Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Shit I wear my makeup- full eyes- every single day. People have talked shit, but I dont give a crap. I do what I want!

i totally agree! who gives a shit! i bought it so i'm goin to freakin wear it everyday if i wanted to!!!


New member
I find it pretty hilarious actually, no one will say to my face that I wear *too much makeup*. They'll usually go to my friend and be like, "Oh, Chelsea wears way too much makeup..." and then I'll hear from my friend about it soon enough. Someone has said that I look like a "slut" because of the way I do my makeup. Which just doesn't make any sense at all, you can't base how a person acts by the makeup that they wear.
It's like, if you really want to critisize me for the way I look- then at least say the comment to my face as I believe I should have the right to REPLY to the comment. However, I did confront one of the girls about it one time and mentioned that she could use some makeup and that it may do her some good. Immature? Maybe, but it felt good as hell! LOL. But I usually just let the comments slide as in the end, the comments don't really make a huge impact because I'ma keep wearing my M/U regardless!

I say, if it makes you feel good about yourself then why not? I don't think I go overboard or anything but I think when you take the time to "look nice" and appear "well put-together", other girls get jealous and then try to pick ya apart and as for guys making comments, they just don't get it!!! Makeup is my hobby! If you don't like how I look, don't look at me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Chels
If you don't like how I look, don't look at me!

I'm so using this..


Well-known member
i was told once or twice that i was wearing too much makeup, but most times i get lots of compliments on my MU and friends asking me makeovers (i'm sooo proud of this!
). i get a lot more often the question "why do you have to have billions of eyeshadows and tons of stuff? it's useless" and it really drives me mad

but i always answer that it's a lot of fun and i just enjoy it

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
Hey Glam8babe,

I no whr yu come frm! I lived in a different city when I started working (2.5 years back). I wore the following to work :-

Eye liner, kohl, mascara, lip color/ gloss.

Initially, girls used to stare when I entered the office! Then they used to get all wicked and say stuff like "Dont you think you wear a lot of make-up ?". I tot "Does she even know what make-up is! I mean just look at her!!". Anyhow, I ignored them all and just smiled and said "I love what I wear." After few months, everyone complimented me all the time and finally, when I was leaving (Sept 08), girls came to me n begged me to teach them how to apply make-up!!!!"

Some people will always be weird no matter what you do. Some have problems that you wear make-up and look good in it! Some hate it when you dont wear make-up n still look gorgeous and still others who just dont like it even if you dress up well!!

Turns out, weirdos will remain weirdos

Rock n roll girl ... We jus love our make-up


Well-known member
I totally agree, with you all!!! I am the only one who wears make-up in my college. I am studying social pedagogy, most of the other students are wearing NO make-up. They always stare at me, if I do a bright eye make-up.

Sometimes they make comments like: oh that must have taken you so long. Don´t you have anything else to do?

But some of my fellow students are very impressed of my eye make-up and ask me, if I could do that for them, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Yagmur
Sometimes they make comments like: oh that must have taken you so long. Don´t you have anything else to do?

But some of my fellow students are very impressed of my eye make-up and ask me, if I could do that for them, too.

Yeah same here, most of the girls at my Uni are giving me weird looks, but what I find the most intriguing is that most of the guys are very impressed with make up that I do. World is strange huh!


Well-known member
I am in Radiology school, so we rotate around to different hospitals to intern at. I worked at a certain hospital last semester and now my friend is there during this semester. She asked the technologists if they remembered me, and one of them was like, "oh the girl who wears a ton of makeup?"

I was kind of upset because I do really natural looks for work--just neutral eyeshadows, sometimes liner and a lip gloss. I was like wtf?! Sigh. And the guy who she talked to works as a clown during his time off...haha!


Well-known member
my sister said 'why do you have so much makeup on?' and then takes her finger and smudges it down the side of my face-my makeup didn't really smudge as i had on primer but i almost forgot who she was a popped her in the mouth! all my family wears makeup but its generational regarding how its done-the older women in my family wear foundation, blush and lipstick and the younger ones-my two sisters and stepmother-wear e/s and lipgloss and no foundation/blush. none of us has flawless skin so we do need some coverage but i'm guessing they just haven't gotten the memo.


Well-known member
If i had a dollar everytime someone had something related to wearing too much makeup like " Oh, Going out somewhere special tonight " or " Why so dressed up ? " . Im used to it and to be totally honest, i really could care less. Yeah, i go basically everywhere with my makeup fully done up, and people know that and continue to state the obvious. Im happy the way i look, and i like it. So im gonna continue to do what i love.

