

Well-known member
My Animal Science teacher always talks about animal shelters and how there are so many good animals that need homes and what not, and it still makes me sad every time I think about it.

The shelter problem will only be getting worse since Christmas is coming up. A lot of parents get their kids the "cute little puppy" or the boyfriend/girlfriend will get it for the other.. and then say bye-bye later on. It's irritating.

All that being said I have two purebreeds that I purchased from breeders and one stray I found wandering the streets. xD and I love them to death~ Mwahahaha

karen diggins

Active member
my family has always been the family that everyone gives there dogs,cats,birds too. When some was moving they would call us and we would take the animal. My son had a babysitter that had a pitbull. She was so sweet. My son would pull on her feet pull her ears and put his hands in her mouth. All she would Do was lick him. They became best buddys and the dog would follow my son everywere. My son was a baby and the pit was so sweet to him..


Well-known member
We got my dog 13 years ago when he was one. We didn't get him from a shelter, but we got him from a family who abused him. To this day he gets upset if you raise your voice to him, or if you make any motion that could be interpreted as kicking. He also goes nuts if you try to restrain him, which means every time he has to go to the vet he has to be put under anesthesia. It makes me so angry, he's such a fantastic dog. I don't know how people could have been so mean to him. He does live outside in Canadian winters as some of our family members are somewhat allergic, but we have a barn that he and the cats stay in where we set up heat lamps for them. He's not doing so well lately, but hopefully he'll still be around when I go home for Christmas.


Well-known member
All three of my pets: a bichon frise, a toy poodle, and a chihuahua have come from breeders.

We learned about the breeders past sales, went to their houses, and have spent time researching their histories before purchasing the dogs. I just really hate puppy mills though... in NC there was a huge puppy mill bust near our school in the spring and it was just tragic to see all the little puppies being crated out of the buildings like shoes or something... they're living beings!!!
Ugh. Some people...

We did have to give away our bichon frise though. I had him for ten years, since he was really really little. He was never a "nice" dog, attacking me most of the time until we got a new puppy who he tried to bite and attack all the time so we had to seperate them.

Then he seriuosly attacked my brother and I. We were watching tv on the floor of the den, then my brother started to pet him, the dog snarled so my brother stopped and the bichon just clamped down on his arm and started biting and gnawing. So I tried to get behind him and (without hurting the dog) take him off and put him outside. My bichon then went for me, scratching me till my arm was bleeding and my cath almost came out. He was taken in by his vet after we brought him in to ask about having him put to sleep. I hope he's doing well.

I just wanted to say that there are some situations where if an animal is vicious or attacking people, then you're put in a corner with options.


Well-known member
i'm very glad to be auntie (bf's flatmate is mummy) to two lovely kitties adopted from death row. they were due to be put down the next day and she couldn't bear to see it happen to them, so she took them home.

they are the most loving, adorable kitties you'd ever meet. one of them is totally obsessed with canned cat food - to the extent that if i open so much as a jar in the kitchen he looks at me hopefully
he's also a cuddle tart and loves playing with the heaps of toys he's now spoiled with.

the other is an older kitty and i think he was abused previously
he used to bolt the second any person in the room so much as made a move to stand up... even if they were too far to reach him. he's mellowed out a bit where he'll play and enjoy lots of patting, but he's still not fond of being picked up or cuddled.

i just can't understand people who don't pay or neuter their pets.. or who actually try and breed them to sell the resultiing puppies or kittens jut for the cash.

it disgusts me as i've made many visits to animal shelters, just to give the kitties and puppies some attention. the poor things live in such horrible little cages, and just want someone to give them love! i don't know how poeple can just abandon their pets to that sort of life.


Active member
I agree totally with this post. Why breed your dog when you could go adopt a perfectly good mutt (or sometimes a purebred) from the shelter? Those dogs will love you forever! We had a golden lab/retriever mix for 13 years that we rescued. She loved us the second we took her out of there. We never had to take her to the vet and she was never a problem ever. I miss her

I remember when I was about 10 years old, I was walking down the road with my cousin. In the ditch next to us was a garbage bag moving around. Well being the curious person that I am I went up to it and head yelps. So I opened the bag and there were three puppies in there. We brought them home but we weren't allowed to keep them. My dad gave them away for free telling people they would have to pay for the shots and medical bills. It's sad that people could dump something so cute like it was garbage!!


Well-known member
Wow. These are some intense stories
But yall who have saved pets lives are angels on earth!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Wow....I found this thread and think it needs to be bumped up.

I am adopting a cat for Christmas and am ecstatic! I just really want to save a cat's life from the harsh reality of a shelter. Hell, I'll take the ugliest cat (though there are no "ugly" pets...) even a cat with one eye. Someone who I can love and who will love me back. Unconditionally!

