretty terrible. they even have lilo and stich ones


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kayley123
It would be so perfect to go with the Villains Collection but I kinda doubt they'd give it to us right away. I think they might do one eventually though (...anniversary?...why am I already thinking ahead to 2011?????)

HAHA yesss I would LOVE for that! hehes. OMG i love Disney! who doesn't!


Well-known member
my absolute fave of all time is

Sleeping Beauty : I just loved the story and Maleficent was to me the best villain ever, she was creepy and kind of pretty, powerful and c'mon a dragon! Aurora was everything good and sweet and Prince Phillip was a major hottie. I loved the fairies and I used to twirl around my room with my ken doll singing "i know you..i walked with you once upon a dream....."

the little mermaid : the first time i watched a cartoon called the little mermaid was when i was pretty young and it was closer to the original hans christen anderson story..with the mermaid named marina and in the end she jumps off a boat or something..
ANYHOO...yea so when the disney one came out i was scared to watch it hahaha thought she was going to die! but the soundtrack was awesome, the characters were so fun and this is just a classic i love love love it.

Aladdin cause jasmin was so beautiful and i loved the story..I am a big reader and was awed by the 'Arabian Nights' stories also and was so excited that this story was made into a movie.

Robin Hood
again being a reader seeing stories ive actually loved and enjoyed brought to the screen was always a big thing for me. i used to have a crush on this particular robin hood, being a fox and all..love is blind people!!! especially to a 7/8 yr old!

Alice in Wonderland again read the story loved the cartoon..this was one of the first ones besides the Ichobod Crain one that scared the crap out of me as a kid. It was so wierd but I couldnt stop watching.

The Journey of Natty Gann....OMG! loved this so much! and John Cusak, heelllloooo!

cause i loved to sing and dance!

also in my top faves are Mulan, Toy Story, Hercules, Pirates of the Carribean, Peter Pan and Sword in the Stone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
my absolute fave of all time is

Sleeping Beauty : I just loved the story and Maleficent was to me the best villain ever, she was creepy and kind of pretty, powerful and c'mon a dragon! Aurora was everything good and sweet and Prince Phillip was a major hottie. I loved the fairies and I used to twirl around my room with my ken doll singing "i know you..i walked with you once upon a dream....."

the little mermaid : the first time i watched a cartoon called the little mermaid was when i was pretty young and it was closer to the original hans christen anderson story..with the mermaid named marina and in the end she jumps off a boat or something..
ANYHOO...yea so when the disney one came out i was scared to watch it hahaha thought she was going to die! but the soundtrack was awesome, the characters were so fun and this is just a classic i love love love it.

Aladdin cause jasmin was so beautiful and i loved the story..I am a big reader and was awed by the 'Arabian Nights' stories also and was so excited that this story was made into a movie.

Alice in Wonderland again read the story loved the cartoon..this was one of the first ones besides the Ichobod Crain one that scared the crap out of me as a kid. It was so wierd but I couldnt stop watching.

^ It's like you took all of this out of my head! I have eerily similar tastes and reasons that the above are some of my favorites. Perhaps because I've also always been a big reader and read Hans Christen Anderson, Arabian Nights, and Lewis Caroll as a kid.

I would have to add Fantasia for me... but maybe because I use to put it on in the background and fall asleep and I was a bit of an orchestra geek

I also voted for Beauty and the Beast. The music! I've never gotten over how beautiful the ceiling when the dance begins is... most beautiful animation I had seen at that age.


Well-known member
Pirates of the Caribbean! I do love the first one! (2 and 3.....not so much.)

I really love the animation style of Sleeping Beauty...that weird Pre-Renaissance style is awesome; and so different from anything else they did...


Well-known member
yes pirates is awesome! i did quite enjoy the 2nd one but the 3rd was very poor in comparison to the 1st. i'm not sure if i want to see the 4th when it's been made!


Well-known member
^^ITA, I enjoyed the 2nd one (not nearly as much as the 1st though), and couldn't sit through the 3rd.

The first Pirates would definitely be my most recent favorite, especially of the live-action variety.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
my absolute fave of all time is

Sleeping Beauty : I just loved the story and Maleficent was to me the best villain ever, she was creepy and kind of pretty, powerful and c'mon a dragon! Aurora was everything good and sweet and Prince Phillip was a major hottie. I loved the fairies and I used to twirl around my room with my ken doll singing "i know you..i walked with you once upon a dream....."


I thought I was the only one obsessed with Prince Philip!
So Sleeping Beauty is my favorite because her prince is my favorite and she has blonde hair, I had a thing for blonde hair when I was little...
But my favorite non-princess movie was Alice in Wonderland, again with the blonde hair but she had those yummy looking cookies and drinks!


Well-known member
Yay Disney movies!

1. Aladdin - LOVE. Aladdin was my first crush, haha!
2. Beauty & the Beast
3. Sleeping Beauty
4. The Lion King
5. Sleeping Beauty
6. The Little Mermaid
7. Oliver & Company

I was never a fan of Snow White.. as a child I thought she was a wuss and needed to stand up for herself! My sister & I loved Belle & Jasmine because they were feisty and knew what they wanted for themselves.
I've actually been having a Disney fest the past couple of weeks since my boyfriend returned to the Bahamas. He's never seen a Disney movie! Crazy. I've watched all of the above, except The Lion King, which I haven't found at the dvd store yet. I did however comfort myself by pulling out the soundtrack - I still have the same one I've had since I was 6. My sister, brother & I used to dance around the lounge with lion tails on blasting it. Because we are cool. I still know all the words off by heart... glad that didn't come out at my 21st!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sinergy
Alice in Wonderland again read the story loved the cartoon..this was one of the first ones besides the Ichobod Crain one that scared the crap out of me as a kid. It was so wierd but I couldnt stop watching.

If I had to pick two, it would be these 2! I love Ichabod and Alice in Wonderland is a masterpiece.


Well-known member
just asked hubby to see what his fave disney is.... after half an hour of thought he said it was the jungle book
closely followed by the lion king and aladdin


Well-known member
No order here...
Little Mermaid
Lion King
Beauty and the Beast (I saw other versions before this came out and was so scared her dad would die in the end!!)
Peter Pan - I LOVE Peter Pan, i loved it more as I got older

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