

Well-known member
Hmm. I wonder if Pene being female is what makes her personality so dominant.

Well, that and the fact that she's larger than ALL of our dogs put together...That may have something to do with it...


Well-known member
I think the female thing might be a big part of it. Every male pit I've known has been way, way less aggressive than the female pits.


Well-known member
She's not mean, but she's dominant. My mom walks her and plays with the laser with her and stuff like that everyday to wear her out...it makes her less bouncy.


Active member
Shimmer, thank you for posting this.

One of the best books I've read in the last couple of years, The Dogs Who Found Me, is by Ken Foster, who writes so well about dogs and rescuing them and what their companionship means to him. He's a writer and a teacher but also works really hard to advocate for shelter animals, especially hard-to-place ones. If you were touched by Shimmer's post you may also enjoy his books:

Amazon.com: The Dogs Who Found Me: What I've Learned from Pets Who Were Left Behind: Books: Ken Foster

ken foster

You will love reading about Brando, Zephyr-dog, and Sula!

Thanks again, Shimmer.



Well-known member
Shimmer and Ruth- thank you for sharing your (and your relatives) dogs! So cute. They have the sweetest faces and the biggest heads.

Ugh, I just saw someone with a pit and it was wearing a huge padlock and chain. Booo.


Well-known member
That made me so so sad...
But it also made me really happy that we saved my kitty from our yard when she was a kitten. I always like looking at the kittens in pet stores, but I'd never buy one. They have a better chance at life than the poor babies in the shelter. I hope to adopt more animals from shelters, especially after that. I may not be able to make a difference in the bigger picture, but I'll sure as hell make a difference to the pets I can give a good home too.

Thanks for posting Shimmer!

EDIT: I had to go snuggle my kitty after this


Well-known member
as i sit here and read this my rescued large black chow mix is laying on the floor next to me snoring... lol he grunts seriously like a little piggy... and honestly i cant picture my life w/o him... we also have another black doggy that was bought from a breeder which i am ashamed to admit.. but i love him just as much.. anyway my dogs are my life and seriously i dont understand these disgusting people and give their pets up... please just dont get them in the first place... maybe someone should set up some kind of dog rental or something bc thats all these people really want anyway


Well-known member
This made me cry pretty hard.

I will only adopt from shelters when I am ready to have a new pet.

I have two cats that are like my children. I love them to death and could never let someone else take them. I find apartments that are pet friendly only since I will never give them up.

I can't fathom how anyone could have the mentality "oh I'll just get a new one." I was so heartbroken when some sicko shot my cat, then later broker he leg beyond repair. I didn't think twice for paying $1500 just to get her leg amputated. She is my child, I need to make sure she is healthy.


Well-known member
Thank you so much for posting this. I just wrote an article similar to this on my facebook page, trying to urge people to adopt. I work for a no-kill animal rescue (primarily we work with cats but we have recently started rescuing dogs too) and to see all these wonderful souls who can't find homes just kills me.

I don't get how people can breed, buy pets from pet stores, or buy pets from breeders. I don't care if you're looking for a specific breed or pedigree of dog/cat...that's wrong. Animals aren't handbags or cars, it doesn't matter what "brand" they are. There are so many wonderful animals just waiting to be euthanized (50% of shelter dogs and 70% of shelter cats are), and yet people decide that somehow, it is more important that their dog/cat look good in their hot pink handbag, than it is to save a life. I had a friend who traveled something like 3 hours and paid $700 for an all white cat with blue eyes from a breeder. The next day, the organization I work for rescued a beautiful all-white blue-eyed kitten with super soft long fur. Because she had to buy that cat instead of adopt, some cat that would have gotten a home has to die instead. And had she just taken the time, she could have even found an all white cat with blue eyes at a shelter or a rescue like ours! It's sick and I can't believe that anyone with a crumb of a conscious could do it.

/end rant.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dark_Phoenix
All three of my pets: a bichon frise, a toy poodle, and a chihuahua have come from breeders.

We learned about the breeders past sales, went to their houses, and have spent time researching their histories before purchasing the dogs. I just really hate puppy mills though... in NC there was a huge puppy mill bust near our school in the spring and it was just tragic to see all the little puppies being crated out of the buildings like shoes or something... they're living beings!!!
Ugh. Some people...

We did have to give away our bichon frise though. I had him for ten years, since he was really really little. He was never a "nice" dog, attacking me most of the time until we got a new puppy who he tried to bite and attack all the time so we had to seperate them.

Then he seriuosly attacked my brother and I. We were watching tv on the floor of the den, then my brother started to pet him, the dog snarled so my brother stopped and the bichon just clamped down on his arm and started biting and gnawing. So I tried to get behind him and (without hurting the dog) take him off and put him outside. My bichon then went for me, scratching me till my arm was bleeding and my cath almost came out. He was taken in by his vet after we brought him in to ask about having him put to sleep. I hope he's doing well.

I just wanted to say that there are some situations where if an animal is vicious or attacking people, then you're put in a corner with options.