Depending on your life/apartment's rules (assuming you live in an apartment), sometimes cats are paired. That's how I ended up getting two instead of one (I have 3 cats total, and I always think about getting another one whenever I walk into Petsmart or Petco [they always host shelter animals]).

Shelters keep records on how long the animal has been there. Also, even though they're not going to be with you as long, senior cats have difficulties being adopted. I think long haired cats don't get adopted as easily, either, and many people claim that black cats are frequently left at shelters. It's kind of sad, but people will not adopt cats for dumb reasons, like having something messed up. One of my boy cats is blind in his left eye, and it's clouded over; the people at the shelter think that's why the boys were there so long (like 8 months) and would be there longer. However, an animal is an animal. I'm still horrified that there was this pair of cats who had been born at the shelter and were entering their second year there; I was always told kittens get adopted so easily. If they hadn't been completely nuts (I have a cat who needs calmer cats), I would've taken them.

I could kill people who put animals in shelters for no good reason. It's really unfair and sad for the animals. So many of the cats at the shelter I went to were nuts, because they were at that shelter too long (it was no kill). As great as the staff is, it's not a home.


Well-known member
How timely.

One of my babies, my shelter adopted kitty Emmitt, died on Saturday. The circumstances were just awful and I am heartbroken. But I take some solace in the fact that we gave him a second chance at life and he was well loved while a member of our family.


Well-known member
Once again, I come to an extremely interesting post extremely late!

Shimmer- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! What a difficult job you have! I couldn't do it.

All of my dogs are adopted. All are pitbulls. Each has been extremely difficult to "de-program" but each has been extremely rewarding. My life has been enriched immeasurably by bringing them home and loving them.

On a personal note, I want to SCREAM whenever I see most pitbull owners out and about. People seem to enjoy getting these dogs to look tough and to "protect them." HOW STUPID ARE YOU? YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ILLEGAL FIREARM, WHAT DO YOU NEED A DOG FOR? One of my dogs was de-clawed and stuck as a drug "watch dog" in a project in the Bronx... this way no one coming to rob the place could hear the click-clack of his claws. Cute. When his douchebag owner's drug warehouse was seized, my dog was photographed as evidence and dumped in a shelter. A police officer I know, aware of my affinity for pits, told me about him.

Dogs are for loving, kissing, and adoring, not for clipping their ears, fighting them, and dumping them off for someone like else to deal with.

My pits love to cuddle but they also love to fight dogs. I'd like to punch their previous owners right in the face. I never see positive media-coverage of pits and I work very hard to make sure my dogs are good "breed ambassadors." While I was initially against breed bans, I am beginning to reconsider my position as many people seem to be unable to be trusted to make responsible decisions regarding pitbull ownership. They are spirited, strong, and independent dogs. They are not for everyone and most people who own them, shouldn't.

I don't know if a breed ban is the answer but I do know nothing else works and I'm sick to death of seeing 120 pits I can't help whenever I go to a shelter. It is a pervasive problem- every shelter I've ever been to in the last 5 years is packed with pits. Additionally, I've seen pits many times aimelessly running through my neighborhood after someone dumped them. I've caught a few and found homes or a pit foster care program but I've also had to settle with taking them to a no-kill shelter.

I can never figure out what it is about them that encourages people to put on their bad idea pants and enter the ring. If you can't handle a houseplant, you should not own a dog, much less a pit.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
Once again, I come to an extremely interesting post extremely late!

Shimmer- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING THIS! What a difficult job you have! I couldn't do it.

All of my dogs are adopted. All are pitbulls. Each has been extremely difficult to "de-program" but each has been extremely rewarding. My life has been enriched immeasurably by bringing them home and loving them.

On a personal note, I want to SCREAM whenever I see most pitbull owners out and about. People seem to enjoy getting these dogs to look tough and to "protect them." HOW STUPID ARE YOU? YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ILLEGAL FIREARM, WHAT DO YOU NEED A DOG FOR? One of my dogs was de-clawed and stuck as a drug "watch dog" in a project in the Bronx... this way no one coming to rob the place could hear the click-clack of his claws. Cute. When his douchebag owner's drug warehouse was seized, my dog was photographed as evidence and dumped in a shelter. A police officer I know, aware of my affinity for pits, told me about him.

Dogs are for loving, kissing, and adoring, not for clipping their ears, fighting them, and dumping them off for someone like else to deal with.

My pits love to cuddle but they also love to fight dogs. I'd like to punch their previous owners right in the face. I never see positive media-coverage of pits and I work very hard to make sure my dogs are good "breed ambassadors." While I was initially against breed bans, I am beginning to reconsider my position as many people seem to be unable to be trusted to make responsible decisions regarding pitbull ownership. They are spirited, strong, and independent dogs. They are not for everyone and most people who own them, shouldn't.

