Feel like Crying...A Proud Cry


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Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Oh I completely agree- without being realistic and educated there is NO way one can defend themself in this day in age. I think being educated is exactly what everyone in this country needs in order to progress past the "ignorance" or rascism.

Im going to say something- and I do not want ANYONE to get offended- because i do not mean it in an offensive way what-so-ever. I am not rascist... I more than anything believe in the equality of blacks and ANY colored americans. With that being said... I think one of the issues here than some people are getting upset about- and another thing kimmy meant by "for better or worse" is this:

If you (and by you i do not mean anyone as an individual on this board and im not directing this towards anyone in particular) expect me to treat you as an equal... if you expect respect as an equal from me- then I expect you to treat yourself as an equal. I expect you to look at yourself as a colored (whatever color that may be) american and an EQUAL to EVERYONE else in this country. I dont believe that you should have any extras or any thing taken away from you just because you are black, yellow, brown..whatever you may be.

I also think thats what was meant by "respective victims.".... if minorities dont stop looking soley at the past and agonizing over it and playing the "victim card" (and by this i mean women as well.. im talking ALL minorities) then how do you expect EVERYONE ELSE to treat you as an equal????

Yes, past was hard for MANY minorities in this country... yes it was a dark, evil past that i am NOT proud of... but for CHANGE.. for the exact change kimmy and obama are talking about- then everyone needs to start respecting themselves and becoming more independent and stop relying on race as an excuse.

What do you mean by race as an excuse? I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you but honestly, you sound so out of touch. On one hand you want people to move and 'WE ALL SHOULD GET ALONG", but then you say stop using race as an excuse. I'm an educated black woman that owns her own home and car and makes a very good salary. I pay taxes, do charity work and is very active in my community and all that aside when I walk into a so -called upscale store or establishment none of that matters, I'm still just another black woman whos going to be followed around to make sure I'm not touching or stealing anything. Before u tell people of color to get over it, make sure ur telling White people to get over it too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Oh I completely agree- without being realistic and educated there is NO way one can defend themself in this day in age. I think being educated is exactly what everyone in this country needs in order to progress past the "ignorance" or rascism.

Im going to say something- and I do not want ANYONE to get offended- because i do not mean it in an offensive way what-so-ever. I am not rascist... I more than anything believe in the equality of blacks and ANY colored americans. With that being said... I think one of the issues here than some people are getting upset about- and another thing kimmy meant by "for better or worse" is this:

If you (and by you i do not mean anyone as an individual on this board and im not directing this towards anyone in particular) expect me to treat you as an equal... if you expect respect as an equal from me- then I expect you to treat yourself as an equal. I expect you to look at yourself as a colored (whatever color that may be) american and an EQUAL to EVERYONE else in this country. I dont believe that you should have any extras or any thing taken away from you just because you are black, yellow, brown..whatever you may be.

I also think thats what was meant by "respective victims.".... if minorities dont stop looking soley at the past and agonizing over it and playing the "victim card" (and by this i mean women as well.. im talking ALL minorities) then how do you expect EVERYONE ELSE to treat you as an equal????

Yes, past was hard for MANY minorities in this country... yes it was a dark, evil past that i am NOT proud of... but for CHANGE.. for the exact change kimmy and obama are talking about- then everyone needs to start respecting themselves and becoming more independent and stop relying on race as an excuse.

Just to let you know, No one has given me a thing, everything I have I worked for,from tuition to career to down payment for my home and car. That's the type of AMERICAN DREAM the OP and OBAMA feels like crying for. I didn't need to play the so-called "COLORED" card.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AdlersMommy22
Oh I completely agree- without being realistic and educated there is NO way one can defend themself in this day in age. I think being educated is exactly what everyone in this country needs in order to progress past the "ignorance" or rascism.

Im going to say something- and I do not want ANYONE to get offended- because i do not mean it in an offensive way what-so-ever. I am not rascist... I more than anything believe in the equality of blacks and ANY colored americans. With that being said... I think one of the issues here than some people are getting upset about- and another thing kimmy meant by "for better or worse" is this:

If you (and by you i do not mean anyone as an individual on this board and im not directing this towards anyone in particular) expect me to treat you as an equal... if you expect respect as an equal from me- then I expect you to treat yourself as an equal. I expect you to look at yourself as a colored (whatever color that may be) american and an EQUAL to EVERYONE else in this country. I dont believe that you should have any extras or any thing taken away from you just because you are black, yellow, brown..whatever you may be.

I also think thats what was meant by "respective victims.".... if minorities dont stop looking soley at the past and agonizing over it and playing the "victim card" (and by this i mean women as well.. im talking ALL minorities) then how do you expect EVERYONE ELSE to treat you as an equal????

Yes, past was hard for MANY minorities in this country... yes it was a dark, evil past that i am NOT proud of... but for CHANGE.. for the exact change kimmy and obama are talking about- then everyone needs to start respecting themselves and becoming more independent and stop relying on race as an excuse.

