fishy site..what do you think


Well-known member
VERY fishy!! Avoid alert!

There were other websites like that as well in another thread but just can't remember where it is now.


Well-known member
I agreee, I'd stay away from this place. They give no important information, details, ect... Looks like another scam.


Well-known member
i'm trying to convince the girls not to do it but they all believe the site seems legit enough + they got this answer :

Hi Alison
All of our products are 100% genuine. We have sold thousands of these and
never had a complaint.
They have all the markings that you would look for in an authentic product
the code on the inner lid, batch code on the box and the product etc). We
would never sell fake products and researched our supplier thoroughly before
purchasing from them.
There are a lot of fakes about so I understand your is a shame
that some suppliers have to ruin it for decent suppliers!
We can do 100-200 for £4 each if you are interested.
Many thanks

which, ofcourse means nothing..
she also asked for pics of the pigments..
which ofcourse again, means not much because they can just be plucked of the internet.. *sigh*
i dont know what to say to convince these girls :s

if its real , i mean great and all ,but i'm not that naieve anymore :s


Well-known member

There is no possible way that they can get authentic MAC at that quantity for that price. MAC doesnt offer bulk discounts or wholesale to the public/any other company. MAC makeup artists cant order anywhere near that many products - and gratis takes months to go through if what ive heard is correct (and discount is only 40% isnt it?), CCO's (Cosmetic Company Outlets owned by EL) offer items that have around a 30% discount off of RRP, and you can only order 4 of the same shade/product from MAC and 3 of the same shade/product from CCO's (in the same day).
The colours they are offering consist of some Pro, rare/discontinued or non authentic shades:
"We have a large assortment of colours: deep blue green, deep purple, grey, black, frost, rose, pink opal, copper sparkle and loads more."

Maybe someone can forward these links to MAC/EL - they'll probably be interested in them as they are working on a much bigger level to most counterfeit ebay sellers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittiegothgirl
i'm trying to convince the girls not to do it but they all believe the site seems legit enough

That's not strictly true and I don't think it's very fair to assume that. The first thing everyone said was 'yep, we think it's fishy' although the pictures are of genuine BOXES (not the actual product). Nobody said they thought it was 100% genuine and at least 3 of the girls who replied to the original poster, myself included, know MAC products very well indeed. The other girls said they were only interested if the OP got authenticity. Just because we're curious to see the pictures this site provides doesn't mean we all think it's legit. I think you're reading a bit too much into it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by halocaustic
That's not strictly true and I don't think it's very fair to assume that. The first thing everyone said was 'yep, we think it's fishy' although the pictures are of genuine BOXES (not the actual product). Nobody said they thought it was 100% genuine and at least 3 of the girls who replied to the original poster, myself included, know MAC products very well indeed. The other girls said they were only interested if the OP got authenticity. Just because we're curious to see the pictures this site provides doesn't mean we all think it's legit. I think you're reading a bit too much into it.

She's referring to the girls on the forum that the link was originally posted, not the girls on this forum


Well-known member
she is on the forum i took this from

and i posted that when everyone in the beginning jumped on it

i Know people will only buy when they think its legit ..
but when i saw that site alarmbells allover where ringing in my head because i literally JUST read through the entire "counterfeit mac" forum.
and i'm a bit surprised that not everyone thought that ...
since it does seem fishy..
but i admit i'm probably more paranoid about these things..
and i didnt say anything about the pics looking off ..
i said the site looks fishy ,and idd,most people seem to think its legit including you..
and i say : seem ,as in they are not sure but it looks like it..
and i never said the girls on HH dont know anything about mac...
to avoid anymore confusion...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kittiegothgirl
she is on the forum i took this from

and i posted that when everyone in the beginning jumped on it

i Know people will only buy when they think its legit ..
but when i saw that site alarmbells allover where ringing in my head because i literally JUST read through the entire "counterfeit mac" forum.
and i'm a bit surprised that not everyone thought that ...
since it does seem fishy..
but i admit i'm probably more paranoid about these things..
and i didnt say anything about the pics looking off ..
i said the site looks fishy ,and idd,most people seem to think its legit including you..
and i say : seem ,as in they are not sure but it looks like it..
and i never said the girls on HH dont know anything about mac...
to avoid anymore confusion...

I never said I thought it was legit. I've been around MAC pigments WAY too long to be that naive!! I actually said I wanted to see more proof, because in all honesty I don't think the site can produce it and so would satisfy my curiosity. There is no way in hell I'd be shelling out money for anything unless I knew it was legit, or letting someone else do it. Hence why I told the original poster what pics to ask for from the site.

