Have you been cheated on?


Well-known member
No. Or not that I know of lol! I've had several bfs and have always had a feeling that they "could" be cheating on me. Im just a nosey and paranoid person. Like my current bf right now of 2 in half years...when we first started dating I use to text him a lot and he would rarely reply back to me and I thought he was seeing other people but then I realized that he hated texting haha. Just little things like that would make me question. But when my bf and I dont hang out he'll call me and tell me that hes out drinking with friends or at a club with friends and I trust him. And he trusts me when I go out with the girls.

But if my bf ever doubted our relationship and felt like he needed to see other people I rather him break up with me first than lie and cheat on me. If he ever does then he will be saying goodbye to all his wonderful guitars and his drum set lol here comes the bat!!

Its crazy to read some of your posts about your ex's cheating, how sneaky they were, and how they lie to you like that ugh those pigs!!


Well-known member
My first boyfriend cheated on me and the girl ended up getting pregnant. They now have a child together and I'm now a bitter person.


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my last long term, 2 year relationship I never once cheated on him. After 2 years his friends came to me saying how they pieced things together and well...about a year of our relationship he cheated on me.
He would tell one group of friends we were together, and another we were "taking time apart" so when two people from those groups started dating that is when it came out and it was HUGE mess.

He is a sick twisted person. He would tell me stories about these gross girls his friends would hook up with and turns out...it was him. Literally he would tell me a story saying it happened to someone else, but it was him!

I found out about one girl, we tried to work it out but then they came to me with all the others and yeah..Done.
Thank goodness. He is sick sick sick. His roommate told me within 3 months he had slept with 6 girls behind my back. (this was after we had been dating a little over a year).


Well-known member
Yes and it is one of the worst most humiliating thing ever


Specktra Bestie
I was never able to prove it, but I know I was. One my ex's admitted to making out with an underage girl he worked with (he was 30) and I'm pretty sure that there were more instances like this. The first time it happened- or that I believe it happened, because I could feel it in my stomach- I felt like nothing. Like someone had scooped my insides out. I should have left him then, but I allowed myself to think that I was just being paranoid... and so on. I ended things, he went hysterical and started threatening to harm himself... We'd try to patch things up... blah blah blah... I'm strangely not terribly bitter about this. There were emotional things that he did to me- things he would say, his behaviour towards me when his friends were around- that make me angrier in retrospect.

I have one rule about cheating: If you're going to do it, be prepared to accept all the consequences, meaning don't do it unless you're willing to lose your relationship over it.


Well-known member
My first sexual partner cheated on me. I threatened to pin him by his balls to the ceiling of the pub.

My ex husband cheated on me. Twice. In mitigation I did almost cheat on him. But I couldn't do that to him.

My partner now would never cheat on me, nor I on him.


Well-known member
I had an ex when I was younger go online and "pretend" to be single when a girl (who was actually a friend of mines at the time's gf who wanted to help me get the truth) messaged him online and showed him a fake picture of her and started flirting with him. We did break up probably a few weeks after that as he was very emotionally and verbally abusive towards me, I had to get him to break things off with me. I was afraid of him at that time and thought that if I broke it off myself, he'd go bizerk. He ended up going totally nuts afterwards anyways when I wouldn't take him back.

Another guy (who I'm still involved with, please don't ask why =/ ) who I was in some type of a relationship in, also nothing clearly defined though, admitted to me last year that he had slept with a few other girls while with me. Despite us not being in a relationship relationship, I felt hurt and considered it cheating. He knew that up until the moment he told me that we would never actually be together together, I was faithful to him for a few years. Call me stupid and a hypocrite if you want but I am still seeing him. I always tell myself that if a guy cheats on me then its done with for good but I guess not with him. Now I'm constantly worrying and thinking about if he's out somewhere when he's not with me having sex or something with another girl(s). I get super angry now when he tells me he's going out with friends especially if it's to a party or bar. This whole thing has just reinforced my controlling and demanding behavior with him.

I'm at a point where I actually EXPECT a man to be cheating me if I ever even date again in the future, not that I want him to or anything. But I just feel like it's a "man" thing. I mean afterall it's kind of hardwired into them to kind of sleep with as many woman as possible. Thank you again mothernature for giving us girls periods and cheating men lol.


Well-known member
Yep. And it was one of the worst scenarios you can imagine. Ugh.

I was bitter about it FOREVER - its been over 4 years and I still feel some anger towards him, but when I look at the BIG SHINY FUCKING ROCK on my ring finger now, I do nothing but smile


Well-known member
Originally Posted by katred
I was never able to prove it, but I know I was. One my ex's admitted to making out with an underage girl he worked with (he was 30) and I'm pretty sure that there were more instances like this. The first time it happened- or that I believe it happened, because I could feel it in my stomach- I felt like nothing. Like someone had scooped my insides out. I should have left him then, but I allowed myself to think that I was just being paranoid... and so on. I ended things, he went hysterical and started threatening to harm himself... We'd try to patch things up... blah blah blah... I'm strangely not terribly bitter about this. There were emotional things that he did to me- things he would say, his behaviour towards me when his friends were around- that make me angrier in retrospect.

