Has anybody ever said you wear *TOO MUCH* makeup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
the people that say things either are jelous or dont have a good life so they try and make me feel bad.

I think you're absolutely on target!
People who pick others apart are generally unhappy, insecure and immature. The girl who raged at you in the chat room sounds like she has a real personality disorder. I'd detach from her, completely.
As for the others in your life who feel compelled to give you unsolicited "advice," they just sound like they have way too much spare time. If I were you, I'd be tempted to say, "I don't seem to recall asking you."
You could also employ Ann Landers' famous line: "I'm sure you mean to be helpful ..."
Anyone who has that much time to spend criticizing others has NO life.


Well-known member
the only person that ever says that i wear too much makeup is my boyfriend... but that's because he knows nothing about makeup :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sofabean
the only person that ever says that i wear too much makeup is my boyfriend... but that's because he knows nothing about makeup :p

Most men simply do not "get it" about makeup.
The few who do are usually tremendous fun, though.


Well-known member
What a beeeyatch! She's probably hideous if she had to say that.

Yeah I used to get it heaps but now I don't get it as much. Oh well my face, my problem.


Well-known member
I actually get that from my boyfriend but I did get a comment on my blog, of course it wasn't as outrageous as yours was. This was what I got:
"girls,go easy on the chemicals you put on your skin hahah"

I viewed his blog and he had a bunch of e-books for playboy. I'm thinking "how would you like to look at your playboy bunnies without their makeup?"

anyway, do what you like. if you like makeup, it's for yourself. I used to care that I wear too much makeup to school compared to everyone else but now I'm just enjoying it. I have so much makeup. If I'm not gonna use it what am I supposed to do with it? paint the walls or something? lol

forget about those people who make those nasty comments! they're just jealous that you're so pretty and you have skills with makeup.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
it pisses me off when people do this especially ones that dont know how to even apply it...

well earlier on i was in this chat room for my local area which i sometimes go on to see if any of my mates are on... but today i was chatting to some nice people then some girl comes on and starts slatin me for no reason "you wear too much makeup.. looks like a makeup box exploded on your face" and "you peroxide slut" and "you need a shovel to get it all off"

i dont know why she said peroxide slut because ive NEVER died my hair lol apart from a few highlights couple times a year

but as for my profile.. i do have pics on there where im wearing makeup (mostly pics ive posted on here as FOTD's and normal ones.. some with my bf too and some ready to go clubbin)
i understand some people hate makeup but to be honest why do people need to judge too much? it pisses me off soo much

not to mention the girl who said it didnt have a pic of her on her profile which was abit weird (maybe shes soo ugly!) lol but yeh, i used to get shit like this in school getting comments how i wear too much makeup when they were girls who wore WAYY more than me but they never got shit

Its also funny because i do love makeup but i dont wear it much... maybe twice a week if that? and when im at college i wear abit of foundation, set it with powder, mascara, blush and a lipgloss or neutral lipstick

I thought this would be a good discussion to put on here as we are all makeup lovers... and when i thought about it, i dont wear that much makeup at all. But obviously i think some girls get jealous and start slating because they have nothing nice to say... my boyfriend hasnt got a problem at all, he loves me without makeup but he knows how much i love it so he buys me mac when new collections come out, he loves that i collect something and enjoy it.. just like he loves his football i love my makeup!

soo what about you guys?

I have gotten similar comments because of my love for rich bold make up colors. The person who stated that you are a slut. Your makeup and hair looks very tasteful. I like your makeup also. I see that you are not afraid of color and I like that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I've been told that many times. I just ask "Is it YOUR face?" "No..." "Then don't f***ing worry about it" and that usually does it. I get it a lot because I am a black woman who LOVES bold colors. So they stand out A LOT, but I love it!

I remember I was wearing MACs "Fresh Water" once [for those who don't know, it's an electric blue] and my mom was like "EW! That's way too much make up!" So I just went back into the bathroom...and put on some more LMAO

I am a black woman also and I love bold colors. GIVE ME my Limegreens, bright turquoises, and other bold colors. I hate Neutrals.


Well-known member
Some girl at school once started pointing and laughing at me because I had this lipstick on that was quite bright. She was like OMGZ HAHAHA LOOK AT YOU. :/ You would think I had something stuck on my face by how she was acting. :/ I think thats put me off wearing lots of make up really, but I do wear a lot if I go out or if its for a special occasion.

I don't wear too much at work but I don't really care too much about how I look when i'm there. lol

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I used to get comments about my make-up from one of my friends especially. She herself rarely wears makeup and when she does, it's very minimal. What she used to usually say was: "why are you so done up? we're only meeting to have coffee..". This was when we first started being friends. But lately, I notice she started to put on makeup whenever she's out with me, even other friends have noticed this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
But lately, I notice she started to put on makeup whenever she's out with me, even other friends have noticed this.

Ha ha!
You know what they say about imitation ...

Has anyone ever complained to you all that you look "too nice"?
Whenever I go anywhere, even if it's just to the grocery store to buy paper towels, I put on makeup, do my hair and wear nice(though casual) clothes.
Some family and friends have complained that I "make them feel like a slob," because they opt to go bare-faced, hair hanging limp, in worn out, oversized clothes.
My sister, especially, liked to whine to our mother about how I made her feel "like a slug" when we'd go to the mall together.
I didn't feel at all bad. My attitude was, "If I make some effort with my appearance, and you don't, and I end up looking nicer than you, that's not my fault."
If I had dolled up deliberately just to try to make someone else feel bad about the way she looked, that would have been wrong of me, but that's not how it was.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by L281173
I am a black woman also and I love bold colors. GIVE ME my Limegreens, bright turquoises, and other bold colors. I hate Neutrals.

