Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Well-known member
All the time, it's the one thing people who don't like me call me out on. It doesn't bother me though, I like makeup and thats all that matters.


Well-known member
Some girls who don't even know me, who saw maybe one picture of me online (from another board) said that I looked like a grandma with my makeup on...


Well-known member
I have never been told this--in fact I usually get really nice (and honest--not snarky) comments about how my m/up looks or that they want me to do their makeup or ask for tips LOL

Some ppl just have issues within themselves and they lash out... especially on the internet.. like others have said, easy way to be mean and "anonymous".

Makeup is ART and a great way to express yourself. Plus, it washes right off.


Well-known member
ahhaah I thought it was just ME that ppl were saying all this 2! And now I realize that's not the case. One of my co-workers(a gurl who's never work makeup) told me one time that I wear too much makeup. I thought of slapping her. I mean wat do u really know about makeup..u know...

Then some random kid who was buying something from me one day, said that I wear too much makeup! I think he was implying my eyeshadow cuz I was wearing Rushmetal pigmen that day! I used to wear alot of bright purple and greens and ppl use to tell me "i wear too much makeup' and now that I wear nothing but neutrals' not one single person has said anything!

Except of course family members who know I take atleast 2 hours to get ready and put my face on! It has to be perfect. I can't just bolt outta the house with my eyebrows crooked, or mascara all clumping, or eyeliner not the same thickness on each eye! know wat i mean gurls!

screw them all! I love makeup and I WEAR IT PROUDLY! lol


Well-known member
btw that's my eye shot! does that look like too much makeup to u? i think not!

maybe it's my foundation! it's kinda heavy at times!


Well-known member
I've gotten that at work, but it's always from the older, stuck up women and it just rolls right off my back. As far as I am concern they are just jelous because I can still wear make up and make it look good. Funny story though, (bare in mind I work in a department mainly with men) I had one of the older women tell me that I was wearing too much make up and she felt as though it was very fake, and then my male co-worker says to her "In my opinion I must say Sam is one of the few girls here who doesn't actually need the make up"...SO that made my day and really pissed her off. Really funny part was she had on more make up than me and NONE of it matched her skin tone. Simply, leave the haters be.


Well-known member
^^^ haha that was great of your co-worker to have said that to her..

I don't understand hypocrites...i really don't =S


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
I've never had that comment before about wearing too much, but I hate when you're sitting there with a full face of make up and then someone who is there wearing just some liner or whatever says:
"Yeah, i don't like wearing too much make up..i've NEVER worn foundation" really proud of themselves - like they're SO above cosmetics, or that there is something dirty about it.
my sister in law ALWAYS does that
i feel like saying
"well done you - have a cookie"

but instead i sit there going on about what I have on that day - brands, names and all, like "fuck you" lol

I never really understand the sentiment behind that kind of comment, but it feels Soo snidey

i completly agree! i've also had this countless amount of times lol & i know the exact feeling! You feel like saying "well maybe you should try wearing it!" lol. x


Well-known member
i think whenever ive had jokey arguments with people, thats the 1 thing they always come up with "yea well you'd need a trowl to get all that make-up off" but you can tell they're not really joking about it. For me i prefer girls that do wear make-up, how boring would the world be with no colour!


Well-known member
I wear makeup everyday, sometimes people ask why are you wearing that much makeup to work? i simply reply this is my face...worry about yours. I think people say things because there jealous, and it's always people who only know how to put on lipstick, or CHAPSTICK nothing else...Such losers. it takes someone that truly loves makeup to understand how we feel about our makeup. Some people think I'm crazy when I say I love makeup, it's no different from loving purses or shoes... applying Makeup takes creativty so we are blessed to have a gift many don't have. So I say tell'em PISS OFF!!! and enjoy painting your face!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PRETTYGIRL26
sometimes people ask why are you wearing that much makeup to work? i simply reply this is my face...worry about yours.

haha i think im gonna say this next time!


Active member
I'm in the military, where colorful makeup is frowned upon. I usually wear bright colors in a conservative manner and I still get told that I wear too much makeup. However, when I wear neutral colors and tons of mascara, no one says a word to me. Honestly, people just need to chill.


Well-known member
I've never been told I wear too much make-up, in fact, most people think I don't wear any as I normally sport a very natural, neutral look in the day. Little do they know I've got about 20 different items of make-up on to help me look 'natural' and I can spend just as much time achieving that look as I would a dramatic evening look!


Well-known member
my father said that to me yesterday, then my bro said I smelled like a french whore, lol.
My husband rolled his eyes at them and told me to ignore them, my father is anti any thing that makes you look good.
And he didn't think my perfume was strong either, gosh I love that man


Well-known member
OK I was @ a birthday party the other day and some people were making fun of my travel makeup bag.. I don't think its huge!
Anyway.. they said I carry a large bag because I wear too much makeup then my friend's boyfriend said... so this means that's probably not your real face.
Ok Ef U buddy.. Ef YOU!!
Its so funny how caring about your appearance can automatically label you. I get judged so much at work! Thank God, I have a supportive boyfriend who helps me figure out where my outer v is hahahaha! Insecure ladies can be so mean and catty! This is exactly the reason why I joined this forum. I also work as a nurse and it is so boring to wear scrubs everyday. I recall the day a young patient was choking and I gave her the heimlich followed by cpr and brought her back, the next day at the morning meeting the director asked who saved her, they replied "nurse barbie did" grrrrrrrrrr!
Ms Ooshkey! I remember those days in the army esp in basic! I used to be so bad that I used my camo paint as eyeshadow!!! Vaseline as lip gloss!!I remember a girl in basic training that had tatooded ALL of her makeup on her face! The drill sergeant would proceed to hand her a brillo pad everytime he saw her so she could wash her contraband off her face!!! I remember the first time they saw her they were like damn private crackhead your musta been real fugly if u had to tattoo ur makeup on!!!
They can be so closed minded in the military!!!

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