Have you been cheated on?


Well-known member
The only man I've ever been in a relationship with that HASN'T cheated on me is my DF....While it hurt at the time that the others cheated on me, if they hadn't I might have never met the love of my life.


Well-known member
I've been cheated on by ex's and I've served the dish up too.

With dh he's never cheated even when we were long distance 3 years (if he had his mother would have happily told me) and since we've been married he's had plenty ass thrown at him but keeps it in his pants


Well-known member
yep, my ex i was with for 9yrs ...and as a result of his cheating his son was born..i got a gut feelin one day, asked him, he denied it then 2mths later he brings his 1 1/2 year old to my house...He did that shit on purpose too cuz he knew i woulda mopped the floor with his ass if he came alone


Well-known member
Yes, I've been cheated AND I cheated on my current boyfriend.

Luckily, all that is behind us.

I feel very relieved the majority of women in this poll have been cheated on as well- it makes me feel less alone.


Well-known member
some men are just pigs.....and its true if they do it once they will continue to...they guilt and whatnot that goes with it is dealt with the first time...the rest to them...not a big deal....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Cutetoughgirl
some men are just pigs.....and its true if they do it once they will continue to...they guilt and whatnot that goes with it is dealt with the first time...the rest to them...not a big deal....

I don't think most guys are like that, to be honest.

At least, I hope not!!


Well-known member
yeah I agree with cutetoughgirl when she says they continue to cheat cause the guilt gets dealt with the first time, my ex told me "I felt really bad the first time, but you know what they say "it gets easier every time"" Prick.


Well-known member
yup - ive been cheated on with every guy ive been with - my ex, whom i thought was the love of my life cheated on me more then twice - the first time i forgave him and we were 2ghter for 3 years, i really thought he changed - a few months ago my friend saw him with another girl and she told me - he hasnt called or text me since - what a coward!!


Well-known member
I found out a few relationships ago that I was "Wednesday girl" so I dumped him on the phone and over a week let ALL of the girls he was seeing know, and ALL of the other 6 SIX dumped him.

five years later, I still inform any girl I see him with, I still spit at him in the streets, and I still inform every employer about his drink problem, because NOT ONLY was he a cheat, I later found out he was a racist as well!!

My short term plan began as hurt him badly, my long term is to hound him to suicide.

When it comes to the girl who cheated on me, I slapped her as hard as I could once, told her I wasn't interested if that's what she wanted to do and left it at that, we became friends, but deep down I would take her back any day she asked. Even 6 years later.

I can appreciate why people cheat, shit happens and sometimes people fuck up hardcore, but when there's another problem I will use it as my cover excuse for being incredibly nasty.


Well-known member
Every single BF(except my current BF) has cheated. Lot of the girls they cheated with were not great looking either. I guess when you are fugly you have to act slutty to get any attention you can get. Its really sad.

I didn't tolerate it tho. I replaced their ass STAT. I refuse to be the victim. I did get revenge. I told everyone we knew his Johnson was small.

I would hate to be like that. My ex cheated on me with my friend and got her preg. Its so embarrassing when I see her daughter. It is what it is.


Well-known member
My first love cheated on me. I didn't find out til 6 years into the relationship (& engagement - he had been hounding me since our 2nd year together to get married) that he had been cheating on me since day 1. I never cheated but I wish I had no conscience & had cheated on him, maybe then i wouldn't have felt like such an idiot when it happened.

I left him that day. Went to our apartment & took only my school books & work uniforms. Left everything else there - all my clothes, shoes, etc - - I just picked up, left & started over.


Well-known member
No. And if i did i think i once i got over the inital shock, i would run him over with my car. I dont know that i would break up with him... but i would definitly hurt him.


Well-known member
Yup. A couple of boyfriends in high school did it. Found out from a friend for one of them, and then for the next I actually ran into him and the other girlfriend. No bueno.

My ex husband cheated on me also. Like a fool I stuck it out, and he continued to do shit behind my back.


Well-known member
Wow, what a relief to find this thread! I am happy (but also sad) to know that I am not alone.

I found out 2 days ago that my boyfriend of 2.5 years has been cheating on me with his ex for over a year. (Ironically, her cheating with his good friend is what ended their relationship in high school, and he always told me about how devastating that experience was for him. Oh, the irony!)

The funny thing is that he had the nerve to call me up and dump me (apparently because he gets the impression that I won't want kids someday - keep in mind that we're only 20 right now! Easy, Heidi Pratt!). I knew something was up, so I hacked into his email and found all of the messages between them.

I've been sick for 2 days about it. He's my first boyfriend and first love; it is going to be hard to learn to trust again. I despise being lied to, and it hurts to know that I wasted a year of my life loving someone who clearly had no respect for me.


Well-known member
Yes, emotionally cheated on. He chose to shut down communicating his feelings and talking to me in general and found several other females to communicate with.

Courtney <3

Well-known member
Almost all of my exs have cheated on me, (all but like two).
Now my current boyfriend and I have been together a little less than a year, but we've tried dating countless times before that, but he would always start talking to me less and less and eventually stop all together, then i'd find out he was "talking" to a different girl. So i consider that cheating. But for the past ten months, he hasnt.


Well-known member
I hadn't been cheated on until recently. The guy I'd been with for over a year I found out had been sending inappropriate text messages to another girl. This girl claimed they'd messed around in person too, but of course HE said otherwise. I tried to put it behind me and work it out, but he put absolutely not effort into fixing our relationship and so last week I finally decided I was done. Did he care? Not at all.. what a douchebag. UGH, men.


Well-known member
3 weeks ago I found out my significant other of almost 3 years has been cheating on me for probably around 80% of the time we were together. When he lived nearby he cheated, then he moved to another state for his career - i'm in school so obviously I couldn't go - (but not far away..maybe an hour and a half drive) apparently had some other woman paying all of his bills and he has apparently talked marriage with her.

So basically, he carried on physical relationships with multiple women but it hurt the most that he's been carrying on an emotional relationship with another woman for the past 8 months or so .. while still talking marriage and children with me. Sucks because he was only my second boyfriend =/

Whats even worse is apparently he's been spreading CHLAMYDIA. Did he care about our split at all? doubt it. He hasn't attempted to contact me since =/