Work it giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl! LOL

I'm wearing ORANGE today!


Well-known member
I Don't Think You Wear Too Much Makeup.... You Look Very Pretty In Your Makeup.

But Im Gunna Use: "looks like a makeup box exploded on your face" On My Neices And Cousins haha I Swear Just To Tease Though...


Well-known member
OMG, I have been waiting for a topic like this to come up. There is this girl at my work that I cannot stand! I don't know if anyone will actually read this post, but I have to get this out and see what you guys think.

So there is this girl I work with (I work at a CCO btw) and she ALWAYS wears neutral colors. You can't even tell she has anything on her face. She looks like she goes makeup less everyday. Everyone at work says she looks really plain, and that nothing about her stands out.

Well, about a year ago me, her, and another girl were talking about people wearing different colors of makeup. I said "Yeah, people probably think I look like a clown." She started laughing and said "They do." I just stopped and looked at her and said "What?" She kept laughing and said "They think you look like a clown."

I don't wear my makeup any crazier than anyone else on here. It was some hairdresser that was doing her hair at some cheap-ass wannabe salon that wears makeup exactly like her that said "I can't believe someone would want to wear their makeup like that. What was she thinking? I don't know why anyone would want to look like that."

Well that was all over with. I find out last week she is STILL talking about my makeup behind my back. It drives me crazy because NO ONE ever compliments her on her makeup, but she hears people complimenting me every day.

There have been a couple times she has tried to wear bright colors, and then say "Brianna, I don't know how to do it." Then she'll turn right around and say it looks bad.


So here is a picture of my brightest rainbow look. Do I look like a clown???



Well-known member
thebreat: shes just jealous!! like you said she even tried to wear bright colours but couldnt do it, she wants to have skills like you and be able to pull it off
and you deffo dont look like a clown!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thebreat
OMG, I have been waiting for a topic like this to come up. There is this girl at my work that I cannot stand! I don't know if anyone will actually read this post, but I have to get this out and see what you guys think.

I find out last week she is STILL talking about my makeup behind my back.


I think it's just wonderful(sarcasm alert) that this girl has such an abundance of spare time that she's free to devote herself entirely to critiquing your makeup.
What kind of job does this person have? She seems to be getting paid for essentially doing nothing. Nice work, if you can get it.

No, you don't look like a clown. What is that lipcolor you're wearing? It looks really great.
And you have beautiful eyes and brows.
You're just a pretty girl, and your co-"worker" probably feels envious and threatened, poor little washed out thing.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cno64
What is that lipcolor you're wearing? It looks really great.

Thanks! I think it was half-red lip liner and petal pusher lipglass.


Well-known member
I think people see bright colors and automatically think "a lot of makeup". Usually my fast face is just a tinted moisturizer, concealer, paint pot on the eyes, brow fix, cheek color, face powder and gloss. I get compliments on how good my skin looks from time to time, and I can tell you it wouldn't look that way if I just shuffled in to work wearing absolutely no makeup!!

And for me putting on my makeup in the morning is just another step in my routine. Some people drink coffee...I put on makeup!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fashionette
It's really bad. I don't think you should tell anyone that they wear too much makeup unless its really unflattering and not well-blended, etc etc. Just constructive criticism. But well, people call me dracula and other nasty things because I'm so pale. So I guess there's just a lot of idiots out there, nothing to do about it. But you shouldn't care about them, you're a really pretty girl and they're probably just jealous because you have the guts to stand out from the crowd.

I'm very pale too and people used to call me "vampire" because my hair is dark and my skin is light and I would wear heavy eyeliner. (This was in high school.)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thebreat
OMG, I have been waiting for a topic like this to come up. There is this girl at my work that I cannot stand! I don't know if anyone will actually read this post, but I have to get this out and see what you guys think.

So there is this girl I work with (I work at a CCO btw) and she ALWAYS wears neutral colors. You can't even tell she has anything on her face. She looks like she goes makeup less everyday. Everyone at work says she looks really plain, and that nothing about her stands out.

Well, about a year ago me, her, and another girl were talking about people wearing different colors of makeup. I said "Yeah, people probably think I look like a clown." She started laughing and said "They do." I just stopped and looked at her and said "What?" She kept laughing and said "They think you look like a clown."

I don't wear my makeup any crazier than anyone else on here. It was some hairdresser that was doing her hair at some cheap-ass wannabe salon that wears makeup exactly like her that said "I can't believe someone would want to wear their makeup like that. What was she thinking? I don't know why anyone would want to look like that."

Well that was all over with. I find out last week she is STILL talking about my makeup behind my back. It drives me crazy because NO ONE ever compliments her on her makeup, but she hears people complimenting me every day.

There have been a couple times she has tried to wear bright colors, and then say "Brianna, I don't know how to do it." Then she'll turn right around and say it looks bad.


So here is a picture of my brightest rainbow look. Do I look like a clown???


Ugh. She's Way Jealous.

And So Am I Because I Could Never Do That.
I Lack Eyeshadow Skills Like a Muhhhfff.

AHhh I Want To Try This Look Now !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah Then Forsure You Can Show Her What Real Clown Looks Like.


Well-known member
people can be so jealous & judgemental.

i guess i'm lucky that my FT job is with all girls & only 1 guy, so I usually get complimented on my MU & not anything nasty.

but my BF always tells me how great i look & that i don't even need makeup, but you KNOW he's just trying to score some points!

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