French Nails = Slutty?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz Samantha J
I would have to say when I think of french tips...I dont think slutty, I think chonga. lol. I live in Miami and all the little highschool wanna-be cholas have their french tips...normal length, nothing crazy...typical french. I actually do wear acrylics, but the "ghetto" long curves and designs lol...I am a makeup artist and fashion designer and ive only gotten good feedback on my as far as acrylics being trashy, I think not...the typical french...very tacky (and played out)!!!
As far as the porn stars go...yeah...they all got some creative nails, usually always a french!!! =)

First, I don't want u to take this the wrong way but, I have an issue with people using the term "ghetto" to describe something that is less than or tacky. I'm from Baltimore, a very urban city, I grew up with both working parents who owned their home in a very good neighborhood. When people say ghetto, their describing the inner city as if its something bad. There is nothing wrong with were I came from, I 'm very proud to be from the "hood" or "ghetto". So please don't use that term to describe something negatively. I would never say "poor white trash" because it's disrespectful and just because u don't have what others have does not make u trash. Again I'm not attacking U I just wanted to put that out there, so maybe next time u and others can choose ur words a little more carefully. XOXO

Ok now, I don't have a problem with french tips I personally don't wear them, but I have noticed while watching porn that the ladies do sport alot of french tips. That wouldn't have any influence over my decision to wear them or not to though. My nails are all white so does that mean I'm a super slut in the eyes of this magazine?
Originally Posted by couturesista
First, I don't want u to take this the wrong way but, I have an issue with people using the term "ghetto" to describe something that is less than or tacky. I'm from Baltimore, a very urban city, I grew up with both working parents who owned their home in a very good neighborhood. When people say ghetto, their describing the inner city as if its something bad. There is nothing wrong with were I came from, I 'm very proud to be from the "hood" or "ghetto". So please don't use that term to describe something negatively. I would never say "poor white trash" because it's disrespectful and just because u don't have what others have does not make u trash. Again I'm not attacking U I just wanted to put that out there, so maybe next time u and others can choose ur words a little more carefully. XOXO

Ok now, I don't have a problem with french tips I personally don't wear them, but I have noticed while watching porn that the ladies do sport alot of french tips. That wouldn't have any influence over my decision to wear them or not to though. My nails are all white so does that mean I'm a super slut in the eyes of this magazine?

ghetto was not used in a negative way, letting you know =) the best place to go to get ur nails done is in the hood haha =P
oh and btw, u can say poor white trash all u want...there is trash in every culture, even in mine! =)
but hey I understand where u are coming from and I did not mean to disrespect =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz Samantha J
ghetto was not used in a negative way, letting you know =) the best place to go to get ur nails done is in the hood haha =P
oh and btw, u can say poor white trash all u want...there is trash in every culture, even in mine! =)
but hey I understand where u are coming from and I did not mean to disrespect =)

THNX 4 tha Respect. We COOL ;D


Well-known member
I must be a slut then
I really like French tips- I always thought of them as being more classy/professional than colorful nails. I get mine done short- I like having acrylic nails (not all the time) because my nails crack easily and look like crap.


Well-known member
I've worn my nails short, long, medium length, painted dark colors and light colors, with designs and without. I don't think of myself as "slutty". But if someone wants to think my nails look trashy I personally could not care less.


Well-known member
My nails naturally look like a french manicure.

I think short ones look great. Now those 3 inch ones with palm trees painted on them...


Well-known member
well, i actually just got my first set of acrylic nails and i got a french manicure on them. personally, i think if they are the right length, not too short but certainly not long, then i think they look quite classy. i got them done specifically for my prom, and everyone complemented me about how pretty my nails were. like i said above, i guess it all depends upon the length, and it especially depends on WHO exactly is wearing them.


Well-known member
HAHA what? Who wrote this article??????
I think french manicures are classy and professional for work and such.


Well-known member
First of all Missbehave magazine is messed up!

Secondly, I don't think a neutral French manicure looks bad. I've had one, and I didn't think it looked slutty, and neither did my mother who paid for it.

