French Nails = Slutty?


Well-known member
I think the french manicure = slutty connotation came about when more and more porn stars began to sport fake nails w/ french manicures.

In any case, I don't do it much anymore...if I do, the tip isn't white, I'll use some funky color instead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by concertina
I think the french manicure = slutty connotation came about when more and more porn stars began to sport fake nails w/ french manicures.

In any case, I don't do it much anymore...if I do, the tip isn't white, I'll use some funky color instead.

LOL if someone is watching porn...who's looking at their nails? lolllll


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OohJeannie
If french manicures are slutty...George Bush is a damn genius!

Seriously, its all about how you wear it. Personally I'd rather have "slutty" french manicured nails than nails that look like I work in a garage all day...but thats just me.

Here are pic of my nails. I get them short (see 1st back pic)...but they give the appearance of longer nails bc i get the white powder lower to make the manicure last longer and I cant work with nailes longer than 1/4 of an inch lol.

your nails looks hot!! i love when the white goes lower than just the tip. i deff don't think french mani is slutty i think they are very classy and cute!! I don't like tips though becuase they eff up my nails. I love short sassy nails with extremely bright and outrageous colors. Milani is my favorite I own like 7 nailpolishes from them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OohJeannie
LOL if someone is watching porn...who's looking at their nails? lolllll
lol.gif are normally quite a few...closeups...of the woman using her hands in different...areas. So yes, men, being the visual creatures they are, make the association, sometimes without even realizing it...
I love having white tips. I do put a lot of designs on them when I have time . Here's a picture of my nails,sorry for the big pic..
I love doing my nails black as well . or any rich colours. Does anyone do Gels on the website themselves. ?


Well-known member
I certainly don't think that having a French manicure means you're guaranteed to be written off as a slut, but I understand why many guys associate them with porn. I think it's done on purpose with the huge, blindingly bright white tips to draw attention to what the fingers are doing. But having French nails does not = slut.

Personally, I don't care for acrylics or French tips. I like to get regular manicures and keep my nails short, polished with something like OPI Bubble Bath. To me, it looks classy and professional. I've never really known many people with acrylics or French tips.


If they are then I'm guilty of being slutty on more than one occasion. The only time I don't like them is if they're waaaaaaayyyyy too long.


Well-known member
I don't like long...long nails (I call them dragon lady nails).

The french manicure, I love. I think it looks clean. I don't care what any man says about nails. I love the french mani & pedi.


Well-known member
Haha, the article made me laugh! French manicures are just supposed to look like natural clean nails. To me super long nails don't look classy.. i dunno about slutty, but definitely not classy.
It all depends on where you work but outrageous colors(like neon or blue), diamonds, and tons of nail art may not be appropriate. It's always good to ask about the dress code and always go for a more conservative look especially if you work in a professional area like an office. (no tank tops alone, bra straps showing or open toed shoes or flip flops).


Well-known member
French tips can look classy, and they can look just depends on how you wear them.... However, I don't think you should let what a guy might think define what you wear or do. Guys can take a lot of things the wrong way, such as clothes we wear, makeup, hair color, shoes, etc.... So why go living life worrying what a man thinks about you? Let him get to know you and then judge you.


Well-known member
Wow what a sad world we live in if something as simple and trivial as a woman's nails reveal her sexual habits, intelligence, educational level, creed, and financial status. We really do live in one judgemental backwards society.

And this is coming from someone who doesn't even get french manicures or wear acrylics.


Well-known member
Personally, I'm not a big fan of French manis. Most of the time, I see them on nails that are fake and too long, with tips the color and opacity of white-out. I think that look is seriously dated, seriously cheesy and can be a bit trashy at times. However, natural-looking French manis on shorter nails (I think they're called American manis?) look good.

I loathe French pedis under any circumstance. To me, they look gross. However, beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.


Well-known member
Isn't a french manicure the most natural nail polish you can have?? I mean I don't like wearing acrylics and I do my own manicures and pedicures on my natural nails. But in no means do I think a french manicure looks trashy. Girls just like to keep themselves clean and well maintained.

Now what I think can look a bit tacky are the unnecessarily long nails with rainbow pattern designs. But can't put labels on anyone based on their nails haha......


Well-known member
I have always thought french manicures were polished and low key looking. I have never heard of them being considered slutty before.


Not at all! but some people make them just depends on the rest of your "look"..
I've got French nails too and i think they are very pretty and not slutty at all!


Well-known member
I don't think they're slutty either, I just think having your nails nice makes you look more well groomed that's all. I have gel overlays with a permenant french finish and I think they look just like my natural nails but a little brighter and shinier.

I really dislike overly long nails, to me they're just unnecessary - more like talons than nails and certainly not practical. But nice natural length nails with french tips I've always thought look quite classy.

At the end of the day though someones nails aren't going to make them a slut or not, their actions are!


Well-known member
Umm I always thought it was behaviour that determined sluttiness...just me?
I prefer a french mani that is more sheer, because it looks more natural and doesn't show chipping as easily. It is always recommended for brides so that their photos don't look dated. That being said alot of the estheticians I know call French Pedis "porn star toes" because it is so prevalent in that industry.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kimberleigh
Christ, if I had to worry about every blessed thing I do as slutty, silly, "clownish" (i.e. my make-up) etc. I'd spend all my time worrying! LMAO!

I've been getting acrylics for the last 5 years...Typically, I mix it up with french or painted, but I'm pretty set on the french tips. I've even gone as far as having french tips in crazy, bright pink, etc. I do think that the white tips are classy looking as long as they're not ridiculously long.

ITA.......Also, While I don't really like the french tips (I'm more of a color girl) I def. don't think "slutty" when I see them lol...I personally could give a shit what guys think seeing as they hate my black nails...which I LOVE


Well-known member
here they're considered slutty if they're too long. if they're short is considered classy. and the white part must be very thin.


Well-known member
To be candid, every single girl in porn I have seen has a French manicure or Barbie pink nails, so I think it's very easy to see how the French manicure is slutty, especially from a guy's perspective.

I've always thought it was tacky, though. You hardly ever see "old money" or very professional businesswomen (I'm talking about high-end law partners, investment bankers or CEO's, etc.) with them. They almost always get an extremely pale pink or peach that is pretty much the same as getting clear but gives more of a "finish".

And, as a third point, I think they are incredibly boring, haha.

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