Fergie to be the NEW Viva Glam Girl?!?!


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Re: This man should be on Viva Glam (Sexy)

if you go to Specktra's FAQ section there is a large post on inserting images into posts,.. when you do post a picture though,.. remember it should only be 640 pixels wide by 800 tall or it will be reduced back to a link.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Aprilrobin
2 words.. Pamela Anderson.

Right, but alot of people don't know that Pamela Anderson, aside from being tits and all, has longtime been an active member for PETA.

Anderson is a vegetarian, an advocate for animal rights, and an active member of the animal protection organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), taking part in several campaigns for animal rights[13]. She became a vegetarian in her early teens when she walked in on her dad slaughtering an animal he had just hunted.[14]
One of Anderson's campaigns as a member of PETA has been against the use of fur. In 1999, Anderson received the first Linda McCartney Memorial Award for animal rights protectors, in recognition of her campaign against fur. In 2003, Anderson stripped down for PETA's "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" advertising campaign. On June 28, 2006, Anderson posed naked with other protesters on a window display of the Stella McCartney boutique in London, England. It was a PETA gala event before the PETA Humanitarian Awards. Anderson went inside the boutique and said she would take her clothes off if the event raised enough money for PETA, which it did. She took off her clothes and went to stand on a pedestal at the window display, wearing a banner that read: "We had rather bare skin than wear skin."[citation needed]
She has also actively campaigned against Kentucky Fried Chicken. In 2001, Anderson released a letter in support of PETA's campaign against Kentucky Fried Chicken, stating "What KFC does to 750 million chickens each year is not civilized or acceptable." She later made a video about KFC's treatment of chickens.[15] In January 2006, Anderson requested that the Governor of Kentucky remove a bust of Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, from display but her request was refused even when she offered her own bust in exchange. In February 2006, Anderson decided to boycott the Kentucky Derby because of its support for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
She has also campaigned against seal hunting in her native Canada. In March 2006, Anderson asked to speak to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the annual seal hunt. Her request was refused. In May 2006 she petitioned random individuals on the street for their opinion on the Canadian Seal Hunt.
Most recently Pam has joined forces with PETA in a campaign calling for the boycott of fruit juice maker POM. The "Pom Horrible Campaign"[16] has resulted in response to the company's refusal to halt animal tests.
In March 2005, Anderson became a spokesmodel for MAC Cosmetics's MAC AIDS Fund, which helped people affected by AIDS and HIV. After becoming the official spokesmodel, Anderson raised money during events in Toronto, Tokyo, Dublin and Athens.
Anderson became the celebrity spokesperson for the American Liver Foundation, and served as the Grand Marshal of the SOS motorcycle ride fundraiser.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I am in the minority, I don't want Gwen to be a Viva Glam girl. I am tired of seeing her. I don't want to see Fergie either. I'd love to see someone different. I can't think of who, though. Maybe Alicia Keys. I don't know. Actually I'd love to see someone a little older.

I totally feel you on this one! I'm so ready to see some new faces in Hollywood PERIOD! :eek2:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I am in the minority, I don't want Gwen to be a Viva Glam girl. I am tired of seeing her. I don't want to see Fergie either. I'd love to see someone different. I can't think of who, though. Maybe Alicia Keys. I don't know. Actually I'd love to see someone a little older.

YES!!! Alicia Keys! I've always thought she has such a pretty face, and she's pretty daring when it comes to makeup (and hair).


Well-known member
Pam Anderson has already been on Viva Glam. Uh, I wonder why she kept getting implants when she knew those were tested on animals. Hmmm


Well-known member
I just thought it would be most appropriate to have the face of someone who actually died from AIDS to raise awareness for the M.A.C. AIDS Fund. It just makes sense to me. Freddie isn't here due to AIDS. I just can't think of anything more powerful than that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
Nah, her face is busted from surgery and drugs

HAHA!! thats what ive always thought


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
Right, but alot of people don't know that Pamela Anderson, aside from being tits and all, has longtime been an active member for PETA.