I've also used the press-on acrylic French nails. I think the long ones are unpractical, and maybe that's where this idea comes from, but I like the short ones. You can file them down to your desired length and I've had people ask me "Where did you get your nails done?" (At home, sitting on the toilet lid, that's where!) I mean, if you can't unzip your fly when you need to use the toilet, THEN your nails are too long, but not SLUTTY!


Active member
I don't think its slutty at all!!

you want to know whats tacky?

chipped finger paints, uneven ugly nails, when nails look so dull because no girl ever bothers to clean then and polish them (i mean put on a clear coat if you don't like color..) I think frech nails are pretty.. unless you get ridiculously long curl ones .. or the person doing them did a shotty job on them..

get what i am saying?


Well-known member
Adela, your nails are beautiful and healthy. Acrylics can't even compare to the elegance of naturally grown nails. I keep mine the same way but a little longer on all the fingers, though my thumb nails are not that long.


Well-known member
I think a modest length of french manicure can give you a very polished look , but when you have white tips that are bigger that your nail bed .... Thanks skanky.... I don't think every french tip is sluty ....


Well-known member
SkylarV217 is sooooooooooo right!
But French nails aren´t slutty - under no circumstances! (If they have the right lenght) They are the perfect way to show natural beauty! I really love them if they´re done in a straight way! One thing, which is uglyfiing is, when the laces are neon colored, but if u do it in a natural way (maybe with some glitzy) it´s the best thing you could do!


Active member
That article is hilarious in a very 'what the fuck' way.

I only started getting acrylics and actually keeping them rather than letting them grow out when I started working in women's fashion. Before, I was working in food so I kept my nails short, clean and unpolished.

Now, it's part of our store's image so I have fake nails but I always ask the girl to file them into an oval shape because it just suits my hands so much better and I think I personally look trashy with square nails if only because it shows poor judgment in choosing styles. That is a long sentence.

I always get a polish because I'm nuts about funky polishes and love having nails that take well to polishes. I don't think a French manicure looks good on me, it's just kind of blah. In these pics I've used Revlon 'Soft Romance' appliques over My Private Jet NP by OPI.

As far as nail art goes, I had one nice set done, with light blue shimmery polish and black 'tendrils' with silver glitter in lines. I got a lot of compliments on it because it wasn't overly gaudy. Then I had a shit job done by someone else and kinda swore off it because I prefer to do my own nails because then I can touch it up at home.

In essence, french nails are as slutty as you make them. Being trashy is a bit of a different thing - where you just don't care and let your nails fall into grossness.

Side note: I've had girls come into interviews with nasty, chipped nail polish and it definitely reflects badly on them because they don't have the same standards as our company in terms of image.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by banjobama
I read in some magazine a long time ago (like in high school) that French manicures/acrylic sets were trashy and I pretty much agree. I also agree that guys will always imagine what your hands look like on their junk.

But I don't really have a reason for thinking this, except that I agreed when I heard that manicure was trashy a long time ago. I think it might have been in Allure or something.

I agree
I think fake nails are trashy in general. Though this is off topic, I don't care for blue finger nails, green finger nails, yellow finger nails, et cetera. I like nails painted traditional nail polish colors - reds, corals, pinks, magentas.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aliciaz727
I agree with the length thing too. but i've always thought really long (also fake) pink nails = slutty... not french tips. I associate short french tips (real nails) with business women for some reason. anyone else?

I agree too - Length regardless of color defines your sluttiness. It shouldnt but most do judge by this. Undone nails can also be judged.

I personally love a frenchie for fingers and toes. But I have natural sport length nails too.


Well-known member
This article is seriously ridiculous. At my job, you are only allowed to have your nails a certain length and they have to be a french manicure because to them, it looks classy. I work for a cruiseline here in my town. French Manicures have always been classy to me.


Well-known member
If french manicures are slutty...George Bush is a damn genius!

Seriously, its all about how you wear it. Personally I'd rather have "slutty" french manicured nails than nails that look like I work in a garage all day...but thats just me.

Here are pic of my nails. I get them short (see 1st back pic)...but they give the appearance of longer nails bc i get the white powder lower to make the manicure last longer and I cant work with nailes longer than 1/4 of an inch lol.


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