Have you ever thought about getting rid of all of your MAC?


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

never ever. id rather give up my shoes n walk barefoot than be barefaced! lol


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

I don't mind going barefaced, in fact I prefer it some days. However, the thought of getting rid of my collection has never crossed my mind. My eye shadows are my preciouses! I actually think I'm more addicted to the collecting, depotting and organizing my collection then actually wearing it!


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

I really enjoy putting my makeup one. I go barefaced in weekends, but I feel that I look a little blah. The few times I have gone to work without eye makeup; I've been told that I looked tired, and asked if I was sick. I guess my makeup brush really is a magic wand


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Originally Posted by TexasBelle
Hehehe . . . no. I've only recently gotten over a fairly lengthy au naturale period in my life. I went for years with no foundation, no blush . . . just a quick brush of brown eyeshadow, some pressed powder over my face, and a bit of lipstick was it on workdays, and I didn't bother with anything but chapstick on the weekends.

So given that much of my makeup kit consists of products that I've bought in the past 2 months, the thought of getting rid of it all hasn't crossed my mind. I'm having too much fun

Same here! It's a new thing for me and I'm having a ball. I've been out of college about 2 1/2 years now, and for two of those years all I ever used was concealer and chapstick and maybe a little powder. I slowly started replacing some of my drugstore stuff in the last six months, and since Christmas have been going crazy with MAC. It's just a blast to play with it every day.

I think for me the think about it is there is no sense of pressure for me to wear it, it's not like I feel I have to. Yesterday I was getting ready to go to some shopping (for uh, makeup
mostly) and I had my concealer in hand and suddenly paused at the mirror and said, "You know, I look awfully pretty today, dark circles and sparse brows and all. No makeup today." And then I went and bought a couple Fluidlines and Slimshines but I didn't even feel the need to play with them till this morning.

If it's stressing you out so that sometimes you feel the need to just GET RID OF IT ALL, maybe you need to take it back a notch?


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I don't mind going barefaced, in fact I prefer it some days. However, the thought of getting rid of my collection has never crossed my mind. My eye shadows are my preciouses! I actually think I'm more addicted to the collecting, depotting and organizing my collection then actually wearing it!

I thought I was the only one

rocking chick

Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

I am usually with minimal makeup eg.loose powder,concealer & blusher when I go shopping. But if working, definately full makeup. I can always go all natural without a tint of makeup on me,no problem.

But if to throw away all my MAC ... no way. I like them too much!


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

No way. I've spent a fortune on Mac, not to mention backups. My skin is far from perfect, so I never go out without makeup. If it was perfect, I'd still want to enhance it with makeup. I can't imagine not having my Mac under any circumstances.


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I thought I was the only one

I'm like that too lol !!! But I still have my glamor moments and I play a lot with it.. but never thought getting rid of it because I LOVE looking at it and doing looks without even going outside... those are my grownup color pencils I would say?

Plus when I'm bored I put makeup on my friends (men en women
) cause.. well those are my toys lol.

I like my setting so much and look at it so often that if someone touch my stuff and misplace it by 1/16 of an inch I'll know it.. yeah I'm weird...*

That said I often go without makeup, for me it's an accessory.


Re: Have you ever....

Thanks for all your comments guys... i think for now I'm going to give the make-up a rest and opt for the natural look, i think it's because i feel like with all the eyeshadow etc i feel a bit over done maybe? And I'm scared that all this excessive make-up is going to take it's toll in the future on my skin lol.


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Originally Posted by M4C_G1RL
Thanks for all your comments guys... i think for now I'm going to give the make-up a rest and opt for the natural look, i think it's because i feel like with all the eyeshadow etc i feel a bit over done maybe? And I'm scared that all this excessive make-up is going to take it's toll in the future on my skin lol.

You have to do what's right for you, and your skin will probably be the better for it.


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

There has been times where I think about all my make up and just feel sick of it, but I don't think I could ever get rid of it. It's like my security blanket or something, I don't always wear make up but it feels good knowing that it's there if I need it.
I think the problem that I'm currently having is that my collection grew so fast in a short time that now I'm too indecisive because there are too many options. However, I keep wanting to buy more haha I'm such an addict


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Never. My makeup makes me happy. I don't wear it every day but on the days that I do, I really enjoy applying it and expressing myself through it.


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

No...sometimes I have thought that it's gotten a little excessive and I'm being really frivolous, but then I remind myself that it makes me happy and it's something I enjoy doing in the morning (and there isn't much I enjoy at that time other than coffee...) so I let myself have my fun and buy new things when I feel like it.

I went about three or four months before Hello Kitty where I didn't buy a THING. I also didn't wear much other than my usual work look, but HK has kind of inspired me to get creative again so I'm back to doing more interesting looks.

So sometimes I let it rest a little bit and go pretty natural for awhile, but I could never give it all up or sell it, no way. I love it too much


Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....

Originally Posted by spectrolite
Never. My makeup makes me happy. I don't wear it every day but on the days that I do, I really enjoy applying it and expressing myself through it.



Well-known member
Re: Have you ever....


Because I only wear makeuo maybe 1-2x a week..the rest of the week it is carmex and out the door...But I want to know it's there when I decide to wear it....I have a lot of money invested in my MAC so getting rid of it all has never been an option


New member
Re: Have you ever....

Never wanted to get rid of all of my makeup. But, sometimes I do feel that my tiny collection is a bit excessive, especially considering that I don't wear all of it :p


Active member
Re: Have you ever....

Getting rid of, no. Scaling down, yes. I often wonder if I can use all I buy in my lifetime. After nearly 10 years of buying and wearing makeup I have never finished anything. Thrown things away though.

I also feel like a break when my skin is not cooperating.


Well-known member
As of today my bestfriend told me that I should stop buying make-up. So I told her OK I am going to count how many I have. Well I have about 50 lipglosses ( anbd this does not include eye shadows and foundation, powder, eyeliners and etc) that I have worn just once and that is bad and I will NEver throw them away. I love my make-up. Yesterday I told myself that I aint going to buy no more make-up but it aint going to happen because tomorrow I am going to get the Fergie lipgloss and a fluidline. I would die if I ever decide to throw my make up away.


Well-known member
Yes, that thought ran through my head today. I was having a really bad makeup day. You know, one of those days where nothing is going right. I would ever ACTUALLY get rid of all my MAC but sometimes I do get very frustrated.

The past week, I've been makeup-less. Nothing on my face, not even penciled in eyebrows. At first, I was really self-conscious but I did like how I didn't have to scrub the makeup off my face every night.