{GAME} Would you rather....


Well-known member
I had never heard of Meatspin, but I checked it out and I'd rather go with Meatspin!

Would you rather:
Be with a hot girl or
be with a totally ugly guy


Well-known member
ERRRRRRR. I'm like the straightest person ever.
I mean, like how ugly. C'mon. You should've posted some reference pics!

I think a girl. It could just be a more spiritual relationship. *shrug*

Would YOU rather...
- Lose a foot ~OR~
- Lose a hand


Well-known member
I'm talking really butt ugly! Good sport though

I'd rather lose a hand!

Would you rather:
Gain 50 pounds or
Cut off 1 year of your life?


Well-known member
Not be able to have kids! I don't even know if I could handle one, forget 14.

Would you rather:
See your father in a g-string or
See your grandmother in a teddy?


Well-known member
I'd rather: See my grandmother in a teddy.

Would you rather:
Eat a cup of sand
drink a cup of toilet water (it's unknown if the toilet has been flushed)


Well-known member
Drink a cup of toilet water. The sand would be too hard to get down and I don't think it'd sit well. Water is easier to puke up anyway. haha.

Would YOU rather...
Strip down naked on the Oprah show lol ~OR~
Have a billboard of you naked in Times Square 4EVER! lol


Well-known member
That's a tuffy! I choose: Have a billboard of you naked in Times Square 4EVER! lol

Would you rather:
Have extremely hairy nipples
tons of hair growing out of your ears (you can't get rid of either)


Well-known member
OMG that is pretty bad.... I will say nipples because everyone can see the ears!

Would you rather queef loudly everytime during sex or
have 3 stinky farts afterwards while spooning?


Well-known member
Gosh Hilly you crack me up with practically everything you say!

I'd rather: have 3 stinky farts afterwards while spooning? Guys do it all the time, why not a little payback?

Would you rather:

Have permanent blisters all over your lips
be cross-eyed?


Well-known member
Be cross eyed...blisters hurt!

Would you rather run around the city naked for one day?
OR be the star of a porno?


Well-known member
I'd rather: be the star of a porno.

Would you rather:
Have a terrible pig nose
Pee each time you smile?


Well-known member
Pee each time I smile. I already pee AND smile enough...why not combine them... LOL
(oops...peeing... jk)

Would YOU rather...
~ Walk backwards for the rest of your life OR
~ Hop on one foot your whole life

(hey somebody answer I have a better one LOLOL)


Well-known member
I'd rather: ~ Walk backwards for the rest of my life.

Would you rather:
Fall down a flight of stairs
Bungee jump?


Well-known member
Deformed toes! I can keep them covered up. BTW skinny legs + a gut = a corndog! hahaha

Would you rather:

have a tattoo on your forehead that says IDIOT


not be able to wear a bra ever again?


Well-known member
tattoo yep yep iam an idiot anyhow LOL

would you rather have extremely long nails (1 metre long that u cant cut) or have no nails at all :|


Well-known member
no nails..many people have diseases where they loose they nails..all you have to go is paint on ur skin

would you rather be be huge with a pipsqueak voice or small with a grizzly voice lol


Well-known member
I'd rather be: small with a grizzly voice. At least I wouldn't seem like a giant!

Would you rather:
Never be able to sleep in late again
Wake up every hour on the hour for the rest of your life, but be able to sleep as long as you wanted?


Well-known member
Never sleep in again. I do it too much

Would YOU rather...
- Lick someones hairy butt crack 10 times ~OR~
- Suck someones hairy toes for 10 minutes

Mind you...think: obnoxiously hairy!!!