Getting to know the locals


Well-known member
Oh dear, yeah you might get a bit of school-shock hehe!

I actually really hate the law stuff, and I'm not planning on finishing it, but if I did I'd have 4 more years! Currently doing honours in my Arts degree and much happier with it


Well-known member
hi everyone, i'm also fairly new to specktra

First Name: pia

Age: 19

Occupation: pharmacy student/pharmacy technician (packing webster packs for nursing homes)/bunnings check out chick lol! but hoping to quit at bunnings by the end of the year

Dream job: hospital pharmacist

Shy or Outgoing: very shy

Other obsessions: music, collecting postcards (not MAC, mostly art postcards)

Favorite Food: tiramisu

Car I drive: still on my L's

Favorite Band/singer: can't really pick just one

Favorite Films: the spanish apartment, goodbye lenin, school of rock, role models, harry potter, sisterhood of the travelling pants, the edge of heaven, anything miyazaki (totoro, howl's moving castle etc.)....generally, i like comedies and foreign films and don't like violence/action/horror

1 thing I couldn't live without: family....very cliche of me, sorry.

Been Overseas: germany, belgium, netherlands, luxumbourg (probably spelled that wrong hehe), spain, thailand, laos, cambodia...transit lounge of singapore airport lol!

1 thing I wan't to do before I die: volunteer overseas with an aid organisation such as MSF (Doctors Without Borders)...I'd love to work in either Africa or Latin America

Shoplifting: nothing

Celebrity I HATE: anyone famous for doing nothing (i.e. paris hilton and the like)


Well-known member
Hello all
, pleasure to meet you all

First Name: Tanya

Age: 22

Occupation: Student/ Science Technician

Dream Job: Fashion Designer

Shy or Outgoing: Shy most of the times

Other Obsession/s: Makeup

Favorite Food: too many to choose!

Car I drive: Toyota camry

Car I WANT to drive: toyota corolla

Favorite singer/band: atm im listening to freelace whales

Favorite Film/s: my fav is probably love me if you dare

The one thing I couldn't live without: The company of family and friends

Been overseas and where: been around asia a few times

One thing I want to do before I die: Travel to Europe

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): Not really shoplift but i used to change the price tags of items

Celebrity you love: Supermodels

Celebrity you can't stand: Miley Cyrus


Hi Aussie girls, pleased to meet you all

First Name: Kobie (surprise surprise!)

Age: 31

Occupation: Banker

Dream Job: Food Critic or Professional Shopper

Shy or Outgoing: I am reasonably outgoing, I have to be to do my job!

Other Obsession/s: Planning & researching - weddings, hoildays, renovations. Oh and pancakes.

Favorite Food: Anything mediterranean - mezze, antipasto, tapas. Tasy little parcels. Mmm.

Car I drive: Subaru Liberty

Car I WANT to drive: not particularly fussed with cars - but maybe an Audi.

Favorite singer/band: Florence & the Machine, the Gossip, Sia, Sarah Blasko, Moloko. Nothing too commercial, I can't stand most top 40 stuff.

Favorite Film/s: Two Hands, Cruel Intentions, Borat, the Notebook, Time Traveller's Wife (also my favourite book)

The one thing I couldn't live without: aside from family & friends, probably my ugg boots hahaha

Been overseas and where: Lived in London for almost 4 years, so lots of Europe, Thailand, Fiji, New York.

One thing I want to do before I die: If you asked me 5 years ago, I would have said marry the man of my dreams.... Now probably go diving at the Galapagos Islands. ( cos I married the boy last year

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have):
I used to eat "free" iceblocks when I worked in my primary school canteen... does that count?

Celebrity you love: Katie Price (sooo trashy and entertaining - like looking at a car crash. With deformed breasts.)

Celebrity you can't stand: Natalie Basingthwaite, she always looks great, but I find her irritating (and possibly a little unhinged)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xLongLashesx
Welcome Tanya!!