And glam8babe, dont take what that chick said seriously. Jealousy is harsh, and thats most definitely what she was. Your gorgeous, so keep that in mind.


Well-known member
I had a customer the other day ask if i was a ballroom dancer because of my hair and makeup. LOL I didn't know what to say. haha i kind of laughed to myself because i actually used to do ballroom and latin and my makeup and hair that day was very subdued compared to that in a contest. I just had curley hair, can't remember the makeup, probably a brown smokey eye?? To me thats very little makeup, lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
i work at a preschool...and i just laugh when my kids ask me "whats all that stuff on your face??" or "why are you wearing pink on your eyes?"


HAHAHAH i work at a daycare...I have "Falsie Fridays" coz thats the only day of the week where i get to sleep in (remotely) so I usually have more time to day my elaborate makeup that day...I usually go to work with a full face on and the kids are always combination of mystified/intrigued/impressed!
I had one 5 yr old try to yank my lashes though!! I was like, uh, this aint Santa at the mall's beard!


Well-known member
I have quite a few times, but it's always from people who don't wear makeup or just suck at applying makeup! Haha.
My mom always tells me it's too much when I wear bright colors, I think it's because she thinks it too bright, but oh well. Doesn't really bother me!


Well-known member
Happens to me all the time the only time I pay attention to such comments is when my mom says so but then I still do what i want....you know whatever makes me happy. I think most women would like to put on alot of makeup but most of them dont have the guts to do so


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iadoremac
I think most women would like to put on alot of makeup but most of them dont have the guts to do so

Agreed. Either they don't have the guts or don't know how to do it properly, but instead of learning the technique they prefer to mock the girls who do have the skill. Pathetic.


Well-known member
Ive never really had people tell me I wear too much make-up, my day wear consists of foundation, concealer (if needed), blusher, mascara and finishing powder. Sometimes I add eye liner but not often.

But recently, I was told by my little sister that I always wear too much, but I ignore her because she doesnt even know how to apply mascara! Shes 19! She never wears make-up, so even when Ive worn only blush and mascara, she thinks its too much...

As for work colleagues making 'comments', I never got them for my make-up but I did get them for my clothes. I like to look just so when I come into work and I like to wear clothes that are more unusual on dress down days, Ive had sooo many snidey comments that Im virtually immune to them now.

From my experience, it is simply jealousy. That sounds big headed, but the majority of these women were unkept and they would whine if they even so much as had to moisturise their skin because it was dry or cut their hair because it was getting too long.
After I worked this out, I realised that the more they b*tched about me, the better I actually felt, because it meant I must have looked nice.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
First of all, I think the girl was being abusive as she was hiding behind the keyboard. And I heard from people whom I respect that people who pick on others are usually suppressed at home/work, and have insecurities.

Secondly, bright colours do not equate to too much makeup. Makeup should be applied appropriately according to occasions/locations. If you are skilfull, you can use many products but look beautiful, not too much. Most men know nothing about makeup. They think a particular woman is beautiful, natural and not wearing makeup when she is wearing makeup.

Thirdly, I enjoy applying makeup and think it is an art. It is my hobby and passion. I do not do too dramatic or bright looks for work, but I do as I please outside of work. My friends/colleagues are open-minded towards what I do, and they compliment or ask me how I do my makeup. However, they have the impression that I must be very vain because I put on makeup daily. It is my way of pampering and treating myself, just like others who dine or splurge on bags etc. Just my penny of thoughts.


Well-known member
ooh what do THOSE people know?! their probably a buncha loonies who are bored and like to pick on pretty people! IMO
really, whats the point of makeup if you can't express it the way you want it!


Well-known member
I normally don't wear make up monday - thursday (or if I do it's netural).Then on friday's I wear brights (because 1. it's friday, and 2. it's casual dress day where i work).

Two friday's ago i wore Cool Heat eyeshadow & some other teal colours (don't remember), and I got told by this older lady at work that it looked like i was going clubbing!

I was like WTF? I've brought the make up, spend time applying it, it's my face... if I want to look like i'm "going clubbing" then I will.

most of the other people appreciate my make up application skills and understand that I have a lot of eyeshadows and are trying to get my moneys worth and have some fun with colour! I get a few questions like "how many eyeshadows are you wearing today?" or "how much is your face worth today?"... I don't mind those comments.