Have you ever feel offended by...


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Would one of the mods please edit the title of this thread?
Either "Do you ever feel offended by...?" or "Have you ever felt offended by...?" would be acceptable.


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Originally Posted by Lapis
My personal favs, do you have running water? electricity? what's your native language?
I seriously sometimes go nope, no running water, my washing machine hooks up to the ocean. electricity? no the tree houses don't have any, my native language clicks

Then they catch that I'm making fun of them and feel stupid, lol.

Oh yea... That gets them everytime!

Originally Posted by ClaireAvril
LOL.. yes not all black people are from Jamaica.
Not all asians are Chinese...

...good for her.
ignorant b*tch.

Something you said reminded me of my uncle who always wants me to fix and assemble stuff. And apparently I shouldn't have to look at the directions or anything... "Becaus you're an engineer." WTF?! Granted, but I don't want to spend my vacation fixing stuff, and yes, user manuals were created for a reason... I HATE that ignorant stuff...

Originally Posted by Fataliya
People like that....they're just oxygen thieves. All they do is wander the planet, spewing shit and stealing oxygen from the productive members of the human species.

Well said!

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Oh what does make me roll my eyes is when I tell ppl I'm from the caribbean,
really where?
where is that in Jamacia

lol, my husband is from Guyana and every time he tells someone that, they're like: oh, where in Africa is that? heheh...or they ask him if he speaks any exotic languages!!

Also, try being a middle-eastern. I'm convinced that being middle-eastern in the US now is like being black in the 60's. Most of the time I pass under the radar as sort of a white person as I guess my appearance doesn’t match ppl ‘s ideas of what a middle-eastern girl should look like. However, when I’m in the US, every time I tell someone I’m middle-eastern (or worse Iranian/Persian) I get some kinda mean comment or a misjudgment…it would take too long if I tried to list all the times I’ve gotten offended, so I rather just ignore it. It really hurts sometimes though how ignorant ppl can be. I wish I was born during the glorious times of my country of birth, but it's not like I can choose, right??

I guess I'm grateful I live in Canada, coz not once someone has said something offensive or racist to me or about my culture...and I've lived here almost all my life.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
lol, my husband is from Guyana and every time he tells someone that, they're like: oh, where in Africa is that? heheh...or they ask him if he speaks any exotic languages!!

Also, try being a middle-eastern. I'm convinced that being middle-eastern in the US now is like being black in the 60's. Most of the time I pass under the radar as sort of a white person as I guess my appearance doesn’t match ppl ‘s ideas of what a middle-eastern girl should look like. However, when I’m in the US, every time I tell someone I’m middle-eastern (or worse Iranian/Persian) I get some kinda mean comment or a misjudgment…it would take too long if I tried to list all the times I’ve gotten offended, so I rather just ignore it. It really hurts sometimes though how ignorant ppl can be. I wish I was born during the glorious times of my country of birth, but it's not like I can choose, right??

I guess I'm grateful I live in Canada, coz not once someone has said something offensive or racist to me or about my culture...and I've lived here almost all my life.

I'm so glad you drew that parallel... I remember in college I would have HUGE arguments with roommates and stuff about all the negative connotations that are assigned to ppl of Arab/Middle Eastern origin. I find it ridiculous that not so long ago, the same discrimination and hurtful "jokes" were hurled at ppl who look JUST LIKE THEM, but now I guess the shoe is on the other foot, so they have a license to inflict that same kind of pain on somebody else. I've said this before, that it makes me wonder what parents teach their children...


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Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
I'm so glad you drew that parallel... I remember in college I would have HUGE arguments with roommates and stuff about all the negative connotations that are assigned to ppl of Arab/Middle Eastern origin. I find it ridiculous that not so long ago, the same discrimination and hurtful "jokes" were hurled at ppl who look JUST LIKE THEM, but now I guess the shoe is on the other foot, so they have a license to inflict that same kind of pain on somebody else. I've said this before, that it makes me wonder what parents teach their children...


Hate is NOT a family value.


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I'm Puerto Rican, White (my father is Irish, English, Scottish) and apparently I have some Afro-Venezuelan in me too.