I've been told I look like Miley Cyrus.. I was mildly insulted.. lol!


She's not unattractive I don't know why you were insulted? Plus you're hot!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rockin26

She's not unattractive I don't know why you were insulted? Plus you're hot!

Oh no, I think she's pretty.. just so cheesy! And if she looks like me then it's sort of cheese by association..

And I'm nowhere near hot! But thanks for saying so


Well-known member
Welcome Kobie!!

I love Katie Price too, I love 'What Katie Did Next' on Foxtel.. she tries to be inconspicuous then drives around in a huge pink truck..


Originally Posted by xLongLashesx
Welcome Kobie!!

I love Katie Price too, I love 'What Katie Did Next' on Foxtel.. she tries to be inconspicuous then drives around in a huge pink truck..

hi and thanks!

Katie is indeed awesome, I was a big fan of the duet album (with Peter Andre of course) she released at Christmas. It was beautiful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xLongLashesx
Oh no, I think she's pretty.. just so cheesy! And if she looks like me then it's sort of cheese by association..

And I'm nowhere near hot! But thanks for saying so

Shut up Sal! You're friggen gorgeous!


Well-known member
So I think it's about time I said hello here! I must admit I frequent general mac chat much more than the Australian one :p.

First Name: Frieda
Age: 19

Occupation: Student / Tutor

Dream Job: Barrister or RBA Economist or Celebrated Artist :p

Shy or Outgoing: Outgoing

Other Obsession/s: Boyfriend, Food, Clothes

Favorite Food: Sashimi and Sushi come first, Pasta and then particular home cooked chinese dishes :p

Car I drive: My parents' bomb, although seldom.

Car I WANT to drive: Honda Accord Euro

Been overseas and where: China (Mainland, Macau, Hong Kong) and Japan. I really want to go to the US and the UK too! I feel a bit guilty though because I mainly want to go to the US just to shop and eat

One thing I want to do before I die: Marry the person who makes me happiest

Celebrity you can't stand: Miley off the top of my head, but there are definitely more hehe.


Well-known member
Welcome Frieda! You're the opposite of me I'm always in the Aussie forums, the US ones mostly goes over my head because we don't have half the stuff they talk about. Oh and I've been to the US and get what you mean about shopping & eating. The food over there is so bad but in a totally awsome way!


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I am new here and this looks like fun so here goes...

First Name: Imogen

Age: 29

Occupation: Actress

Dream Job: Hmmmmm, I'd love to be a (successful!) novelist

Shy or Outgoing: Mostly outgoing.

Other Obsession/s: Unfortunately diamonds. Seriously. I was going to give up acting to study gemology just so I could play with them all day! Ridiculous. But the good news is that it makes my make up obsession look affordable!

Favorite Food: Chocolate.

Car I WANT to drive: Something small and nippy. I'm not used to driving big cars but having two kids now means I have to.

Favorite singer/band: I can't think of a single favourite.

Favorite Film/s: Donnie Darko

The one thing I couldn't live without: My kids

Been overseas and where: Lots of places. My work (and family) have moved me around a lot.

One thing I want to do before I die: write a novel

What's the funniest/weirdest thing you shoplifted (if you ever have): Oh man, this one is embarrassing, control knickers, the ones that suck your tummy in! I had just had a baby and I had to be my friends bridesmaid. I needed to buy serious underwear to hold in the baby belly but I just couldn't bring myself to actually pay for it! Terrible and I still can't believe I did it. I never even wore them anyway because they were so uncomfortable!

Celebrity you love: Scarlett Johansson

Celebrity you can't stand: Tom Cruise, he turns my stomach (although when I was 10 I was seriously in love with him. I can probably still quote the whole of Top Gun!)


Well-known member
^^Carina! I've just followed your blogggy! I'm the first!whees~ So many swatches make me wanna get the polishes!
I've just started youtube so i know how excited you must be!