Getting your partners name tattooed?


Well-known member
Well my BF and I each have one half of our shared tattoo ... it's basically like one of those BFF charms (a heart split in half where u'd give ur friend one half and keep the other) and it says "eternal love" when joined together, instead of "best friends forever".


Well-known member
i LLLLOOOVVEE seeing my name on my mans neck. hes so sexy to me and thinking that this sexy ass man has MY name on his neck is like soo hot 2 me lol i sound like i am 15 but seriously haha


Well-known member
Unfortunatly we live in a society where tattoos last forever and many marriages don't. And its sad that we all realize a tattoo is more permanent then marriage! That's scary! Too bad it wasn't the other way around. I say go for it because if your marriage vows are for forever & permanent, then a tattoo is nothing compared to that! I would get my husbands name (when i do get married!) inked on me buttttttt he would have to get my name FIRST! hahahaha


Well-known member
I don't think so. I've always heard this rule: Unless they came out of you, or you came out of them, don't have their name tattooed on your body.

If you truly must have your SOs name on your body, stay with them for 5 years. If after 5 years, you love them as much as you did in the beginning and you can honestly say that your relationship is steady and solid, go for it.

I might have our wedding date tattooed. I think thats as far as I could go..


Well-known member
I would have to be very veeeery sure before I'd have someone's name tattooed on me. I've got several tattoos already, but I don't want someone's name on me if it isn't going to last. It'd just be a painful reminder, even if I could cover it up, I'd know what was under it. I'd be much more open to getting matching tattoos or a phrase or something that was special to us.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
i LLLLOOOVVEE seeing my name on my mans neck. hes so sexy to me and thinking that this sexy ass man has MY name on his neck is like soo hot 2 me lol i sound like i am 15 but seriously haha

haha u go girl


Well-known member
My husband got my name tattooed on his right arm. I love looking at it. I am *thinking* about getting his name (Matthew).

His sister, Hopie, got her husband's name (Tommy) tattooed on the small of her back in big gothic-type lettering while he was away in Iraq..I think it looks really cool. Tommy LOVES it, and Hope confides it turns him on A LOT!

It's been three years since Matt got YVETTE tattooed on his arm...I've yet to make the commitment..BUT I am thinking of getting something SMALL on my shoulder or something...I do have one tat on my ankle (a 50-cent piece sized Ying Yang)...Still thinking about the name...Heh..if something ever happens (which I dearly hope not), if I have something small, it could be lasered off pretty easily!


Well-known member
well me and my hubby when we were 18 got matching symbols tattooed. so we know the menaing behind it but to normal people it just looks funky! i'd never get his name done or anything like that... just in case you know?


Well-known member
i wish my bf tatooed my name
you ladies are so lucky. But he is not into tatoos, plus, he studies law, gonna be lawer/advocate, i heard its strict there from my other friend, and tatoos are not much allowed.. But i wish sooo much. uhhh. His brothers girlfriend tatooed his bro's name on her neck from the back. They split and get back time to time... Idk i just wish sooo much. Mizz Yasmine & CantAffordMac, you girls are lucky


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Alibi
i wish my bf tatooed my name
you ladies are so lucky. But he is not into tatoos, plus, he studies law, gonna be lawer/advocate, i heard its strict there from my other friend, and tatoos are not much allowed.. But i wish sooo much. uhhh. His brothers girlfriend tatooed his bro's name on her neck from the back. They split and get back time to time... Idk i just wish sooo much. Mizz Yasmine & CantAffordMac, you girls are lucky

Personally I count myself lucky for the way my boyfriend treats me... Just because someone tattoos a name on them doesn't meant that they are committed, that they truly love the other person, that they respect and cherish the other person, etc. I would be far more concerned/appreciative of the above than of a tattoo. In my mind a tattoo would mean nothing without being backed up with behaviour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Personally I count myself lucky for the way my boyfriend treats me... Just because someone tattoos a name on them doesn't meant that they are committed, that they truly love the other person, that they respect and cherish the other person, etc. I would be far more concerned/appreciative of the above than of a tattoo. In my mind a tattoo would mean nothing without being backed up with behaviour.


And...I count myself lucky that my husband treats me with love, respect, and like I'm a princess....AND has MY name tatooed on him!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Personally I count myself lucky for the way my boyfriend treats me... Just because someone tattoos a name on them doesn't meant that they are committed, that they truly love the other person, that they respect and cherish the other person, etc. I would be far more concerned/appreciative of the above than of a tattoo. In my mind a tattoo would mean nothing without being backed up with behaviour.

Soooooo true.

Anyways heres a pic. Not so clear, but oh well.


Well-known member
don't get me wrong, im not saying that having a tatoo is the only thing which make the relationship commited, and i never said thats something nessesary for the relationship at all.. i am so in love with my bf.
Thats just a little thing about me, yes, i would honestly like it a lot.

CantAffordMac, its huge!


Active member
I'd maybe consider it after 10 or so years of being together. But I'm going to second the matching tattoo idea or a symbol or something.

But lucky for me, my girlfriend's name is also a city in Texas, so if that ever happens, I could just say I really like Texas.


Well-known member
yea i agree with pretty much everything that's been said about why not to do it.

but you know if you decide to do it, a good artist can always cover it up with something else should you need it.


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Re: Getting your partners name tattoed?

Originally Posted by fash10nista
After reading all the replies in this thread, I guess I must be the exception to the rule.

My hubby and I will have been together 16 years this August, married 7 years in September. We have two beautiful and wonderful children and yes, I have his name tattooed on my right shoulder. He also has my name on his left chest. We've both got other skin art but our names were done when we were both only 18 or 19.

I believe he is my soulmate and likewise for him. Yes, each relationship is different (We were not without our rocky moments!) but I believe that a relationship is about growing, getting to know each other and accepting each other flaws. Even I cannot say what lies in the future for us but I do know this: whatever may happen, he will always have a place in my heart, not only because of our children but because he has taught me so much as a person. Our tattoos are representative of all that we've gone thorough until now.

Sorry to sound so emo, but I thought I should share the other side of the coin, so to speak...

My hubby has my name tattooed on his left upper arm as well.
I mean, I know you can't see into the future, but when you get married, you certainly hope and try to keep it going forever. If you enter into marriage and you like ink, then why not?
Which is the bigger commitment - surely marriage. A sacred bond.
Maybe I'm old fashioned?

But hey, whatever you like personally. Go for it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine

And...I count myself lucky that my husband treats me with love, respect, and like I'm a princess....AND has MY name tatooed on him!!!!

Sorry if that came off as "Tattoos and love/respect are mutually exclusive!".
Sometimes I get acidic. I was just trying to say that the tattoo would be a bonus not the most important part.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Sorry if that came off as "Tattoos and love/respect are mutually exclusive!". Sometimes I get acidic. I was just trying to say that the tattoo would be a bonus not the most important part.

No...I TOTALLY understand that
. I get what you were saying perfectly
.I was just sayin' that I'm glad for it (my husband being the way he is)

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