I don't know if a breed ban is the answer but I do know nothing else works and I'm sick to death of seeing 120 pits I can't help whenever I go to a shelter. It is a pervasive problem- every shelter I've ever been to in the last 5 years is packed with pits. Additionally, I've seen pits many times aimelessly running through my neighborhood after someone dumped them. I've caught a few and found homes or a pit foster care program but I've also had to settle with taking them to a no-kill shelter.

I can never figure out what it is about them that encourages people to put on their bad idea pants and enter the ring. If you can't handle a houseplant, you should not own a dog, much less a pit.

I agree, most people who own pit bulls shouldn't even own goldfish, much less dogs requiring stimulation, intelligent decision making, and regular interaction.
There is no such thing as a low maintenance pit bull. They are strong, dominant animals and they NEED human love and care.
Yes, at home, they're goofy, lovable, and just generally Mickey Mouse dogs, but on the street, in the back yard, or when neglected, their will to survive will kick in. They're physically powerful dogs, and many people desire that, but also fear it.

This is my brother's baby. She's a complete doll, and she's SO much fun. My mom's babysitting her while he's in New Jersey just back from Iraq finishing up demob.

Pit ownership should definitely require a test of some sort. :/

I think the reason people want pits is because they're so FREAKING CUTE as puppies...but people don't know how big they're really going to get. :/


Well-known member
Our dog had to be put to sleep in June this year- so beeing so sad abot that- we both agreed to get a new dog, so that our 12 year old dog wont feel so loneley and us as well.

i I checked on the internet about shelters and dog rescue organisations and we found one that is rescueing dogs from the island of mallorca in spain.
The dogs will be put to sleep (gased) if after a certain time no one picks them up - and they wont be picked up.
So this organisation buys them free for about €150,00., puts them in a large area and fly them over to germany whre people take care of them until they find a new owner.

Long story short we adopted a 8 months old puppy mix (a tall one now). We never saw him before (only on small pic), but when i picked him up at the airport- it was love at first sight.
Now he lives a happy life, also he is very energetic and destroyed a lot of things- WE WOULD NEVER GIVE HIM AWAY.

I really think those people rescueing animals -stray o in shelters -are doing a wonderful job which should be helped by donating some money. All this wonderfull and poor animals need a second chance.

And to all the people considering getting an animal - especially as an x-mas gift-please consider before u get one: they are a family member and should be treated as one,: they take your time, they get sick , they may destroy things, they dont allways stay a small puppy, they have to be educated - and they give u endless love.....So if all your considerations are pro animal, please, please give those a chance who are in shelters or from rescue organistions

Merry x-mas


Well-known member
Pits rock. I wish they didn't have such a bad rep. Every single one that my aunt and uncle have had, now or in the past, has been the sweetest, dopiest dog. When DH gets out and we aren't moving all over the country every few years, we'd like a pit or a mastiff.


Well-known member
"My" babies
Ruckus, at the back, is a Rottweiler/Bull Mastiff mix. Tsavo, in the middle, is some kind of mutt and the vet thinks he might be mentally challenged. And Dozer, in the front, is pure pit. All rescues from either the streets or the pound. They all belong to my aunt and uncle and I wish they were my dogs.


Well-known member
I can't even beging to describe the horrible sadness i felt after reading this. I had a freind in the states ...who well we are no longer friends but she basically would go to a shelter adopt kittens and a few months later when they were no longer kittens and all cute she would tire of them ....stating reasons like oh well they are scratching up the couch or they arent using their litterbox ..well maybe they cats arent using the litter box because u NEVER freaking clean it...so they go outside the box.

Well I really didnt know her at first and i always wonderd why she never invited me in her home. She always came over to my place ..then one day i found out she had 9 cats ... 3 dogs, 2 bunnies and some fish. Well after knowing her for about 2 years that cat number grew ..then dwindeled ... well she paid someone to take 5 cats into the shelter she adopted from because she said " she couldnt bear to leave them there herself" WTF ? u are gonna cry now cuz its so hard for u to dump ur cats in the shelter u adopted them from.

so i got out of town for 2 months ..i come back she has 3 more kittens and a puppy chiuaua she bought in a flea market in Georgia. THis is when I became seriously infuriated and ceased to return her calls and slowly just stopped talking to her even though she only lived 5 houses down from me.

THen one day she comes to my door and says she can't keep the dog because well it just a bad puppy ...and im like omg whatever ill take it ..and basically my mom owns the sweet dog now.

she later decided to get rid of her 3 dogs because she realized she was no longer a dog person..she was a cat person ..WTF i say again. Well i just couldnt bear it ..i told her that when she decided to take those dogs to the shelter to call me and let me know...she called one day ..and i was like i can't believe u ..bring them over ..i will try to find homes for them ..it took me 3 months to find a home for the last dog ..but I did eventually place all 3 dogs. (mind u i was in the process of moving here to italy and i had about 5 weeks left in my house then i was homelss with my 2 dogs and 2 of her dogs lookign for homes for 2 months)

so i got out of town for 2 months ..i come back she has 3 more kittens and a puppy chiuaua she bought in a flea market in Georgia. THis is when I became seriously infuriated and ceased to return her calls and slowly just stopped talking to her even though she only lived 5 houses down from me.

