Feel like Crying...A Proud Cry

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Jews have a history of slavery and civil rights issues, as well. I don't think it matters were injustices occur (America v. Europe). It doesn't make them any less or more important.

I never said that they were. In fact, I believe I implied the exact opposite.

I'm just pointing out the fact that not everyone speaks on racial issues from a global POV, so getting up in arms about someone making a comment on how someone feels about their own racial history is not necessary.

I understand that people from all ethnicities have been scrutinized, and still are. The point being made pertains to grand scale active enslavement and oppression, which happened to certain ethnicities in particular.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
....I'm just pointing out the fact that not everyone speaks on racial issues from a global POV, so getting up in arms about someone making a comment on how someone feels about their own racial history is not necessary. .....

Just as you say that you are "pointing out" certain facts, I am too. Don't confuse me expressing my point of view with "getting up in arms". We are all entitled to our opinions.

Respectfully, I do not need anyone to deem if my point of view is "necessary". If I or anyone else here wishes to express their opinion and can do it politely, that's good enough.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Just as you say that you are "pointing out" certain facts, I am too. Don't confuse me expressing my point of view with "getting up in arms". We are all entitled to our opinions.

Respectfully, I do not need anyone to deem if my point of view is "necessary". If I or anyone else here wishes to express their opinion and can do it politely, that's good enough.

Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions and we can all express them, and I felt that yours was misguided. That's all.

It's just going to go in circles, let's move on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
...I felt that yours was misguided.....

Yeah, it wasn't. Sure, let's move on.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I never said that they were. In fact, I believe I implied the exact opposite.

I'm just pointing out the fact that not everyone speaks on racial issues from a global POV, so getting up in arms about someone making a comment on how someone feels about their own racial history is not necessary.

I understand that people from all ethnicities have been scrutinized, and still are. The point being made pertains to grand scale active enslavement and oppression, which happened to certain ethnicities in particular.

I am in NO WAY trying to start a fight here- just want to merely point out that I do believe almost every single person who takes a US history class in high school in the United States learns about the Holocaust, etc. I understand it being a Global POV but in living in a country that is so activally involved globaly I think it is necessary to keep our eyes open and- if taught growing up in this country- of things that go on globaly, to not exclude such when we group them into a category of racism.

We tend to forget sometimes that our country is very young in comparrisson
The importance we put on our history is minimal in comparisson to the history of the world and of other countries. Not trying to diminish what has gone on in this country. Bad is bad. No argueing there! But I think sometimes people forget that just because they live in this country- doesnt mean that there hasnt been just as bad, or worse things that have happened in other countries. We're all people, right?
Why limit things to one country or another, or one time period or another?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Jews have a history of slavery and civil rights issues, as well. I don't think it matters were injustices occur (America v. Europe). It doesn't make them any less or more important.

I don't know that anyone thought of Jews first. I just saw a post (see below) that seemed to imply that no other group had difficulty like "OURS". I think that is incorrect.

Jews were called names. Jews were made fun of for physical charecteristics. That is just one example that came to my mind. Cleary, it is not the only one. A lot of minorities faced injustices in the past: Asians, Native Americans, Middle Eastern ethnicities. Think about the great immigration. You were ostracized and discriminated against for being Irish, or German or Catholic.

I saw this interview with Morgan Freeman on 60 Minutes and I think his attitude towards the issue of race is genius: YouTube - Morgan Freeman on Race and Black History Month

Mac Whore I agree with your statement, and I love Morgan Freeman, and now even more. Its true!! I hate "hispanic history month" well not hate it, but I find it unnessesary.

And if it comes down to it, everyone has faced descrimination, racism and prejudice one way or another.


Well-known member
Special thanks go out to the Specktra Staff member for moving the thread to the Deep Thoughts section. Your prompt attention in this matter was deeply appreciated.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
That comment is clearly directed at one poster in this thread and there is no need to assume that she is uneducated because she holds a different view from you. Please refrain from calling names.

My statements were directed to several people.

There is no assumption made, only the ridiculousness pointed out. That is all. This thread has already been allowed to be ruined from its original intent, hence no need or interest for me in coming back in here after this post.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
I am in NO WAY trying to start a fight here- just want to merely point out that I do believe almost every single person who takes a US history class in high school in the United States learns about the Holocaust, etc. I understand it being a Global POV but in living in a country that is so activally involved globaly I think it is necessary to keep our eyes open and- if taught growing up in this country- of things that go on globaly, to not exclude such when we group them into a category of racism.

