{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
Ok this is a fun game. The next person choses from the last posters choices and then makes up the next two choices.

Would you rather....

Have no eyelashes and never be able to get extensions or false lashes, etc.


Give up both of your pinkie fingers ?


Well-known member
No pinkies.

eating 50 fish eyes a week for the rest of your life


never being able to cut your toe nails so they keep growing and end up curly?

*Star Violet*

Well-known member
50 fish eyes a week because I can just quickly swallow them up and then go about living my life until another week but having super long toe nails will mean I can't wear nice shoes all the time


marry a really rich, stable but very ugly guy


a really good looking guy who is jobless and lives in his mom's basement?


Well-known member
Fun game!
I choose: marry a really rich, stable but very ugly guy. I need someone with their shit together!

No wearing makeup for a week,
No brushing your teeth for a week


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACATTAK
Fun game!
I choose: marry a really rich, stable but very ugly guy. I need someone with their shit together!

No wearing makeup for a week,
No brushing your teeth for a week

No wearing make up... I cant handle dirty teeth...

would you rather:
lose all your teeth
or never be able to wear any lip product again ( no gloss/l/s chapstick etc) ?


Well-known member
I would never wear lip products again

Would you rather:

have a permanent mullet

or a constant leaky nose


Well-known member
I'll take a constant leaky nose. Mullets are gross!!

Would you rather:
Never be able to shave again,
Give up your favorite food/dessert forever


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
I'd take the dessert, because I wax.

Would you rather catch your parents having sex


Streak the commons of your alma mater

Gross! I would definitely streak at Purdue. Give em somethng to laugh at

Would you rather have constant farting

or constant burping?


Well-known member
LOL ew!!

I'd wear the dog cone....yeaah

Would you rather have hair on your gums, or hair on your palms.?


Well-known member
hair on my palms would be easier to get rid of

would you rather have no eyebrow hairs ever grow, or have an over abundance of eyebrows that could never be shaped?


Well-known member
Either because if i had no eyebrows..i would draw them on. If i had unruly, unshapable eyebrows, i'd shave them and draw them on LOL

Would you rather eat dog poo, or your own poo?


Well-known member
oh come on guys these are easy choices lets think of something harder..

although the one i responded to was hard..how big the dog and how old the person...i'd probably choose my dog because its a less amount and i can't get sick from its germs..

would you rather have no tits and a perfect ass or a perfect boobs and no ass...no surgery aloud


Well-known member
Big boobs please!

Would you rather hate constant bad breath

or Have permanent yellow teeth


Well-known member
id rather have constant bad breath because yellow teeth truly disgust me.

would you rather go two months without shaving your armpits or go two months without shaving your legs (in the summer)!!!


Well-known member
yellow teath, you can't smell them!!

live in a gorilla suit for the rest of your life


make your living as a walking advertisement wearing a sandwich board for fake boobs?


Well-known member
Ohh I agree with the yellow teeth thing!!
I'd rather: make your living as a walking advertisement wearing a sandwich board for fake boobs?

Would you rather: have a dark moustache (that you can't get rid of)
be missing a front tooth? (that you can't get a fake tooth for)