Food you don't like/hate


Well-known member
The worst offender is the dreaded ONION. I hate the fact that it shows up in so much stuff and you can't really get the right flavor without them. I'm feeling sick and bloated from them right now. Ugh. Other than that: mayo is the second worst offender with sour cream hot on its heels.


Well-known member
^I love ALL of those things blazeno.8 hehe
Mmmm the Japanese Mayo is the best *drool* It's funny lots of foods on people's lists are food that I adore.

Things I hate are:

- Lima Beans
- Brussell Sprouts
- Eggs - boiled, fried, poached, scrambled ewww. The thought of it makes me feel sick, its all so squishy and embryotic!! Unless its in a cake, I don't want anything to do with it.
- Nepalese Food - Every experience with it I have had has been less than impressive. The curries are so watered down/flavorless. I'll stick to Indian and Thai.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by orodwen
i used to be afraid of old people because i thought their skin was made from fried chicken. yes, i too was young.

I almost DIED reading that AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
I have issues with some food textures. For example, I hate zucchini and eggplant when they'r cooked and soft, I would eat them if they're grilled though. I also hate raisins.

My fiance is the same way! He doesn't like raisin bread, butter tarts or Dutchie donuts from Tim Hortons! Blasphemy!

I hate relish, mustard, raw tomatoes on sandwiches or in most salads (other than Horiatiki salad slathered in olive oil and feta), any kind of olive, squash or turnips, beets, bananas (only every once in a blue moon), anything raspberry flavoured, yogurt, mcdonalds breakfast (just the SMELL makes me want to hurl), sardines, clams, mussels, scallops, PICKLED anything (though I like pickles), marachino cherries out of the jar (this includes cherries inside chocolate), dark chocolate, fruit in chocolate, fruit flavoured chocolate, any coloured salad dressing (like French, Catalina, Thousand Island, etc).

I can't do pineapple on pizza - onions either. Ground beef seriously grosses me out after going vegetarian for a month (for fun), so now I have a freezer full and won't cook it (blame that on watching a show about tapeworms). Baby food (the consistancy) grosses me out - same with soups that have this same consistancy (like broccoli, thick creams) or purees. Pate too and hummus (though I like hummus if its mixed with green onions on crackers or with veggie sticks).

OMFG! And WATERCHESTNUTS! They drive me insane.


Well-known member
Pickles, diet sodas (wtf? how can anyone drink this?), whiskey, beer, "cream of mushroom" canned soup, granola and energy bars (processed animal feed much?), pre-frozen and pre-dead crab legs (live-to-kitchen crab is good), steak fries, octopus (never again lol)


Well-known member
Loving sushi, olives, pickles and fish lol

Liver, baked beans, marmite (the smell sets me of), sandwich pastes (horrid), macdonalds (makes me sick when I've had it before), diet soft drink (they give me headaches, as do white wine for some strange reason), advocado, corned beef, anything that has banana flavor, artificial strawberry and cherry flavor

I gennerally hate tinned foods, like ready meals in tins. They are like moosh and makes my skin crawl.