I have one rule about cheating: If you're going to do it, be prepared to accept all the consequences, meaning don't do it unless you're willing to lose your relationship over it.

I am in agreement with that. Cuz the consequences with me will be I will leave and never look back. That is the one and only deal breaker. This happened to me once, it was my first boyfriend and I figured it out by his behavior and my gut instinct. I just straight up confronted him and he admitted it. I wanted to just throw up. I threw myself on the ground and balled my heart out and prayed for God to let me die right then and there. (hey, I was only seventeen, I didn't know that most men are dogs and it is bound to happen sooner or later to all of us!)

Since then, I have never had that happen, maybe because I only stay with men I am pretty sure are loyal. You cannot control what your man does, and if he cheats, it isn't your fault, no matter how they try to hang it on you. Once a cheater, always a cheater in my book. I have never cheated on a boyfriend I cared about and if they want me to stay, they have to be loyal.


Well-known member
No, or at least not that I'm aware of. I'm pretty sure I haven't.
Though, one of my exes wanted to have sex with my good friend at the time, so I broke up with him so he could do that haha. At least he was honest! I'd much rather a guy be upfront than play me. If I had the intentions of getting with someone else, I'd break up with my current bf too, it seems like the more respectful thing to do in that situation.


Let me ask. Why is it youthink it's only guys who cheat? I was with a girl for 6 1/2 years planning marrage and everything. She was always telling me she would never do that kind of thing. When she was cocktailing some married man, who did nothing but talk about his wife and kid, bought her a couple of drinks and then she ran off with him. He hit on every girl working there and they all said NO! Since all he did was talk about the wife and kid. Then when we would be at home she would take the phone into the other room and call him with me sitting in the living room. When he had to go back to where the wife and kid lived I figure her out and threw her to the curb. She had the nerve to bring him into my home and I almost shot him but a wave of sobriety over came me and I just watch him blubber like a baby. Since he was in the Marines and he knew I was a Marine and Viet vet he had no questyion that he was about ready to meet his maker. Then when she ran off and would go to his apt every night the wife found out aout her and beat the snot out of her and left the guy. True to form the sleazy gf said the guy "sent her away". But he got emergency leave so he could chase after her. That's when she realized he just wanted to do her without his wife finding out. She called me every night for 6 months begging to come back but as soon as I heard that mousy little voice I would hang up. She finally got the hint but not till she started spreading rumors about me and being abusive to her but when she told my friends that they called her on it. And ladies just so you know I have NEVER cheated on my significant other.


Well-known member
Yes, my first bf cheated on me. This was last year. On our 6 month anniversary, I stopped by his apartment with a homemade cookie monster cake (cookie monster was my nickname for him because cuz he took my virginity). A girl answered the door and started cussing me out. I heard him in the background saying "I told you not to answer the door". She slammed the door in my face and I slammed the cake into the door. I was so hurt. She was his ex and had been living with him...he said they weren't together, she just needed a place to stay...I broke up with him but we got back together a few months later only for him to cheat again but with a different girl. Looking back, there were so many red flags but I was so naive and innocent I didn't see anything.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say that my fiance' has cheated on me. I have caught him on sex sites, chatting to other girls- I did suspect and question him on it cos all these sex sites would appear in his history browser and he would claim that it was spam that would pop up.

Then on our two year anniversary, I checked his msn and his recycle bin when I was logged onto his computer and found all these pictures of all these naked women and at first he lied and said it was before we got together but his story soon changed when I showed him the date of a recent one that happened two weeks prior.
He apologsied and said that he would never do it again but since then he has and its progressed with him now making sexual advances and making sexual discussions on his female friends through the facebook...so now certain people know what his like and it kinda makes me wonder what they think our relationship is like and his female friends don't know me aswell, so I dread to know what they think of me :/

I know for a fact that he hasn't physically cheated on me and he really treats me well, he does everything for me and makes me feel ontop of the world when we are together however I don't quite know how to treat this case... would this be considered cheating in a sense? Cos I'm totally unsure :/


Well-known member
yes, ex, terrible terrible break up on a trip back home from Vegas... together 3 years, friends forever, hated him for 2 but realized that life is short so I called him and we got to talking and found that we could go back to being friends again! Good thing because he got Leukemia and almost died and I was there for him in the hospital (with my husband's blessing) visiting and we are still good friends to this day. We just made bad lovers...


Well-known member
:( the numbers from the poll are saddening. I was cheated on by someone I was with for 3 years. It was heartbreaking, never want to go through it again but I'm convinced every single guy cheats if given the opportunity.