No I dont find you offensive. Well if we hadnt looked solely at the past we wouldnt have gained respect enough to be looked at as respective individuals, because we sure werent getting it prior(different drinking fountains). It took a whole lot of a**kicking for black people today to get the respect we have, which in part is due to looking at our past. Also you can think of yourself as an equal but that doesnt mean others will. Besides the "white is right and if youre black you better get back" mentality of yesteryear a good example of that follows:
When I was little (living back in TN). I felt just fine about who I was my mom dressed me nice neatly combed hair etc. etc. Yet one day when I went outside to play a white girl around my age was outside as well. For whatever reason(well I shouldnt say whatever reason, she wanted to try me) she wanted to cut throught the grass right where I was playing instead of going around which there was plenty open space. She yells "move along with some other things". Although I was I was only 10 I gave her a reply which made her never try that ish again. My point being sure I though of myself as an equal but she didnt(too bad for her)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
Before u tell people of color to get over it, make sure ur telling White people to get over it too!

Thats what I was getting at. All the times Ive been around white groups or just an individual they usually bring up race. Everything from "hey baby ever been with a white guy" to "can you all tan"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PMBG83
Exactly. Its still around its just "hush hush" and PC. Although sometimes you catch people slipping and see what they really think or want to say. Which in particular I was never one for someone who is racist to pretend they werent around me, come on out with it so I know who Im dealing with dont be "PC" about. Because I want to keep my attentions on you at all times.

for the most part, As long as I can go to work everyday and make my living and get my 'equal protection under the law' I could give a gawd damn about someone elses issue about me or my race.
But you never know right.. you never know if that person you describe ends up being your boss .. who has biased ideas about how they think 'black people act' or what 'black people think'
I see it all the time ... a guy came in for an interview a very feminine gay white guy .. the majority of the men here straight white males, saw him as 'not fitting in' ohh the guy is a genius .. he's very smart... but i don't think he'd fit in here... I spoke up on the guys behalf but .. needless to say he didn't get the job.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
But isnt having an African American president/candidate proof that things CAN change and that race doesnt always have to be an issue?? Things are only getting better, so arguing about who's race had it worse is silly.....its right in front of our eyes that things are changing for the better.

I don't think anyone denies that we are making some progress.Although I've been reading that hate groups have had an increase in membership since Obama won the nod... so we're making progress on SOME levels
whether or not things are changing for the better... I'll say... on SOME levels. really depends on your socio economic status.


Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001

I wanted to make that clear so that nobody walks away talking about 'them' or 'they' or how 'they' think

Them, They and all the above don't make it as large an issue and aren't as vocal as others. Some do but the majority of them don't.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShugAvery2001
for the most part, As long as I can go to work everyday and make my living and get my 'equal protection under the law' I could give a gawd damn about someone elses issue about me or my race.
But you never know right.. you never know if that person you describe ends up being your boss .. who has biased ideas about how they think 'black people act' or what 'black people think'
I see it all the time ... a guy came in for an interview a very feminine gay white guy .. the majority of the men here straight white males, saw him as 'not fitting in' ohh the guy is a genius .. he's very smart... but i don't think he'd fit in here... I spoke up on the guys behalf but .. needless to say he didn't get the job.

Well yes thats what I was getting at as far as the "watch them issue". Do I care in general if they like me...heck no. But are they someone that is going to have some influence over some sanction of my life. Or heck just a co worker that sees another male cowoker of her race flirt me etc. and decides to start spreading office rumors because she doesnt like black women and blah blah skippy.


Well-known member
I would just like to repeat my original sentiment …I send out my positive thoughts and support to benzito_714, as one human being to another, as one woman to another, as one Specktra member to another (and hope that I got out of your message what you intended).
The poster was speaking of her personal feelings and that is what I was responding to.
I don't believe she meant to spark debate but only to express emotion and happiness about something which is important to her personally in her life and has had an affect on her and her family. I wish people could take her post the way that I believe it was intended and just be happy for her that she is happy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
What do you mean by race as an excuse? I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you but honestly, you sound so out of touch. On one hand you want people to move and 'WE ALL SHOULD GET ALONG", but then you say stop using race as an excuse. I'm an educated black woman that owns her own home and car and makes a very good salary. I pay taxes, do charity work and is very active in my community and all that aside when I walk into a so -called upscale store or establishment none of that matters, I'm still just another black woman whos going to be followed around to make sure I'm not touching or stealing anything. Before u tell people of color to get over it, make sure ur telling White people to get over it too!

You aren't being disrespectfull-- and this is what i was afraid of. I totally understand what you mean by saying- tell white people to get over it too- what im saying is exactly the opposite. Im not meaning this towards ALL people of color... which is exactly why i said this wasn't directed towards any one in particular. But you know just as well as i do that there are people in ANY minority (NOT JUST BLACKS!!!) who play that "poor me, im a minority" card. Im saying that if ANYONE of a minority expects others to treat them as an equal.. or "get over it"... then they need to respect themselves enough to look at themselves as an equal.. i KNOW that this statement does not encompass allllll people of color or minority... but for a select group of people who act that way- it does. And it's annoying and it makes it harder for EVERYONE to move on from rascism.... Thats what i mean by "race wouldnt be such a big issue if people always didnt MAKE it an issue" I commend you for doing so well for yourself- but I honestly believe (and maybe im being naive) that anyone in this country should be able to stand up and make a better life for themselves regardless of their circumstances. It can be done. I think you're an amazing role model for anyone- especially young women. And I most certainly wasn't referring to all black women or people, so im sorry if that's how you took it.


