Originally Posted by LMD84
see i'm not a big fan of the jungle book.... not sure why. i don't like the songs and i'm not that into the storyline either...
Aw...I love the songs...especially "Bare Necessities," "I Wanna Be Like You," and "Colonel Hathi's March." I dunno why, I just do!
But hey, different strokes...
Originally Posted by kiss
I love Ariel too, it's just so hard to pick! I love mermaids and often dreamed I was one as a kid, even now! haha I love the scene in Ariel where the french cook is preparing the food and the lobster is trying to get away. hilarious!
I remember I used to be neighbours with this family with 2 girls whom they home-schooled. They were very nice people but I think she was a bit too protective of them. She told me they weren't allowed to watch tv, and I was like well what about disney movies? in which she replied that they are all terrible. I was in shock.
...? They're all terrible? How would she know they're terrible unless she saw them?...I mean, I understand how some TV can be bad for impressionable young minds, but...
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
Thumbelina was Warner Brothers. I always thought of it as a Disney too until I found out a few years ago it wasn't.
Aristocrats! That also reminds me of my love for Lady and the Tramp. I never really thought of myself as a Disney lover... but it seems I can't get away from loving the movies I grew up with.
Oh, Thumbelina...silly Warner Brothers trying to compete with Disney...I mean, they had Looney Tunes and Animaniacs, but...
I think you meant the AristoCATS