First Bad EBay Experience


Active member

I rec'd my lot of 7 supposedly New Lipglasses today. But they were USED! EWWW GROSSS! They were clearly all opened at one point, evident by the smears of lipglass all over the applicator stick. PLUS! some of the applicator tips had a pinkish color to them, someone obviously used these over another lipstick. I emailed the seller but they stated the items were new and they will not refund my money

I already filed a complaint with pay pal. Has anyone gone through this before? I can't believe this woman still insists these lipglasses were new. Now I know why they didn't have boxes. I purchased some other items from her and had no problems with those. I am sooo mad right now! :confused:


Well-known member
File with paypal! Gross! I'm becoming more and more convinced eBay isn't a good place for "deals" anymore.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear that! I agree with Janice that you should absolutely file with paypal.

Bummer, Dude

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
eep! that totally sucks
Thank you for warning everyone else, i was looking at some lipglasses to buy on ebay. Could you possibly put down the seller's name on here so we know to avoid her lipglasses products?


How horrible!!!I've been hearing some really horrible stories about both ebay and swaps on MUA--. What's up with people lately?


Active member
Now it's even worse!!

Now to make things a hassle for me she has now filed an unpaid bidder report against me for the paints I purchased! I already paid for these items and have received them!!! What a loser. I just finished copying and pasting my PayPal receipt and Pay Pal report against her. She is claiming that I requested the full amount of the combined invoice, yet she fails to realize that paypal cc'd me the copy of their reply telling her to refund only for the Lipglasses.

Her Ebay name is Bojee13-- BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_ATTACK
Now to make things a hassle for me she has now filed an unpaid bidder report against me for the paints I purchased! I already paid for these items and have received them!!! What a loser. I just finished copying and pasting my PayPal receipt and Pay Pal report against her. She is claiming that I requested the full amount of the combined invoice, yet she fails to realize that paypal cc'd me the copy of their reply telling her to refund only for the Lipglasses.

Her Ebay name is Bojee13-- BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!

I recognize that seller's ebay ID. SHE SELLS FAKE MAC EYE SHADOWS TOO, and sad to say, she's a powerseller.
I dislike those kind of sellers selling fakes/replicas.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Con-Artist/Scammers/Crooks/Liars on Ebay

I totally feel for you. Yeah, unfortunatley their are a few bad sellers out there. I personally prefer not to purchase items w/o the original package if they claim the item is "NEW". Some people go to those employee sales where they get MAC stuff for very low prices (like$1, $2) because the items are sometimes used or returned (I was told about this sale by a MAC employee, unfortunately none of them will hook up a sister).

I have had a couple of bad experiences on ebay, Yeah some of them are a bunch of CROOKS, but for the most part my experiences have been good.

One bad experience dealt w/a package that I paid for USPS Priority Mail & Insurance, about a month later I did not have my merchandise & the person would not answer my emails. When it finally arrived, it was in a padded envelope and the person sent it regular mail w/o insurance for a cost of less than $1.00. The seller kept about $5.00 of shipping that I paid for & did not provide the service and refused to refund the shipping for services she had not rendered.

The second was w/a Bobbi Brown e/s the seller claimed was new & boxed. When it arrived it was in a box for something else, not even a BB box and the shadow was about half the size of a BB shadow, it looked used and cleaned off (it was the size of a LORAC/Smashbox individual e/s) and the BB logo had some rub off. This person also charged me about $5.00 shipping and had the nerve to ship it in a unpadded large manilla type envelope, also at a cost of less than $1.00. She refused to provide a refund, even after I provided her w/info. from BB saying that they don't make those small e/s. This item was obviously something she fished out of a trash can.
I took pictures of this item, when I received it next to a real BB e/s I had to go purchase when I received this counterfeit garbage; I keep forgeting to do it, but eventually it will be posted on ebay as a gag item.

Who is this person, I want to add them to my list of sellers to avoid?

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Those bitches sometimes have the nerve to try to accuse people in order to try to save themselves. That is such a criminal move. I hope it turns out well for you.
Originally Posted by MAC_ATTACK
Now to make things a hassle for me she has now filed an unpaid bidder report against me for the paints I purchased! I already paid for these items and have received them!!! What a loser. I just finished copying and pasting my PayPal receipt and Pay Pal report against her. She is claiming that I requested the full amount of the combined invoice, yet she fails to realize that paypal cc'd me the copy of their reply telling her to refund only for the Lipglasses.

Her Ebay name is Bojee13-- BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!



Well-known member
What a bitch!! I hope Ebay blocks her account. I've broken my ebay addiction and won't go back to ebay and after stories like yours I think I"ll stick to mac counters.


Active member
The Saga Continues

Thanks for everyone's support! I just logged on to see that now she has filed an unpaid item report against the Lipglasses I am disputing with pay pal!!! She says Pay Pal froze her funds because of the dispute report. Why would she think I would re-pay for something that I am disputing in the first place?
From now on I am going to stick with the people I have already purchased from or that have been recommended from this forum.


Well-known member
wow that really sounds like a pain to deal with...

I don't think that I could ever buy cosmetics off of ebay, just b/c of something like that happening. I would esp. worry about getting something that is used, I would worry so much about it being sanitary and everything


Well-known member
some ebay sellers are just lying scumbags, someone is selling a job lot of MAC items and if bidding goes over £50 you get a free stippling brush BUT the brush is so obviously fake, when i asked her she said items are real but gets them cheap


Well-known member
I got screwed out of $110 a few months ago. Some stupid seller insisted she had sent out my package! Grr. I hate ebay now. Haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_ATTACK

OMG!!!! I had a HUGE problem with her just a few months ago. She listed lot of 3 MAC lipglasses, and after paying promptly, I received 3 MINI's. The listing made no mention of their reduced size (1/2 a regular lipglass by weight) and the picture carefully excluded the backside of the tube, where the name of the lipglass is written for the minis. The regulars, as we all know, have the name stamped on a stamp affixed to the bottom. As much MAC as I collect, I was unaware of mini's entirely until my purchase. I was ripped OFF. File a negative feedback! If she gets enough, she'll be booted.


Well-known member
The thing with ebay is that there are ways to get around the no used makeup rules thats very bad.

Here are some tips to watch for so that you know items may have been used or tested (as the wording can be very difficult to tell sometimes)

1) BNIB-99% remains. As soon as there is a % remaining WATCH OUT because chances are it's been used/tested.
2) If it does not say BNIB don't buy it. Even if it says NIB that may very well mean, I've used it but decided to put it back in the box.
3) Always ask the seller directly if it has been used. Chances are (and I do this myself) i will point the person in the direction of my listing so they can get the questions answered but if it is really making you nervous just ask back and say, "Listen, I know your listing says this but recently I had a listing that said this and it was used can you please check for me?" 9 times out of 10 the seller will oblige

I may actually add this to one of my pages on my ebay store.

Also BoJee13 was deleted or is no longer a registered member. I was about to put her on my blocked list


Well-known member
I just checked ebay, and bojee13 is still a registered ebay member- with an ebay STORE!

I wish ebay would allow you read just the negative ratings, instead of scrolling through dozens of pages looking for them. Know what I mean? If a seller has 10 negtaive and 100 positive ratings over the last six months, you have to search each page for the red tokens and read the details-


Well-known member
Hmmm it would let me block her saying she was no longer a registered member....Let me see what I can do to fix this on my ebay.