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First post! *nervous* Smokey pink/orange glam rock chick tutorial - pic heavy


Well-known member
Wow ,Pink Bronze looks great with a black base.Thanks for the tutorial.I love it


Well-known member
I love pink bronze so I must try this!


Well-known member
really cool look! i have been hating my jar of pink bronze ever since i got it, i think i'm gonna try using it over a black base, too, now. thanks!


Well-known member
Damn, girl. You need to log on and tell us what the hell that lipstick is!! It is awesome!!!! Your skin is to die for and you look fabulous in this! Thank you so much for the tutorial. Looking forward to seeing some more from you!


First of all, GIRL, you are GORGEOUS.
And I love you forever for giving me a reason to use 'Pink Bronze' on my eyes (the color did not look so good first time around).
Awesome tutorial, thanks for sharing!