Tons of bred dogs have emotional and behavioural problems...I wasn't surprised to read your story (let alone that I have never met a "nice" bichon frise). Obviously you were put in a corner, but your story is a perfect example of how breeding perpetuates the cycle.

If you had just gone to a shelter or rescue and spent some time getting to know some of the dogs, you could have found one that was loving and non-agressive, and known its personality before bringing it home. Rather than just wanting a dog of a certain breed while knowing nothing about its personality.

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
i have a small lil doggie and shes my everything. i would like to adopt her a couple lil buddies someday, im not sure if ill ever be able to though
. i would never pay $1500 for another dog, she was a gift.

i feel so bad i cant even walk into pet stores that sell puppies becus i want to just take them all home, every one of them makes me think of my lil baby in their place and it breaks my heart.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
If you're not totally broke from the holidays, I urge you all to donate at least $10 or so to a local shelter. The shelter that I had adopted my cats from sent an email newsletter asking for money. Things are getting more expensive and at least at this shelter, people are dumping more cats.

I wish I had a larger apartment. Every time I go to Petsmart or Petco (whichever one in this area that hosts the shelter animals), I am so tempted to get another cat because I feel bad.

If you're interested in a pet but can't commit to life, quite a few shelters have foster parenting as an option.


Well-known member
The first three dogs I had were from a shelter.My uncle and I decided to get our Great Dane from a breeder for my grandfather. I am not saying sheltr dogs are less worthy than breeder dogs. My uncle just didn't want to risk it with my grandfather. As for me, I will always get dogs from the sheleter.

Our Dane's ears are not cropped. We spoil him so much. He is constantly getting toys and has his own bedroom with a full size bed.

When I move out, I plan on getting two pups from the sheleter. People are assholes and give up their dogs for dumb reasons. Like to get a dog like the one Paris Hilton has (for show).
Reading this post made me cry at work. Thank you for posting.


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I are going out to the local shelter and looking for a new member of the family to adopt tomorrow! I'm VERY excited. We want a kitty, as we're both quiet fond of them. My kitty Zeus passed away in January, right after I said goodbye, hugged and kissed him, and was on the road back to school. My mom called me about 15 minutes later and said Zeus passed away. He waited for me to say goodbye *sniff.* My boyfriend's parent's made him take his three cats to the shelter, when he stilled lived at home years ago. I'm sure they got put down.
. Since we live together now, and it's all we can do from taking every stray home with us, we're going to try to adopt tomorrow, and I can't wait!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by _trimm_trabb
Tons of bred dogs have emotional and behavioural problems...I wasn't surprised to read your story (let alone that I have never met a "nice" bichon frise). Obviously you were put in a corner, but your story is a perfect example of how breeding perpetuates the cycle.

If you had just gone to a shelter or rescue and spent some time getting to know some of the dogs, you could have found one that was loving and non-agressive, and known its personality before bringing it home. Rather than just wanting a dog of a certain breed while knowing nothing about its personality.

There weren't any animal shelters where I was living. We were living in Al Budaiya before moving back in to Manama.

And even if there were, I still wanted a puppy. I was seven and he was a holy communion gift.

The bichon (Chandon) became attached to only one person, my mother. She was at home while I was in school most of the day and I think that's why he preffered her over me and attacked everyone but her. He was always very stubborn but only turned to being violent a few years ago.

You don't know exactly what situation I was in when he was little, how my dogs were cared for, their pedigrees (and therefore the degree of inbreeding <or lack therof>) , etc.. Assume what you want. Whatever.

To add: my third dog is a chihuahua from a shelter in Oslo.


Well-known member
While I think adopting animals from shelters is a great idea ... (I have had several pets from the pound) I dont think all breeders are "bad". My mom breeds and shows Ragdoll cats. When we have kittens (about 2 litters a year) and sell these kittens, the new owners are given a contract to sign stating that they have to fix the kitten when it is old enough, and are not alloud to give it to someone else or a shelter. If they dont want the cat anymore at any time we will buy it back for the full price they paid. Also if we hear of the cat being neglected, we will give their money back and take the cat. Before the kitten goes to their new home, my mom goes and checks out their place and decides weather a kitten is sutible for them. Theres been quite a few people that we have said no to.

All our ragdolls have the run of the house and are never kept in cages or anything at anytime. We breed because there is a huge demand for these cats as show cats and we often have a waiting list about a year long. These cats sell for $600 - $2000.

That being said I have rescused lots of animals as well as having purebreds. I have a barn cat that i saved from a racoon about 12 years ago and she still lives with us. Both my dogs are white boxers that we rescused from breeders that wanted to put them down just because of their color! When I was little I found a stray pitbull that someone dumped and I just want to add that this pittie was the SWEETEST most unagressive dog you will ever meet and i hate how pitties have such a bad rep....

See even though I breed purebred animals I LOVE all animals and think they are great no matter where you get them from, and purebreds or mutts it doesnt matter any animal should be loved!

That being said... if you are going to a breeder for a certain breed ... make sure you do extensive research to make sure the animals are treated well and not kept in cages. STAY AWAY from pet stores as most of these pets come from puppy mills!