I also get called "Mexican", "Illegal" or "Dirty Mexican". The one thing I hate is when people ask me when did I "jump the border". I'm Latina, not Mexican, and Puerto Rico is a part of the United States, thanks.

And for the woman who asked on the first page, yeah, I definitely feel a little out of place being mixed. I'm just a "dirty mexican" to most of the white kids and you just don't find many Puerto Ricans. The few I've found I just don't click with.. Which is a shame. It's hard to talk about your culture with other people. My only mixed friends are Filinpina/White and Black/white. My boyfriends mostly Italian with some Polish and he doesn't *quite* get it.

Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
susana u are me!!! lol except i have medium skin and i suntan to get a lil more color.my eyes are also light and i lighten my hair.

i get called the spanish barbie. or the white girl who has a spanish girls ass and ect.. people were meaner when i was younger though, id get called racist things like a mutt back then, i had alot of probs when i was younger.

My ex's ex called me a mexican barbie. I wasn't sure whether to be flattered or laugh or be insulted


Well-known member
Someone asked what am I. I said, 'I'm half Chinese and...' The next question was 'So, you eat DOGS then? Hahaha...' It came from someone who is so much older than I am (in his 30s).

Seriously... wtf?


Originally Posted by kittykit
Someone asked what am I. I said, 'I'm half Chinese and...' The next question was 'So, you eat DOGS then? Hahaha...' It came from someone who is so much older than I am (in his 30s).

Seriously... wtf?

That is just so mean!
Some people don't realize that they've gone over the top.

I've never had any racial issues when I was growing up. I guess I was lucky growing up in a multi-cultural city in Canada. Everybody is just soo nice! I never made fun of people (ok I admit I have haha but in a really friendly way) and I rarely see others bullying others just because of their skin color.

When I moved to the States, woah talk about racist. I got a lot more weird looks from people and my new friends often make racist jokes about asians. I just laughed along, didn't feel too offended because I know they don't really mean it but... it's still kinda mean

I understand that where I live now, the people are mostly all white and spanish so there will be some racial problems. Just have to accept the fact that I don't live in a multi-cultural city no more.

I hear a lot of mean mexican jokes too =( I feel for them...


I'm a Sri Lankan Tamil. A lot of the time when I tell people that that's what I am, they'll ask me if I'm a terrorist (because of the LTTE), which can sometimes be amusing, I suppose.

But, I think it's funny when people tell me I'm Indian, and not a Sri Lankan Tamil. I think that I'm going to understand where I'm from, and my ethnic roots better than you. But, I constantly have people telling me I'm an Indian... I'm not. I have no ancestry in India. If you want to go back that far, then you might as well go all the way back, and call everyone a Kenyan/Ethiopian, lol. It really irks me, I don't know why...


Well-known member
i feel offended on an almost daily basis. I'm native american (cree to be exact.) and alot of people just assume i'm poor, or on welfare, or an alcoholic/drug addict and i have a kid or if i dont i must at least be a "slut". There are so many negative stereotypes. I mostly see these comments on the internet, i wonder why people let their inner ugly roam on the internet?

It actually hurts, not just offends me when i see or hear these comments.

Just recently i uploaded a picture of my family and me on the computer, and somebody commented "guess it's time for residential schools, there's way too many of them." That just disgusted me. And they were serious.


Well-known member
Mmm the only movie that ever offended me and even made me walk out of the theatre was Watchmen.. I hated it... Didn't racially offend me or anything but it was just disgusting. Haha Borat, I found it funny... For the start of the movie in that nasty community with his mom and sister, that was in Romania and I'm Romanian. I know it was there cuz the people in the background, including his mom, were speaking Romanian so yah... I found it funny because that is what a lot of the poorer parts of Romania are actually like, and the people in those area act like his mom do, aka swear at everything and are generally funny people. My parents found it amusing too, it reminded them of home :p


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I don't know if this counts, but it just happened today, so here we go.