Well-known member
Benzito, I want to thank you for this post. I am sorry that your positive post to express your happiness for this very important time in history that effects our lives has turned into something else. But rest assured there are others that feel just as you feel.

As for those that have in so many words said “get over the race issue” how can we? We all deal with it every day. For example the OP did not mean this to be an issue of black or white but yet some of you have turned it to just that. So you tell me how are we to get over it?

Race is a very important thing in this country and in other countries too. It is very unfortunate but it is a fact of life and is one that we will continue to face every day of our lives. Maybe in future generations this will not be a problem anymore (I really do dream of that day) but it will not be in our life time. It is our responsibility as adults to teach future generations that we are all one people under god but you have to remember we are only human and bound to make mistakes.

The fact that Obama is black is a very big deal. Why? Because in the history of the United States a black person has never ever come this close to being in the White House. Whether you like it or not, it is a FACT. There is no other way around it.

It is also a big deal that Hilary Clinton was running for the same seat because in the history of this country not one woman has held that seat and at one point in time women couldn’t even vote.

It will be the same if anyone from any other background that is not of White American background, or if a woman actually makes it to be President, even if a gay person makes it to the big white house just a couple of miles from where I sit. IT WILL BE A BIG DEAL, plain and simple.

It is fantastic and exhilarating that a minority has a chance in hell to become the President of this country because to me that means we are finally moving forward, we are finally not just looking at the persons skin color, religion, etc we are finally looking at what this person can do for our country now and its future. We are finally learning from history and we are finally making our ancestors proud because they fought very hard for this day.

So please do not turn this into something that is not. This is not a war of the races, or who suffered more, this is a time to celebrate and embrace the positive changes that are finally taking place in this great country that can be even greater.

As my great grandmother said with tears in her eyes when Obama won the nomination “This country is finally growing up”.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KittieSparkles

As my great grandmother said with tears in her eyes when Obama won the nomination “This country is finally growing up”.

Yes! This moment is monumental and it is inspiring. From Obama getting the nomination to the way Michelle Obama looks at him to how beautiful their kids are. In a day where political scandal ranges from extortion to extra-marital affairs it is refreshing to see a strong family structure.


Well-known member
Honestly, I would just hope that we can all be proud to be American,whether we're black, white, green, aquamarine... because we are the generation writing a new chapter in our country's history. I am and always have been proud of being American and all of the great things this country and her people have done, no matter their color or gender. I hope we can keep progressing and make changes so that a thread as innocent as this one started and other topics like it, become obsolete.


Well-known member
Well yes Im proud to be an American and proud of those who helped shape it in addtion to being extremely proud to be an African American...nicely put whittt.


Well-known member
I'm not even going to comment on the debates and twists and turns this thread has taken. There's no point.

The only thing I have to say is that I am Black and I cannot even articulate how I feel about Barack Obama being the democratic nominee for president. Many have tried and many have failed. I thought I might see a black person is the White House in my lifetime but I expected to be my parents' age. At 28, I NEVER thought this would even be close to a reality. It's HISTORIC. It's MONUMENTAL. That is a FACT. No one can ever take that away.



Well-known member
Thanks benzito for such a great post. What a wonderful time in history, it's truly monumental! I'm so excited that Barack has made it this far, and I believe he is a beacon for true change in this country!


Well-known member
Dang, whether you agree with her or not, let her be happy. It is a milestone. I'd be pissed if I wanted to express my happiness and it was taken away from me like this. I genuinely love everyone on here, but this didn't seem like a thread that was really open for any "debate". JMO.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
Dang, whether you agree with her or not, let her be happy. It is a milestone. I'd be pissed if I wanted to express my happiness and it was taken away from me like this. I genuinely love everyone on here, but this didn't seem like a thread that was really open for any "debate". JMO.

Can I do more than thank you?!?!?!?!?! I don't know but I wish I could.


Well-known member
I know you wish we could move on but white america made and in engrained race to be an issue for generations to come(from black women having hair issues to family life).

i was raised by white people and it wasn't engrained in me. i didn't even know anything about racism until i was a target of it in school.

and, nobody's saying benzito can't be happy about obama winning the candidacy, but ANY mention of politics is almost surely going to spark a debate.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i was raised by white people and it wasn't engrained in me. i didn't even know anything about racism until i was a target of it in school.

and, nobody's saying benzito can't be happy about obama winning the candidacy, but ANY mention of politics is almost surely going to spark a debate.

There are countless others that it was engrained in. There are other black people that are/were a target of it before they even started school. And mainly I meant factors of race being engrained in my people. The mention was about politics but instantly turned into race moreso/overall. There was no saying she couldnt be happy but HOW and WHY she should be happy.

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