Gardasil vaccine.....yes or no???


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The comment that "I'm also afraid young girls will think this is their free ticket to unprotected sex and risky behaviors" is so wrong on so many levels. For one thing girls as well as boys need to be educated in all the risk factors of unprotected sex. This is equivalent to sticking your head in the sand or your fingers in your ears and going lalalalalala. It’s the same as the argument about making condoms and other protection available to teens. If we give then access to protection they all will be out having sex with everyone or if abortion is legal then women will use it as birth control. This kind of thinking is just absurd. This of course is your choice while your daughters are under 18 but I hope you will educate them to make their own choices as they get older about their bodies. I do not believe my daughter has had sex but hey, I may be wrong. But I do not feel that is the point here. It is about the prevention of potentially deadly diseases. I want my daughter to be well educated about her body and make her own choices.


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I had the gardisal shots but it def is not going to change the fact the you that you have abnormals paps, because I do and I have ever since I was 18, I still go every 6 months ( im 21 now) the shots will only protect you against certain strains but that is still no garuntee, i think that it is only a decision you can make for your self and something that you have to think long and hard about... I didnt get the shots untill I was I think you should talk with your doctor ask all the questions you needto ask do all the research you need when anything hits you write it down so you can ask because questions about your body are very serious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I guess I'll let everyone else be guinea pigs for awhile before i commit my daughters to the vaccine. It sounds like a miracle drug, but i'm afraid in a couple of years they'll come out and say it may cause a horrible infliction. Of course any doctor is going to tell you the vaccine is a great thing, they seem to assume that all girls sleep around and they push medicines for pharmaceutical companies. I'm also afraid young girls will think this is their free ticket to unprotected sex and risky behaviors. If they are so adamant about vaccinating they should also vaccinate men because it has been shown effective, Men can carry it, it's silly to put all the responsibility on the girls.
I didn't sleep around when I was younger, i get checkups at the doctor regularly and my husband doesn't have the virus so i'm in the clear.
As for your comment on anti depressants.. alot of people's symptoms get worse when they are on them, it is a very real problem and more prevalent in teens and young adults. They have black box warnings about it and are one step away from being illegal. Nobody seemed to notice these side effects for years after the drugs were on the market and now they are getting sued.

The reason for vaccinating women first has many reasons-women give birth, women tend to be more responsible than males in general regarding their fertility-a woman may have to carry a child 9 months,feed the infant every three hours after its born, and raise it for the next 21 years. Many men just dump their sperm and go on about their business. They don't have to invest as much, they have less to lose. It's the same with the birth control pill. You couldn't trust a man to take it every day. Biology hardwires men to inseminate many women- but women in general are more choosey. I say in general because there are exceptions to every rule.