Well-known member
The real problem isn't breeder versus shelter-adopted - the problem is people who do not think about long term responsibility when they decide to take home a pet.

The only way I learned this lesson is when I decided to buy a rat as a pet. I was 21, and I was living in a flat that banned pets. I thought I could handle a little rat, but the little guy hated me and I ended up hating him too. After a few days, I tried to return him to the pet store, but of course, they wouldn't take him back. I put up fliers everywhere to give him away, but no one wanted him. I called the animal shelters and was told they wouldn't take him. Then I was told that we were going to have a flat inspection. Knowing pets were banned, I realised just how stupid I'd been.

I decided to release him outside, in a wooded area near water. I dumped him and his rat food there and left. I told myself that he'd live quite happily for a while, but I was pretty sure that since he was a pet rat, he probably wouldn't survive for long. I have never felt so guilty about anything in my entire life. I should've known better at 21 years of age. When it came down to it, I was selfishly naive at every single point. I still get upset thinking about it.

When it came to getting our two cats, I remembered the rat and I was very careful about what I did. I knew I'd always wanted bengal cats, so the choice was either a breeder or the off-chance that I could adopt an abandoned one. There is a group of breeders in the UK that also rehome bengals. We looked for one to rehome but everytime we tried, they were already gone. In the end, we bought one from a part-time breeder who was a veteranian, and one from a breeder who also ran a cat boarding facility.

Bought both of my bengal cats from breeders. I don't feel bad about it in the slightest. I wanted animals that had been treated well from the moment they were conceived to the moment they ended up in my home. I wanted them to be healthy so that it would be less likely that they would need medical care for a chronic illness or something they pick up from a shelter. Call me heartless if you like. They both have a good home, are spoiled beyond belief, and are my fat happy babies. They only get fed HiLife catfood and are indoor-only cats.

In my opinion, no one has the right to tell me I was wrong to have chosen to purchase cats from reputable breeders over adopting. Bengals are f'king hard work but we've committed ourselves to them and would do anything for them. They aren't like normal housecats and require a great deal of stimulation and attention to stay happy. So long as I look after them and ensure that they don't produce unwanted kittens (both are neutered), I don't feel I owe anything at all to an animal shelter.

If I choose to support a shelter, whether in volunteer hours, donations, or even adopting a creature, it won't be out of a sense of societal guilt, which the OP (the one Shimmer copy/pasted, not Shimmer herself) obviously wanted to impart on all of us. I am not responsible for other people's mistakes, only my own. And only my own cats, for that matter.


Well-known member
I cried while reading that. Its a topic near and dear to my heart, and it makes me so angry. My first cat we got from the pet store spur of the moment when I was 5, my second one I got on my 12th birthday from a shelter. She was a little older and nobody was looking at her. She was silently sitting in the back of her cage, so sad. Something clicked in me and I had to take her home. She's come a LONG way. For many years, at least 5, we could not hold her, kiss her, or pet her too long without her getting uncomfortable. She would get up and leave if you sat near her too long. She was terrified of her own shadows, and being outside was not an option. She would not purr.

Now, she purrs. Quietly but she does. I can kiss her, cuddle her, and she will cuddle on our laps. She LOVES being outside! And she's taken to meowing, probably learning from my first cat.

It's been a wonderful process. I am so proud of her. She's my pride and joy and I will NEVER, EVER abandon her (or my first kitty - but she's spoiled and already knows it). I will max out my CC and do everything humanely possible before that happens.

I was also just inspired by this thread to donate to my local shelter. It's so good that people are reminded of the problems creatures face by things like this thread. It's so easy for people to ignore it. Thank you for making this thread.


Well-known member







These are all former shelter cats, except the first- she was a rescue from a puppy/kitten mill, kept in a small metal cage (usually with other cats) for the first year of her life. A couple were abused, one had been hit by a car, one had been dumped at only three weeks old in a box in a ditch off the highway...

I don't understand how anyone could NOT care.

(PS- yes, I have eight cats. Yes, they all have received excellent veterinary care and go every year for check-ups. They receive a full and healthy diet. Sometimes I get crap for the number of cats we have. My husband and I are unable to have children, we have a large house, and this is our family.


Active member
The OP and the stories in here made me so sad. I looked into volunteering at my local shelter, but without a car it would take me 2-3 buses to get there.

My baby came from a shelter as an 11 week old kitten. I know, I went for a kitten over an older cat, but I don't regret the decision as that little boy is my life. Along with my boyfriend's cat and our rabbit, we can't adopt anymore fur babies while we still live in our flat. I would love to adopt more cats though.

It makes me angry that people abandon their pets for such stupid reasons. I know how hard some of those things are to deal with- between the two cats, we've had peeing and pooping on the floor and beds, daily furballs, scratching furniture, broken blinds, flea infestations, aggression issues and various illnesses. All have been dealt with and received the necessary treatment, even when I was struggling to pay for my own food. No amount of scrubbing the carpet could make me even consider giving up my kitties. I chose to adopt my fur babies, and they fully rely on me for everything.

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