Have you ever thought about getting rid of all of your MAC?


Well-known member
I can see how it'd be really easy to feel this way. As I learn new techniques and start adding products to my routine, it can start to become an "obligation". I sometimes feel like I have to do everything everyday because I'll look "unfinished" if I don't and, also, I've gotten used to how I look with a full face.

My make-up is for fun. I enjoy it and do it for me because, honestly, I don't think any of my friends or coworkers even notice what I do with it. And it's totally OK to just wear mascara or even nothing if I don't feel like messing with it.


Well-known member
Nope! I don't feel right without makeup and it's the one creative outlet that I have stuck with and not given up on.


Active member
:0 get rid of makeup? wont that make u go to hell or something??
eheheh i started using makeup age 23..im 25 and i love all about makeup. i put makeup 4 in 7 days a week..so my au naturale days make me miss makeup..but make me glad i can walk around with nothing but moistorizer


Well-known member
NEVER!!! OMG get rid of my makeup, i might as well cut off my fingers...ok maybe a bit dramatic but you get the point.


Well-known member
I love my makeup. Even if one day I stop wearing makeup, I can always use it for other people. I think I'll die still collecting MAC for some reason or another!


Well-known member
Me too! I love collecting it, using it on myself and others. I think it's a really big form of creative expression. Instead of using paints and pens we use painpots and bootblack :0) x


Well-known member
i'm reading this on April Fool's Day and if it wasn't already an-almost-2-month old thread, i'd be wondering if it's a joke!



Well-known member
No way! Even if I stopped wearing it I'd still keep it just to look at and mess about with. I don't wear makeup every day, but it's nice to have the option to wear it if I want to.


Well-known member
there definitely have been many times where i am like "uh, why am i so obsessed with collecting MAKEUP? normal people only use a few colors, why do i have to have over 120 eyeshadows?" blahblah, but then i realize how much i love my mac and wouldn't get rid of it<3


Active member
I really don't have that much makeup because I only buy things I know I will use often. I might see some gorgeous neon eyeshadows, but I'm not going to buy them because that's not really my look or something I'd wear. (I love to see the looks other people do with them though!) I always do research first on the product itself and swatches and ways it can be used in different looks that fit my style.

It's easy to not feel overburdened by your collection when you get a lot of use out of the things you have. I would always recommend to people who worry their shopping or collecting has gone a little overboard that they focus on being practical about their purchases rather than trying to quit cold turkey.

On the other hand, if you love collecting just for the sake of it and it isn't causing you any problems or undue stress, then you should go right ahead doing what you do and not let anyone else make you feel guilty about it!


Well-known member
well i definately cant do the au naturale, so getting rid of everything is out of the question.
but i do remember nostalgically when ALL of my makeup fit in one little bathroom vanity drawer.

i started buying more because it was products i liked and intended to use, but then i'd see something new and buy more. so of late i really debate purchases to decide if i really really want to bring it home. but i still like and am proud of my collection. every so often i sort through my collection and purge things by gifting them to my daughter


Well-known member
to answer the question of the thread - no.

i'm not the type of person that spends lots of money on luxury items like expensive handbags, vacations, fancy electronics, and even alcohol. so makeup for me in general is my indulgence. it's what i enjoy buying and collecting and having. i work hard in school and i feel this is my way of spoiling myself.

the only other thing i indulge in like my makeup is books. i'm such a geek!