How do/would you feel about people borrowing your Mac?


Well-known member
As long as they ASK, I'm fine with it, but there was one time this girl I don't particularly like who always winds up in my makeup bag when she asks to borrow a pen or something, used my Petticoat without asking and put it on with her fingers, I WAS PISEED OFF. Another friend always used to use my dewy jube, but she always asked and she's like my sister so I didn'y care, after a few times of asking to borrow it she asked me to buy her one next time I was in MAC and she'd repay me, that kind of borrowing I'm fine with, but that other girl, urgh, just urgh.


Active member
I really hate it when people who use only cheap drugstore stuff see my MAC and go all crazy over it and want to use it so much, especially at performances backstage

I'd lend my mum some, but she's very indifferent to makeup so it's not really an issue, anyway. The only other person i'd lend my MAC to is my best friend, cause i know she's not gonna steal stuff off me, and even then i wouldn't share things like lipglasses/mascaras.


Well-known member
if somebody wants to use my make up, its me to put it on them because I'm sorry I dont trust people with my stuff like that I paid for it they didnt, people dont seem to respect things that aren't their own most of the time.


Well-known member
No one uses my personal makeup..drugstore or high-end....ever, not even my best friends (who have their own makeup collections).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
I don't mind it if I use my make-up on someone else, but I'm not letting anoyone borrowing it!

I'm exactly the same!


Well-known member
It’s like asking to borrow my toothbrush…NO WAY!! I am too fastidious and anal about keeping my products clean and bacteria free. I’m OC about never ever touching any of the products with my hands and ALWAYS using a clean brush before applying any makeup to my face. I have a ton of brushes so that if for some reason I can’t immediately wash them after using them, I have a full, clean set to start anew the next day….


Well-known member
I don't allow other people to touch, borrow, or play with my makeup. Period. I will apply it on others, but they can't do it on themselves.


Well-known member
oohhhh that makes me cringe just thinking about it!

my friends and i usually do our makeup together before we go out, so if one of them wants to use anything of mine i say 'go right ahead' as long as i am there with them.

if someone wanted to take it home with them, i could never let them. never ever.

my mother and i share, so she can use whatever she wants as long as she asks.

once when my friends were over they saw all of my makeup and it was at, like, 11 at night and they were like, "ohhhhh lets put on makeup!" so i took my mac, hid it, and handed them a ton of l'oreal and rimmel and said 'have fun' i just cannot stand for them to put makeup on and not go out to show it. lol.


Well-known member
I'd rather die.

My mom lost my small angled brush. So whenever she needs some of my MAC I apply it for her. I got her her own small angled brush too. =P


Well-known member
I would never loan my MAC to anyone to take away, you never know where their fingers have been and I dont want them poking about in my stuff, besides, I loaned something once and it never came back - she told me she spilled it and found out later that she had decanted some to her OTHER friends and kept the rest!!! After that epsiode I used to share with friends and was happy to DECANT some pigment into a sample jar for them to take away, the problem I have though is that when you do it once they often expect you to do it again and I have found in the past that some friends just want you to keep giving them free MAC pigment......
Now I dont share with anyone unless I CHOOSE to gift them with a pigment or two or we do a swap. If the others want MAC pigment they can do what I did and buy their own.


Well-known member
i dont let people borrow my MAC, they can use it if i supervise them. i put to much time, money and effort for a piece of my collection to get messed up, lost or stolen!

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
The only person I share my makeup with is my mum, and that's only because she always asks me if she can borrow whatever she'd like to wear--usually eyeshadow. And she'll usually ask me to apply it as well, since my mum isn't exactly what you'd call 'girly'. Neither am I for that matter; I got into makeup and makeup artistry last summer but before that? I had one lipgloss from Walgreen's, and it was ultramarine blue with glitter.

As far as my friends are best friend is dragged to the Galleria every summer without fail, and if she sees something she likes even moderately, I'll buy it for her. She's attending college and paying for it herself and I'm still stuck at home with no expenses so I buy her stuff for her. She's building up a pretty good makeup collection, too.

But as far as actually lending my stuff out? Hell fucking no. When I was a junior in high school, I lent my purple Dior Plastic Shine to a girl in my art classes--and keep in mind that by my junior year all but three of my classes were art classes--and even though I saw her EVERY GODDAMN DAY, she was always 'forgetting' to bring it back to me. When I finally got it back, there was maybe ten percent left.

...I made that bitch buy me a new Plastic Shine, goddammit.

And plus, like everyone has stated before me, there's the hygenic reasons.


Well-known member
ditto... i don't mind using my makeup on someone, especially close friends or family, but no one is taking my mac anywhere. i was kind of like this for a while, but definetly more so now b/c during christmas i was robbed & my traincase with my precious collection was among the things taken. so now that i'm *sigh* SLOWLY rebuilding my collection, i'm extra cautious.

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TIERAsta
ditto... i don't mind using my makeup on someone, especially close friends or family, but no one is taking my mac anywhere. i was kind of like this for a while, but definetly more so now b/c during christmas i was robbed & my traincase with my precious collection was among the things taken. so now that i'm *sigh* SLOWLY rebuilding my collection, i'm extra cautious.

!!! Holy shit, that's terrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm glad that you're slowly rebuilding your collection but it's also a pisser that you've got to replace things you once had just because some jerkoff decided that s/he was going to take your traincase because they wanted it.

I swear, some people have no respect or courtesy for others (like those jackasses that take their babies into movie theatres and then just let the kid scream for two hours instead of taking it out). My one consolation is that I know that Karma will bitchslap them for their insolence.


Well-known member
I let my best friend borrow my stuff sometimes, but she is the only one. She always returns the stuff in the same condition I gave it to her, and doesn't use much.