A lot of the girls on HH don't know much about MAC, but people like myself and Silent know the fakes like the back of our hands BECAUSE we've been around places like this and MUA for a while. Hence why we were the first 2 people to say 'wait a minute...these may not be genuine'. I know you've only been on Specktra etc for about 6 months and so you're still fairly gung ho about the whole thing (which you should be), but it's not a huge deal to us anymore as we mostly know who sells authentic and who doesn't and we've known the warning signs to look for for a long time. We just check here regularly for updates. Hell, I even helped the girls here oust the last batch of very, very realistic fakes coming from the UK and Australia!

I feel like I'm repeating myself but...all we said was that they're using pictures of legit boxes...hence why we want more pictures. We're curious to see what the next move would be from the website. I'm also curious to see if places are starting to market fakes in original boxes now.

So no....we didn't say we thought the site was legit. What we said is that we wanted to see what was in those boxes because they're authentic looking.


New member
Let me clarify what ive said in my original thread.

Ive emailed them asking to prove authenticity so i will see what they say

I wont be ordering unless im 100% certain they are genuine as ill be ordering between 5 - 10 pigments from there as well

Ill see what i can get to proove authenticity

Ive emailed MAC, faxed, emailed and left a vmail on the number of the site so we shall see!

Anyway lets stick to whos interested, i will only go ahead as long as they are genuine

I have asked for photos of them which i will post up on here

i wants proof too

Pics she sent me are massive, i can forward them to anyone. Ive sent to halocaustic for clarification

So i am listening to you, im waiting for photos of the pigment, the top of the jar, the bottom of the jar, batch codes and of the labels themselves.

Like ive repeatidly said, wont be ordering unless we are sure.

PS - Hi everyone, Im Ally


Well-known member
Hey Ally!

Post the pics here, to get the opinions of wolfsong and XSqueeze me too.

I personally think we need pics of label bottoms, but post the ones you have here anyway.

I've managed to get a lot deal like this once on ebay which was 100% genuine although MAC found out about the seller and pulled her account so it's not completely impossible. Normally if it looks too good to be true though, it probably is. We'll see what the next lot of pics reveal if she sends them.


Well-known member
Anything that will increase the resources here for members who are new/not familiar with MAC v counterfeit will be very much appreciated!
That’s the problem with these counterfeit sellers - they can come from different makers, with different faked authentic and known counterfeit signs (I swear if they all got together they'd make the ultimate faked pigments that look completely real...)
It can be hard to keep up without a collection of photographic and written evidence if you are only an occasional buyer.


Well-known member
Personally, that site rings my inner warning alarm in a big way. I could be wrong, but it looks...not good.

I guess it just comes down to expressing as many concerns as you can to prospective buyers. If they choose to pull the trigger and part with their cash, then I guess that's their risk.

I would be interested to see what they receive.


Well-known member
*agrees with mac-whore*

i was only trying to help , but i see that more experienced people have it covered...

and at the risk of being a party pooper again i'm gonna say that the new pics dont look convincing to me since they are not even clear..


Well-known member
I'd still avoid it seeing how they were delivered and how they are "stocked".

The batch codes may be right and they match BUT something just doesn't seem right to me, for example:
  • The label on the bottom of the jars are visibly translucent compared to the authentic MAC Pro label where it's only a hint of translucency.
  • The particular picture with the close up of Emerald Green and Deep Blue Green, the Deep Blue Green doesn't seem right and there's no batch code on the label on the bottom of the jar.
  • I do know that Glitters do not have batch codes because they will never expire and Pigments are marked with batch codes or even as "SAMPLE" sometimes. I haven't had the experience where I received/bought MAC Pigments without the batch code/"SAMPLE" (SAMPLE usually printed in my experience) printed/stamped on the label on the bottom of the jars.
  • Need some clarification.. Do Glitters usually come with Black labels on the bottom of the jars? (Because the Blue Glitter in the last link shows transparent label on bottom of the jar) Thanks! My Red Glitter comes with a black label.
I don't know, these are my opinions and this is often repeated; MAC clearly does NOT do wholesale for onward resale.

This information is sourced from the MAC Website itself:

I want to sell M·A·C products. What should I do?
While we appreciate your interest in M·A·C products, please be advised that our products are distributed for sale only at our authorised retail store accounts, the majority of which are located in major department stores or international perfumeries. While there are other points of sale, we are not seeking to expand our distribution network at this time and we do not offer franchises.


Well-known member
Tendertendrils - yep, that's the only way to be really sure.
And if she's letting you buy only one it's not like you're out of pocket a huge amount, and it lets everyone know for sure if they're fake or not.

However, like I said before I'm not convinced to be honest and I'd really like to see pics of the actual pigment she sends you.


Active member
I'm alway very werry of sites like these. When I can I aways try to get stuff straight from the source and I hear gone but not forgottn can be really helpful on dc'd items. ALWAYS CHECK ON THE SITES RETURN POLICY!!! So if your not 100% happy you can get your money back.