Getting to know the locals


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Now you should make more effort to visit them.. And stop by at Media Makeup for MUFE

that would be 1 reason lol.u think melbourne would have it since it is the bigger city.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Repunzel
that would be 1 reason lol.u think melbourne would have it since it is the bigger city.

MUFE used to be at David Jones Burke st years ago! I think Media Makeup imports their stuff from Singapore, not France, which explains why they are not under MUFE stockist list.


Well-known member
First Name: Hannah


Occupation: I work at after school care!!

Dream Job: Beauty Editor for Vogue (we can all dream...)

Shy or Outgoing: I can be shy when I first meet people or in big group situations where I dont know everyone but around people I know im loud and opinionated! haha

Other Obsession/s: Nikes! and chewing on ice cubes

Favorite Food: I love seafood!! and creamy pastas! and soups of all varieties

Car I drive: Golf TDI

Car I WANT to drive: A black jeep wrangler

Favorite singer/band/Dj's: Bright Eyes, Guns n' Roses, Amy Winehouse, Adele, Billie Holiday, Joe Strummer, Bob Marley

Favorite Film/s: The Notebook, Drop Dead Fred, Eagle vs. Shark

Favorite Tv Shows: Flight of the Conchords, Skins, Lost, Oz, Entourage, Outrageous Fortune

The one thing I couldn't live without: My family/friends/boyfriend

Been overseas and where: USA, UK, France, Fiji, Vanuatu, used to live in NZ, Hawaii, Scotland, Raratonga, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia

One thing I want to do before I die: This might sound silly for someone my age but id love to have children before I die.

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): Never shoplifted either! Im too paranoid!

Celebrity you love: Agynes Deyn and Megan Fox! HOT

Celebrity you can't stand: DAvid Letterman, get him off TV hes not even funny and ruins my insomnia! Also they lady that presents Funniest Home Videos Australia, I dont know her name but she is way too happy for no good reason, I think she is on drugs and thus is a bad influence, she also ruins a perfectly good show.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
One thing I want to do before I die: This might sound silly for someone my age but id love to have children before I die.

See now I wanted to say that but I'm currently being hassled by all & sundry about when we're going to have kids that I didnt say that!

Hell... my mother in law even hassled me via facebook status updates about grandkids!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
they lady that presents Funniest Home Videos Australia, I dont know her name but she is way too happy for no good reason, I think she is on drugs and thus is a bad influence, she also ruins a perfectly good show.


Yeah, she is on a happy drug!! She is on some garden show, too, right? I think she is cute


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MrsMay
See now I wanted to say that but I'm currently being hassled by all & sundry about when we're going to have kids that I didnt say that!

Hell... my mother in law even hassled me via facebook status updates about grandkids!

It is not like your bio clock is tickin or anything!
Plus you are back-to-the-raftersing now.


Well-known member
^^ that's right! There is no way in hell that I'm gonna get preggers while I'm living at my parents house!


Well-known member
^^ I'm gonna get that regardless as my mother in law has already organised to take at least 1 day off a week to look after her grandkids when they finally arrive...

Besides both my parents work full time so no babysitting services there

Although it would piss off my sister (who is in the bedroom next to me) lol...


Well-known member
Is your sister there as well? Wow, it must be fun living with everyone!
Your mother in law is way past just 'hint, hint' stage, Jen..

By the way.. I broke my 2nd cardio machine
Really, I am not THAT heavy.


Well-known member
Yep my sister (aka the princess) has moved back home as well...

I think your cardio machines break from overuse Nat! They see you and say "No! I cant do it anymore! I'm tired!"


Well-known member
I didn't know you have a sister! Thought you were an only child somehow.
She sounds fun
Love to hear more about her lol..

Haha.. Hubby said the same thing. It is not the machine's fault but the user's. I disagree.. I am trying to break it, so that I will have to go and buy the second-hand commercial unit. Never again buying another machine from Rebel.. I don't think their machines are meant to be used everyday lol.


Well-known member
First Name: Cassandra (Everyone calls me Cassie though)


Occupation: I work in a office on weekends, but i am looking for a fulltime job.

Dream Job: Being rich for nothing. That counts as a job doesnt it?

Shy or Outgoing: Both. Get me around people at my work (who are all at least 12 years older then me) and im shy. Get me around my mates, and im the loudest person ever.

Other Obsession/s: Craft activities (this week it was headbands), recently gym

Favorite Food: Quesadillas (mum lived 1 hour from the border of mexico for a few years) and Chicken and Avacado Sandwiches.

Car I drive: Daewoo Lanos

Car I WANT to drive: BMW Convertable

Favorite singer/band/Dj's: Too many to name. I am currrently into Katy Perry

Favorite Film/s: Again too many to name. Love moulin rogue

Favorite Tv Shows: Rove, How i met your mother

The one thing I couldn't live without: Mac

Been overseas and where: Havent been overseas

One thing I want to do before I die: Go to France and England

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): I'd feel to guilty if i did

Celebrity you love: Rob Pattinson, Katy Perry

Celebrity you can't stand: Wayyyyy toooo mannyyy to name! Right now Kristen Stewart is. So ungrateful!



Well-known member
I dont think there is any worse celebrity on this planet than Paris - how did Rhianna rate so highly?


Well-known member
Rhianna annoys me now. Can't believe she has reconciled with her boyfriend after he beat the crap out of her!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Rhianna annoys me now. Can't believe she has reconciled with her boyfriend after he beat the crap out of her!

thats horrible!


Well-known member
Oh you are such a multi-task person, Billy! Surfing Specktra, while watching Gilmore Girls
I am watching 'Along came spider', while hopping mad (form of cardio) and checking Specktra at the same time.


Well-known member
Yeah I think right now everyone is a little miffed at Rihanna for letting women of the world down - esp those who have suffered/are suffering DV. It's like saying its Ok. Personally, I think its unbelievable given the details of the attack. I can understand a person can be talked into forgiving a slap in the face in the heat of an arguement...but biting, hitting your head into a car window...girl has issues.

She is only human after all - lets just hope it really doesn't happen again to her.


Well-known member
Yeah I agree darkorchid! I read an article, which said she was punched in the face as well. She has issues and he has bigger issues! I don't know how anyone could punch a woman/child/pet.

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