THen one day she comes to my door and says she can't keep the dog because well it just a bad puppy ...and im like omg whatever ill take it ..and basically my mom owns the sweet dog now.

but yeah i think im going to post the first post on my blog because I know she reads my blog..Im almost debating on actually emailing it to her.

anyway yeah some people...

it is my husbands and i dream to get some land in the country and have 10 doggies ..that can roam free and sleep inside at night and just be happy doggies. we have 3 dogs now and two are shelter rescues and one we jsut got from our neighbor here in italy whos dog had puppies. SInce we live in Italy and will only be here for 4 years I am not going to get any more dogs till we move back to the states ..but if we were in the states I htink I would have 6 or so dogs by now lol ...I love my babies to bits.


Well-known member
I have two cats and both are from the Toronto Humane Society (THS).

I got the first one, my lil princess Spazz (my bf named her!), as a present from my bf when she was only 2 months old! They even thanked him at the THS for taking her bc she’s a black cat and no one wanted her!! I had never had a pet before (well besides fish) so it was a little hard getting used to a tiny ball of fur throwing herself at you claws first but I would never have returned her!! I later realized that she wouldn't really hurt me and was just playing. Now, she the sweetest thing ever, very calm and loving but at the same time a real "cat" ... she doesn't really like to be picked up or sit on laps or anything like that but when I'm upset she'll always come and sit beside me!

My other cat, a boy named Socks (I named him thankfully!!), we got unintentionally. My bf really wanted an orange tabby and one day I was browsing the THS's website and noticed there were two orange tabbys. So I called my bf and he went to check them out but when he got there they told him he couldn't take them bc they were brothers and had to go together and they were also feral. They told him to look around and see if he wanted any of the others ... that's when he saw Socks, a cute orange tabby w/ white paws, hence his name. He had just been returned by his previous owners bc they were allergic to cats (why they would have taken him in the first place is beyond me!!!) and he was only 4 months old. When we brought him home he was so happy, it even seemed like he was smiling!! He's my lil “puppy” ... I call him that cuz he follows me around the house, loves to cuddle w/ me, greets me at the door and he even has a string we play fetch w/, that he "stole" from my bf’s track pants!!! lol!! Oh and he's incredibly smart, he can open drawers, cupboards and doors ... once he even helped himself to his own treats!!

Well, sorry for writing this novel but reading this really is heartbreaking and to think that it could have happened to my babies if I hadn't adopted them makes me really sad!!! I hate when people mistreat poor innocent animals, domestic or otherwise!!

Also, to the people that return their pets bc they can't pay for expensive surgeries or medicines ... there's something called Pet Insurance!!! I have it for both my cats and I recently used it to pay for Socks' $1400 vet bill! (he was really sick) But even if I didn't I would never ever give my pet back to a shelter for that reason or any other ... it's like giving your child away!!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Pits rock. I wish they didn't have such a bad rep. Every single one that my aunt and uncle have had, now or in the past, has been the sweetest, dopiest dog. When DH gets out and we aren't moving all over the country every few years, we'd like a pit or a mastiff.

Fantastic dogs, they really are. Pene's just a loppy dopey dog. But SMART.
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
"My" babies
Ruckus, at the back, is a Rottweiler/Bull Mastiff mix. Tsavo, in the middle, is some kind of mutt and the vet thinks he might be mentally challenged. And Dozer, in the front, is pure pit. All rescues from either the streets or the pound. They all belong to my aunt and uncle and I wish they were my dogs.

They're gorgeous. How did she socialize the pit so he wouldn't be aggressive? That's the biggest issue we have with Pene. She's not aggressive in the manner that she wants to kill, she's just...dominant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
They're gorgeous. How did she socialize the pit so he wouldn't be aggressive? That's the biggest issue we have with Pene. She's not aggressive in the manner that she wants to kill, she's just...dominant.

Dozer was a puppy (9 months or so) when they took him in. He belonged to someone who couldn't keep him IIRC. At the time, they had Ruckus (the Rottie mix - who is my favorite dog ever) and a Rhodesian Ridgeback (Fury)who was the old man of the house. Between Ruckus and Fury, they put him into his place so quickly that he didn't have time to be aggressive. He's got a really, really passive personality. He can get super excited, but he's really just happy to have someone to pet him and fuss over him. He didn't really have an option to be dominant.

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