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First post! *nervous* Smokey pink/orange glam rock chick tutorial - pic heavy


Well-known member
Dang, that is hot! Very awesome tutorial


Well-known member
Oh god, babes! I love you all!
I didn't expect you to write all those pretty things.. You really made my day!

You really inspired me to make another tutorial, I´m thinking of making a similar one in Cornflower and Chartreuse someday

Okay, some answers for your questions!

The lipstick - Its Noubas number 14.
The scarf - I borrowed it from my boyfriend, bought at Glitter in Sweden!
The highlighter - Just some drugstore brand called IsaDora.. I usually don't really like their stuff, but this highlighter is awesome! It´s from one of their eyeshadow palettes, which my mother gave me a while ago!

Angel Of Moon

Well-known member
you look ... stuninnggggg.. !!!!
i wish that red lipstick will look that good on me !
and now , i have to run and get pink bronze

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