Have You Ever? (Adult Edition)


Well-known member
Yes in my younger days, now I ask for what I want so I don't have to go there, or I just do it myself.

Have you ever given head while he drives (my favorite!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenjunsan
Yes, my ex-husband

Have your ever had sex in your SO's parent's house?

Well yes, we had to. We lived there for 4 verrrrry looonnnng months while our new house was being built. So we had to pop off to remain civil between ourselves.


Originally Posted by sexychefva804
Have you ever given head while he drives (my favorite!)

No, only hand jobs.

Have you ever gotten into a fight over a man (or woman, whatever the case may be!)?


Well-known member
Yes, never a physical fight though just lil "feuds" I guess you can say lol. But now where like best friends haha!

Have you ever had sex or done any sexual favors for someone in exchange for material goods? And if so, what?


Well-known member
Haha I got this one the fates are against me!

Yes yes and yes. I'm retired now so what do I care but in my past life (aka years ago) I was in the p0rn biz I've pretty much done everything/anything you can think of. As for particular items uummmm oh shoes as a Dom I got tons of foot fetish clients and so yah....shoes, airfare, my rent, geeze I can't think of one particular thing right now.


Have you ever been paid to have sex with someone for show aka the person watching is the one paying.....or something like that.

Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Yes, never a physical fight though just lil "feuds" I guess you can say lol. But now where like best friends haha!

Have you ever had sex or done any sexual favors for someone in exchange for material goods? And if so, what?



Well-known member
No I got to conjure up my freakness to do that. I'm married now, so no chances of my SO going for that. Unless he doesn't know hehehe! It'd be money in the bank!

Are you a card carrying member of the "mile high club"?


Well-known member
Actually no I never saw the point of it I mean I guess I would if the chance came but it's not on my 'to do' list per say I guess.

Ok uummmm

Ever had sex with more than one person in the same day without either party knowing?

Originally Posted by sexychefva804
No I got to conjure up my freakness to do that. I'm married now, so no chances of my SO going for that. Unless he doesn't know hehehe! It'd be money in the bank!

Are you a card carrying member of the "mile high club"?



Well-known member
Originally Posted by ri0tdorque
Actually no I never saw the point of it I mean I guess I would if the chance came but it's not on my 'to do' list per say I guess.

Ok uummmm

Ever had sex with more than one person in the same day without either party knowing?

No..but I had sex with one one night...then another the next night...

Have you ever laughed and ruined the mood during sex?


Well-known member
LMAO. Yes. All I have to say is, he shouldn't have used the word "soupy" trying to talk dirty....ewww. We laughed it off tho!

One from my younger years....

Ever realize someone you were driving around was having sex in your backseat?
(My cousin and her boyfriend....I'm 16, barely been driving, and I look in the rearview to see THIS?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joraye
LMAO. Yes. All I have to say is, he shouldn't have used the word "soupy" trying to talk dirty....ewww. We laughed it off tho!

One from my younger years....

Ever realize someone you were driving around was having sex in your backseat?
(My cousin and her boyfriend....I'm 16, barely been driving, and I look in the rearview to see THIS?)

Lmaooo oh snap...soupy? I won't even ask

To answer your question, no.

Have you ever had sex with a guy because he was sexy and you wanted to say you had him? (such a guy thing to do...)


Well-known member
No sir ee.

Have you ever steamed up the windows on a car from your activities? (Yes, I have...but it wasn't sex, just him groping me)

mona lisa

Well-known member
Originally Posted by iluffyew769769

Ever done it where you work?


Have you ever had sex in a cemetery?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mona lisa

Have you ever had sex in a cemetery?

Oh hell no

Hmmm have you ever been tied or handcuffed down.


Well-known member
You mean when he finishes? Yes, I have...and I am making sure it never happens again.

Have you ever sent nude pics to your SO online?