How do/would you feel about people borrowing your Mac?


Well-known member
I am not willining not share my M.A.C.! I have those who've tried but has not succeeded. My friends and family assume that since I work for M.A.C. that I want to share and give away products. But I can assure you all that's not the case.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lovemichelle
I don't let anyone borrow anything of mine. If they want it bad enough they can buy it just like I did.

I agree... Everyday my sister asks to use my quad w. Honesty, Grain, Paradisco, and Goldbit. She took it to Boston (well, she stole it from me, and thentook it to Boston, i thought i lost it) and Honesty was almost gone... I told her she can have it, but she's buying me a new one (it was 95% Left when she first took it)... Psh, I didn't buy it for her, i bought it for me, and if she likes it so much, she can go spend her own 13 bucks on it.


Well-known member
Lol i was worried everyone would be like ''i love my friends and i could never say no to them" I'm glad other people understand! I guess the thing with my friends is that they usually spend verrrrrry little on their makeup and so even though they know Mac is more expensive they won't even realise how expensive and they'd think it was stingy for someone to not let friends borrow things. Well i'm just glad i havn't had the problem yet, i'm just worried i will have it soon. I want to show off my Mac to people but for this reason i also want to hide it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by libra14
I won't lend my make-up. I'll use it on someone but it won't leave my house. I don't even take it out for touch-ups for myself, except for lipstuffies and that stays in my pocket to prevent theft. I had one stolen from my purse once. Mac's eye products don't require touch-ups IMO.

I second that!

I don't mind when my friends use it when I'm in the room but me and my stuff never separate!


Well-known member
Sushi_Flower, dont feel bad, my friends and family never buy m/u unless I gush and gush and they see it on me and want to try it and then maybe they might buy it.
But everyone knows that if they are going out and want good m/u or cool colors to come to me heh


Well-known member
I won't lend it out...but I'll use it on them if I ever do they're makeup. I'm not stingy, I just like keeping my makeup clean.


Well-known member
I never ever ever let anyone borrow my mac. I had the dollymix blush last year and i let one of the girls on my cheerleading squad borrow it and then she "lost it". I was stuipd back then and wasnt a mac addict like i am now but no one touches my makeup unless i am putting it on them


Well-known member
I won't lend my makeup to anyone, strictly because of the sanitation/bacteria issue. Eye infections can spread like wildfire and I'm not thrilled to get one. While it's out of your site, who knows what's happening to it or how many other people are sticking their fingers in it? It's just asking for trouble.


Well-known member
I don't mind at all if I am putting it on them, but I wouldn't let anyone borrow it. I don't think I'd even let them put it on themselves for fear that they might mess it up.


Well-known member
I don't let any of my friends "borrow" my MAC. Not because I think they'll steal it but because I'm really proud of my MAC (esp my brushes) and I know they don't really have that respectand therefore won't handle my stuff as gently-its just makeup, I'm always reminded. Its not JUST makeup, its MAC! I did let my mom try one of my brushes...still waiting for her to return almost 2 years later. Oh well.


Well-known member
No way. And if I ever thought people in my house would borrow with out my permission I'd invest in a locked train case. I know people who live with roomates who do this.


Well-known member
I have to much money invested in my MAC collection - so with that being said no I won't lend it out, but i'm happy to do it for them.. or they can come over to my house and use it here.


No way would I let someone borrow my MAC.
I almost had a heart attack when my friend swiped my eyeshadow with her finger. I have no problem using it on them but no one touches my MAC. lol


Well-known member
Borrow my makeup, no f***ing way. They are welcome to use it in front of me provided it's something that can be sanitised but under no circumstances can anyone borrow that stuff. Unless we're already sharing bodily fluids *grin*.

I don't mind my mum using some of my stuff, but I admit it whole-heartedly; I'm anal. No surprise I've been chronically depressed for 6 years.

I had a heart attack when I let my friend hold one of my Nars wand glosses and she took the wand out and put the lip applicator on her fingertip to test the colour. Agh! And my mum got royally pissed off at me when I told her off for using her finger to test my Nars powder blush.

I take care of my shit, and notice that not everyone takes care of their things as anally as me. My family used to struggle when we younger, so I guess the things I have or own now, I don't take it for granted. But yeah, I'm still a freak. I still remember my poor-trash roots (as opposed to my nouveau riche trash ones forming as we speak...).


Well-known member
i only let my mum touch my stuff, even then she still has to ask me first- terrible aye, especially seeing how she pays for nearly all of it for me
lol. i'm very protective of my MAC. it's way too expensive to risk letting people "borrow" it. i'm a big hygiene freak too hence nothing leaves my house with someone

I'm glad others are just like me- i thought i was the only one being all paranoid and everything bout my belovered MAC.


Well-known member
No one touches my makeup! Seriously though, I won't even let anyone use it for the simple reason that my friends and family are not as emotionally and financially invsted in this makeup as I am..haha. If they drop one of my pallettes, it is an 'oh well' moment to them but to me, it is a devastation. If they destroy any of my LE items, they would probably think, "well, just get another one similar". It is not the same dammit!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pink__grapefruit
My sister does the same thing, but she doesn't like to ask, and she doesn't like to give it back... Me and my mom have to search through her makeupbag weekly to find what is ours, and theres ALOT of our makeup in there.

My sister used to do that too, she likes all my expensive stuff (she only wears cheap drugstore stuff, onthing wrong with that ofcourse, but if you don't wanna pay for it yourself, don't steal it for me!).

sooo I was veryy pissed about it once, and I made an agreement with my parent: if she steals anything from me ever again, she can keep it, and need to pay for replacement. She didn't touch anything for a few weeks, but one day I found one of my mascara's in the bathroom. so I confronted her, and she admitted, and she had to may me 23 euro's for a new one. she didn't do it ever again, haha


Well-known member
I completely agree with what you guys are saying. I will gladly do my friends makeup, but I draw the line at borrowing it. I have to save to buy my MAC, so I'm not going to risk it getting ruined, even accidentally.


Well-known member
hmm.. i don't lend my firends my makeup either.. most of them have just as much as i have so it's not an issue.. if we're going out and they want to use something at my house they can. i don't share l/s or l/g tho just cos of the hygiene factor. in any case i have a lot of the disposable lip applicators and eyeshadow sponges (thanks to my lovely ma) so it wouldn't matter anyway!

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