We tend to forget sometimes that our country is very young in comparrisson
The importance we put on our history is minimal in comparisson to the history of the world and of other countries. Not trying to diminish what has gone on in this country. Bad is bad. No argueing there! But I think sometimes people forget that just because they live in this country- doesnt mean that there hasnt been just as bad, or worse things that have happened in other countries. We're all people, right?
Why limit things to one country or another, or one time period or another?

As I've already stated, I understand this, but not everyone does; which is why I noted that the choice of words is probably based off of the fact that not everyone thinks of things from a global POV.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nox
My statements were directed to several people.

There is no assumption made, only the ridiculousness pointed out. That is all. This thread has already been allowed to be ruined from its original intent, hence no need or interest for me in coming back in here after this post.

I agree, and I'm following your lead.

Discussing race on Specktra is like being trapped in a revolving door.


Well-known member
^^^^ Verrrrrrrrry true :)

And I totally know that you undersrtand it.... trust me, we're on the same page- I was just adding to what you were saying =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I think it's safe to assume that she's speaking about the United States. Even so, there are some Native Americans who would disagree with her statement. I don't really like how everyone thinks of Jews first, in this type of argument. I'm not saying that respecting the history of the Jews is less important, but clearly when we speak of slavery and civil rights issues, we're talking about the U.S., not Europe.



Well-known member
I completely understand why Obama's nomination is such a huge deal..but I wish it wasn't. I wish that it was completely normal, and something to not even bat an eyelash over. I wish that the idea of a black President was just as mundane and expected as a white one. I hate that it has taken so long for such an opportunity to come about, and I hate that in 2008, it's a big deal that a black man is running for president, because I think it should have happened long before now. Does that make sense? I'm really trying to word myself correctly so as not to offend anyone. I think that Obama has paved the way for a change that should have happened long before now, and I applaud him on many of his campaign positions. As a white female and as a Canadian, I can't say that I understand the pride black people feel to see Obama nominated, but I can say that ANY kind of discrimination makes me ill, and that I appreciate reading the OP's heartwarming post.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I think it's safe to assume that she's speaking about the United States. Even so, there are some Native Americans who would disagree with her statement. I don't really like how everyone thinks of Jews first, in this type of argument. I'm not saying that respecting the history of the Jews is less important, but clearly when we speak of slavery and civil rights issues, we're talking about the U.S., not Europe.

M.A.C. head, I understand you...
& I am a Jewish-born, American-born woman.

I think the main problem with this thread is it sooo strayed from the intent of the original poster. She was Full of Joy and wanted to express it. What has happened here probably happens in any group dynamics,
but I find it sad.

Benzito_714, I care about you,
and I'm so grateful you wrote your emotional, Enlightening post.
Much love to you, benzito_714, and I *know*
many other people send you love, too.

When you first posted, I felt so much Joy for *you,* as well as for
how you expressed your feelings. I feel the same way now.

You put your Heart right out there...

I wish I hadn't posted earlier in this thread, or had posted differently...
Much of the ensuing discussion has been unarguably important...
But much of the discussion could have taken place in *another* thread.

HeartVibes to benzito_714, and to everybody.




Well-known member
To kindly go back to the original point of this thread....

Did anyone catch this woman's story on CNN?
106-year-old voter shares hopes, secrets - CNN.com

It made me smile.
Pretty amazing that she is finally able to vote for a black man to be president, as when she was growing up, blacks (and women) were not even able to vote. She never thought she'd see it in her liftime, but now at the age of 106 it may become a reality. She cast her ballot during early voting. Bless her heart.
I really do hope she is able to see it happen.

I know some may be opposed to race being an "issue", but to some it is, case-in-point, for whatever reason. It would be wonderful if it wasn't.. if the history of this country was drastically different and race wasn't given a second thought, but that is not reality unfortunately. And I echo what revinn said a few posts ago. It's about time, and it should not have taken this long. But I am glad most of the country has removed their heads from their collective arse and has gotten to this point. I am not African-american myself, so as revinn also said, I cannot personally identify with the pride that is shared by you all, but I am excited for our country if he is elected. I think he would make a great leader.