How Dirty Is Store Makeup?


Active member
After being in charge of a drug store cosmetics department for 6 months or so, I cannot even begin to add up how much money was lost because of used products...I was super anal about my department, and would go through and open EVERY damn lipstick that I could, just to make sure somebody hadn't touched it...Any seals that even looked tampered with, were gone..Gross, gross, gross..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mans_x_ruin
After being in charge of a drug store cosmetics department for 6 months or so, I cannot even begin to add up how much money was lost because of used products...I was super anal about my department, and would go through and open EVERY damn lipstick that I could, just to make sure somebody hadn't touched it...Any seals that even looked tampered with, were gone..Gross, gross, gross..

I tried doing that the other day. They wouldn't allow it. I tried to explain to them that makeup has sanitation and hygiene issues, but they wouldn't let me damage them out. WHAT THE HELL. Who the hell wants to buy a used lipstick?! UGHHH!

I'm so furious about it, I will make it a separate thread. Everyone needs to know about this.


Well-known member
I get super paranoid about clean make-up.

I think American Beauty at Kohl's is the worst for it. The best one I've seen is at The Cosmetics Company (an Etee Lauder/MAC outlet in Myrtle Beach, SC) because I've seen them clean brushes there and *gasp* replace testers.

At Benefit, MAC and Clinique at Belk they're always telling people to please use a tester and not their fingers. Once when I was have make-up applied at Benefit I saw an employee ask a girl if she'd like to buy the lipgloss now that she put it on her lips.

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