The campus conservatives work together with a certain conservative activist to promote awareness of conservative viewpoints on campus. Some of their billboards are clearly meant to stir up trouble, like the billboard that had a bunch of unflattering pictures of liberal leaders next to horror movie monsters...I avoided that one, LOL. But generally speaking, the guys who run the booths are very nice and polite, and we have polite conversations while disagreeing with each other.

Now, today (November 9) marked the anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Maybe it's just my family, but my mom is German, and her family does not take this event lightly. The Berlin Wall was viewed by many Germans as a "punishment" for the Holocaust and the events of the World Wars, and its destruction signaled a redemption from that terrible past, as well as a new sense of pride in a united national identity. The campus conservatives decided to construct a fake Berlin Wall out of cardboard boxes with a bunch of, erm, facts that show America moving towards Communism; their point was, in a way, that we should realize what a "tyrannical Communist regime" would do to America.

So I finally stopped at these guys' booth and explained to them, in a slightly rambly speech, why the Berlin Wall is a very sensitive subject to many Germans, and why I don't think it's something that should be taken lightly. Now, quick backtrack: these folks always post videos they've recorded of people during their events, and I randomly appeared in one of their videos admitting, "Well, I'm a flaming liberal," while the rest of our perfectly decent conversation was cut out (because of time constraints). I mentioned I didn't want to be recorded when I spoke about the Berlin Wall because I didn't want to be edited, so they were kind enough to keep pretty much the entire 1:30 of rambling in there.

But, here's what gets me. When I explained how I, a person of German descent, felt about this, the one man kept insisting that I could not argue with "the facts" and that the destruction of the Berlin Wall was really about the "end of a Communist regime." I resisted the urge to tell him that that's an OPINION, not a fact, and repeated that to Germans, it really wasn't about "Communism vs. Democracy" or anything like that, but rather, about the unity and revitalization of the country. No, I am wrong; it is ALL ABOUT COMMUNISM, and it is not taking it lightly to compare a historic event in German history to some Red Paranoia in the US.

Again, these are generally nice guys, and while I don't agree with them on the issues and have refused to look at a decent number of their booths, I admire them for standing up for what they believe in and for keeping me, an opposing voice, in some of their videos. I suppose I was just...rubbed the wrong way by their exploitation of the Berlin Wall's destruction, and I was definitely annoyed by the one guy's insistance that the whole thing revolved around how COMMUNISM IS BAD WAH WAH.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BitBitBabiGirl
i feel offended on an almost daily basis. I'm native american (cree to be exact.) and alot of people just assume i'm poor, or on welfare, or an alcoholic/drug addict and i have a kid or if i dont i must at least be a "slut". There are so many negative stereotypes. I mostly see these comments on the internet, i wonder why people let their inner ugly roam on the internet?

It actually hurts, not just offends me when i see or hear these comments.

Just recently i uploaded a picture of my family and me on the computer, and somebody commented "guess it's time for residential schools, there's way too many of them." That just disgusted me. And they were serious.

Excuse me, who is this person? I'd like to personally hunt them down and punch them in the face.

Sometimes I think people forget the past and stick their head up the present's ass, then combine this sheltered worldview with the idea that the average American's experience = WHAT EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD MUST HAVE AND SHOULD HAVE AND IS JUST TOO LAZY TO WORK FOR.


Well-known member
I am ethnically Jewish from my mother's side, although I have naturally strawberry blond hair, fair skin, green eyes and freckles thanks to my dad.

I really do not find any movie or form of entertainment all that offensive. Borat, I thought was hilarious the satire within that movie floored me, in a good way, I actually LMAO when Borat was jumping up and down saying the Jewish man and woman turned into cock roaches.

I also find Family Guy insanely hilarious due to the satire. Some people take satire the wrong way because they just do not understand it. Shows like Family Guy and movies like Borat are NOT making fun of races they are not stereo typing, they are making fun of the dumb asses who actually buy into and believe certain racist and outdated stereo types.

While I don't find things personally offensive I do find certain things worrisome and disturbing. Things like BET, BET awards, NAACP, Latin Grammy's, etc (these were just the first things that popped in my head, I'm sure I could name 100 different things.) I find those kinds of things disturbing. While they may have good intentions things like this work to FURTHER separate races and ethnicity. These organizations further the racial divide and help keep racism alive and well.
While we should be embracing and trying to understand each other and our differences we are putting up a wall with these specialized racial organizations and events.

