Food you don't like/hate


Well-known member
So much sushi hate on this board!


Well-known member
Fish, nasty.. and leafy green vegetables.

I will eat Tuna it doesnt count.
but anything healthy is about off my list.
I love red meat and potatoes and bread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VuittonVictim
Originally Posted by shopgirl151
And, to be honest, I don't really like ice cream. Oh, and no fish. It smells bad

No ice cream? I had two cones yesterday when we had 90°F in Berlin! One in the car one back home....

Fish usually does not smell bad only if it's not that fresh! Go and eat fish straight next to the sea! It just smells like sea!

I just can't do it! My gums are really sensitive to cold, so eating ice cream can be excrutiating some days. Plus, I don't really have much of a taste for it.

It's sort of like fast food - I might crave a Blizzard from Dairy Queen as often as I crave a cheeseburger from McDonald's - maybe twice a year.

As for fish... I remember being a kid, and prying open a fishstick and seeing the white/black colors on the meat and became convinced someone had laced my fishsticks with newspaper.
Granted, I was like 4 at the time, but the stigma has always stuck!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shopgirl151
I just can't do it! My gums are really sensitive to cold, so eating ice cream can be excrutiating some days. Plus, I don't really have much of a taste for it.......As for fish... I remember being a kid, and prying open a fishstick and seeing the white/black colors on the meat and became convinced someone had laced my fishsticks with newspaper.
Granted, I was like 4 at the time, but the stigma has always stuck!

i can't do ice cream easily either. folks ask me what's my favourite kind & i always reply with, "melted."

about your fish issue. i used to be afraid of old people because i thought their skin was made from fried chicken. yes, i too was young.


Well-known member
whats with all the sushi hatred... and pickles and olives! gah i love those!

my hates are: green peppers (red/yellow/orange are fine), onions, CILANTRO!!!!!, chicken that is on a bone (ie thighs, i like breast tho)

yeah... i think thats it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by misslexa
whats with all the sushi hatred... and pickles and olives! gah i love those!

well, i happen to love sushi, pickles & olives...and all the stuff you hate as well.



Well-known member
There's almost no food I won't eat, though I'll avoid fresh tomatoes whenever possible. Also, smells eminating from Ethiopian restaurants are pretty frightening, so I've never partaken of that particular cuisine

And while I'll eat almost any animal, I can't stand ground meat. It scares me. Who can be sure what's in it?!


Well-known member
I really don't like raw tomatoes! Give me tomatoe soup or tomatoes baked in the oven, but when I get a sandwich with raw tomatoes on, blah!


Well-known member
if you don't like tofu, you haven't had it cooked right! tofu has NO flavor, so it tastes like WHATEVER you cook it with. the texture can always be changed as well. i didn't like it much then i had it cooked different than i've ever had it and OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG so good<333


Well-known member
I like and will eat just about everything, but most American food sounds absolutely horrifying.


Well-known member
I don't like olives, licorice, spicy foods, capers, Roquefort cheese and red onions.

Cooked turnips aren't a favorite either, but I would never have thought of it if it wasn't mentioned upthread.
Besides, the only person that used to feed me cooked turnips was my grandmother, so I haven't eaten any for years.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GLAMORandGORE
if you don't like tofu, you haven't had it cooked right! tofu has NO flavor, so it tastes like WHATEVER you cook it with. the texture can always be changed as well. i didn't like it much then i had it cooked different than i've ever had it and OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG so good<333

I've had tofu a number of times and never liked the texture...
That's my issue with it. I wish I did like it, actually.

But what I really hate, way way way more than tofu is chicken pot pie (or any kind of pot pie). Yuck!!


Well-known member
Ketchup, mustard, mayo... condiments and I don't get along.

Not the biggest fan of chicken, I have to carefully eat it or I feel like throwing up, especially if I see any of the tendons/veins.

I don't eat any fish or seafood. I think it's all gross, and a good parasitology class will reinforce this belief in it. FYI, you can pull coiled up encased dead parasitic worms out of most commercially processed fish products

I don't like baked or refried beans, or sour cream, or guacamole. Makes going to a Mexican restaurant a riot


Well-known member
I eat anything really and the stuff I don't like are usually the artificial flavours like Cherry and Banana.
I love them as fruit though.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I have issues with some food textures. For example, I hate zucchini and eggplant when they'r cooked and soft, I would eat them if they're grilled though. I also hate raisins.


Well-known member
I hate cheese... haven't touched it since I was 4. I think it's a phobia, because I literally cannot touch the stuff. Bahaha.


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Onions in any color or type: red, yellow, white, green, scallions, shallots, chopped, whole, cooked, raw, whatever=disgusting.