Have You Ever? (Adult Edition)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KikiB
No...I am going to sound like a total whore here but I've not even had sex on a bed yet.

Have you ever had sex in a fitting room?

oh yea

have you ever had sex during your period??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove
^ yes, bum sex

LMAO!! At first I was like, does she mean it was bad sex? Then I was like, does she mean cuz that's how bums do it? Then, after reading it a couple times I got what you meant. Whew....I am SLOOOOOOW.. LOL.

No threesomes. Have you ever stimulated your partner's prostate?


Well-known member
^ LOL, it wasn't bad until after! Go to the last page of the anal sex thread and you'll see what I mean...I don't want to relive it!

And yep, I've done that too; with my ex and my current. Men are whores, ya'll. Now, have you ever dressed up as an cat girl/bunny girl for your SO?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove
Now, have you ever dressed up as an cat girl/bunny girl for your SO?

I dressed up as a nurse, but I didn't bother getting into character. I'm a lazy role player haha. Whatever, he got his kicks lmao

Erm...anyone had group sex or attended a sex club with their SO (or without I guess)


Well-known member
No but I know the guy would LOVE to have sex with many girls...

Have you ever blacked out from sex?


Well-known member
Yes, but not while driving-- too much accident potential!!

too lazy to see if this one's already been asked, but:

have you ever had sex with a married couple while the woman (or man) watched?


Well-known member
lol... i shouldnt be telling this but.. my sophomore year of college I had a roommate who had strange sleeping habits.. she could literally sleep through a tornado, thats how deep she sleeps.. anyways me and my bf at the time were in bed talking to her (her bed was right across from mine) me and him we already kinda gettin busy before she came in so we were just taking a breather when she came in (and were still doin it lmao while she was talkin to us).. so when she went to sleep we went at it again... and it was sooooo noisy with the bed bangin the wall... oh goshhh im surprised she didnt hear us... so just as he was about to you knowww... we snuck into the hall bathroom ( i know very public) and let it all out there... still cant beleive no one came in randomly to the bathroom.. other than that... no other places but my bed lol.. i know that was alot of info... but hes no longer in my bf so i dont mind sharing


New member
Originally Posted by Cosmogrl
Never have

Have you ever had anal sex?

ive tried anal sex and i cried lol he actually got a little bit in and i told him to STOP! lol ive always asked myself how can girls do it because ive always been curious but when i tried it i changed my mind lol

i didnt want to read all the questions....

have you ever had a funny moment during sex like almost falling off the bed or hitting your forheads together lol


Well-known member
yeah i came and got off him and started to give him oral in the 69 position and he lifted his knee and hit my head
i had concussion for ages


Well-known member
Haha nope.

Have you ever had sex in a mall? Like anywhere inside the actual place but not including the carpark.


Well-known member
yes, in the family bathroom at the mall cant really do it else where, dont wanna ruin the mind of the youngings.

Have you ever had your neighbor knock on the door because you were too loud?


No, but I pissed off a suitemate (she was the passive aggressive type and would never have knocked).

Ever had an orgasm from anal sex?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babiid0llox
Haha nope.

Have you ever had sex in a mall? Like anywhere inside the actual place but not including the carpark.

yes in the stair well of the mall


Well-known member
Originally Posted by tmarisco
No, but I pissed off a suitemate (she was the passive aggressive type and would never have knocked).

Ever had an orgasm from anal sex?

yes i have it is great

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