Anderson is a vegetarian, an advocate for animal rights, and an active member of the animal protection organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), taking part in several campaigns for animal rights[13]. She became a vegetarian in her early teens when she walked in on her dad slaughtering an animal he had just hunted.[14]
One of Anderson's campaigns as a member of PETA has been against the use of fur. In 1999, Anderson received the first Linda McCartney Memorial Award for animal rights protectors, in recognition of her campaign against fur. In 2003, Anderson stripped down for PETA's "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" advertising campaign. On June 28, 2006, Anderson posed naked with other protesters on a window display of the Stella McCartney boutique in London, England. It was a PETA gala event before the PETA Humanitarian Awards. Anderson went inside the boutique and said she would take her clothes off if the event raised enough money for PETA, which it did. She took off her clothes and went to stand on a pedestal at the window display, wearing a banner that read: "We had rather bare skin than wear skin."[citation needed]
She has also actively campaigned against Kentucky Fried Chicken. In 2001, Anderson released a letter in support of PETA's campaign against Kentucky Fried Chicken, stating "What KFC does to 750 million chickens each year is not civilized or acceptable." She later made a video about KFC's treatment of chickens.[15] In January 2006, Anderson requested that the Governor of Kentucky remove a bust of Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, from display but her request was refused even when she offered her own bust in exchange. In February 2006, Anderson decided to boycott the Kentucky Derby because of its support for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
She has also campaigned against seal hunting in her native Canada. In March 2006, Anderson asked to speak to Prime Minister Stephen Harper about the annual seal hunt. Her request was refused. In May 2006 she petitioned random individuals on the street for their opinion on the Canadian Seal Hunt.
Most recently Pam has joined forces with PETA in a campaign calling for the boycott of fruit juice maker POM. The "Pom Horrible Campaign"[16] has resulted in response to the company's refusal to halt animal tests.
In March 2005, Anderson became a spokesmodel for MAC Cosmetics's MAC AIDS Fund, which helped people affected by AIDS and HIV. After becoming the official spokesmodel, Anderson raised money during events in Toronto, Tokyo, Dublin and Athens.
Anderson became the celebrity spokesperson for the American Liver Foundation, and served as the Grand Marshal of the SOS motorcycle ride fundraiser.

I'm sorry but all that PETA stuff just deducted her like a BILLION more points in my book.

PETA = terrorists and has nothing to do with AIDS awareness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Well, Elton John isn't Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds anymore either. I say give it to a guy now. They got too many women on there now. Let's come up with a Smoking hot man. YES!

I think Pam Anderson has been on M.A.C., before - Bombshell Pink lipstick is after her.

Gene Simmons has his name on two many things right now. I would rather Paul Stanley. Paul is fit too.

Maybe the younger crowd would like Justin Timberlake? I still say Sting is smoking. Hmm, I am still thinking.

Yes, Pamela Anderson was already a Viva Glam spokesperson, that was my point.

People are saying Fergie is too ugly/mannish/trashy/ drug addicted to be a spokesperson. It's all quite hypocritical really when you look at some of the other Viva Glam Spokespersons. Pamela Anderson, Boy George.. not exactly shining beacons of purity or righteousness.

If one doesn't LIKE Fergie well that's fine. I'm not a fan, nor do I hate her. It does't matter much to me if she's the spokeperson or not.

But hey, give her the chance to do something good I suppose. She hasn't exactly done anything wrong. There's no reason why she CAN'T be the spokesperson this year. She obviously has a huge fanbase. This is about $$ in the longrun.

Girls are vicious sometimes!


Well-known member
I hear you. Yep, it is about raising money.

I think we would have to go to the cradle now to get a beacon of purity. I know I am not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
how about Mary J Blige?

Mary was already featured in some Viva Glam promos. The ones with Lil Kim and Elton John. I think there was another one too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cosmopolitics
Since we're talking about spokesmen, why not Prince? Prince is talented, and glamourous to boot!

Good suggestion and totally cool. He's got that edge that needs to be there. I think you need someone who pushes the envelope a little. Don't get me wrong I love Cate Blanchett and she is so classy. But I just don't think she's got that certian oomph for the Viva Glam.


Well-known member
Naw..and I Love The Dutchess! But Not Feeling Her For Mac Viva Glam. Maybe Something Else With Mac Like A Funky Fresh Pefume Or Some Type Of Blush, But Not The Vg. Even With Gwen, I See Her Doing A Hottttttt Reeeeddddd Lipstick And Maybe Some Black Noir Line For Mac.


Active member
Originally Posted by aquarius11
Aishwarya Rai comes to mind as far as Indian decent goes...she is absolutely stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, flawless and talented...but would she be a good VG candidate? Hmmm.

I'm not too familiar with a lot of celebrities of Indian descent but I am familiar with the lovely Aishwarya Rai. She would be an amazing VG spokesperson but doesn't she have a contract with another cosmetics company?

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