I love culture! I love learning new things, learning about new people and what they believe and why they believe it.

Couple of things I have experienced in my life that I find interesting that have to do with race, that have really made me think...

Growing up (until I was about 12) I lived in what would be considered the ghetto. I became really great friends with a black guy who was a few years older than me. One day, while at his house hanging out, he and his cousins were using the dreaded *N* word to address eachother. My friends mother walked in the room and smacked him in the back of the head and said the following "I didn't raise a *N*, I raised an intelligent young man! Your father and I have worked our asses off to keep you from being a *N*. We have come too damn far in life for that word to be thrown around like it means nothing." My friend is now a doctor. I remember that clearly because it was astounding to me because in that area that word was thrown around amongst the black youth without any real thought.

I've traveled to Africa and I also volunteer with Sudanese, Kenyan and Somalian refugees. I help them adjust to life here, after they've escaped their war torn countries (Sudan specifically). One thing I've found interesting among black Africans is, they find it beyond offensive to hear black Americans refer to themselves as African Americans. I've had a few long conversations with my African friends, I never really put much thought into it before speaking with them. They basically told me one can only legitimately call themselves African American if a parent or grandparent were actually native to Africa.


Well-known member
This doesn't happen to me but my foreign-born family members get mean looks from strangers probably because they look different and un-Americanized. They get horrible service from restaurants, gyms, etc. It's stupid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by paperfishies
While I don't find things personally offensive I do find certain things worrisome and disturbing. Things like BET, BET awards, NAACP, Latin Grammy's, etc (these were just the first things that popped in my head, I'm sure I could name 100 different things.) I find those kinds of things disturbing. While they may have good intentions things like this work to FURTHER separate races and ethnicity. These organizations further the racial divide and help keep racism alive and well.
While we should be embracing and trying to understand each other and our differences we are putting up a wall with these specialized racial organizations and events.

I've traveled to Africa and I also volunteer with Sudanese, Kenyan and Somalian refugees. I help them adjust to life here, after they've escaped their war torn countries (Sudan specifically). One thing I've found interesting among black Africans is, they find it beyond offensive to hear black Americans refer to themselves as African Americans. I've had a few long conversations with my African friends, I never really put much thought into it before speaking with them. They basically told me one can only legitimately call themselves African American if a parent or grandparent were actually native to Africa.

I love that we have things like the ALMA awards or BET awards... I have always lived in predominantly white areas- seeing things like the ALMA awards or Latin Grammys make me *so* happy and proud and it helps me sort of reconnect with my culture and where I came from- I think that's very important.

Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ
This doesn't happen to me but my foreign-born family members get mean looks from strangers probably because they look different and un-Americanized. They get horrible service from restaurants, gyms, etc. It's stupid.

That is horrible! I love the idea of a place where all sorts of cultures come together- it baffles me that someone would think to treat another person differently because they aren't "Americanized" enough!


Well-known member
I've posted about my racist co-worker before, but she never fails to make horribly ignorant comments:

We were talking about the fort hood massacre. She said that the US should just put all Islamic/Muslim people in internment camps like we did with the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor so things like that wouldn't happen. WTF????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
I've posted about my racist co-worker before, but she never fails to make horribly ignorant comments:

We were talking about the fort hood massacre. She said that the US should just put all Islamic/Muslim people in internment camps like we did with the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor so things like that wouldn't happen. WTF????



Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
I've posted about my racist co-worker before, but she never fails to make horribly ignorant comments:

We were talking about the fort hood massacre. She said that the US should just put all Islamic/Muslim people in internment camps like we did with the Japanese after the attack on Pearl Harbor so things like that wouldn't happen. WTF????

What. the almighty. HELL?!

People like that clearly do not understand the ramifications of such human rights violations. It's hysterical to me when people go on and on about how, "Oh, our country is so free, so it's better than THAT country," but then they want to lock people up because of the color of their skin or their religious beliefs, or some other happy horsecrap! Really, human beings are ridiculous.

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