How do you collect all that loot???


Well-known member
I spend HOURS on ebay checking out the real stuff, I am pretty good thanks to specktra at spotting fakes, and I manage to get some good deals on there. I think ebay can be really good if you know what your doing, or it can be really bad if you get fakes.

Another thing I have learnt is to buy MAC from the US, its slightly cheaper over here and I find the MUA's a bit more attentive. So when I fly over I usually save up for about a month and BLOW all of it out here.


Well-known member
Does it matter? Short of someone saying "I steal it" or "I sleep with my MA for free crap" aren't everyone's answers kind of the obvious way to get it?


Well-known member
In my honest opinion, I believe it's rude for someone to ask other people how they pay for their belongings.
It's really no one elses business but their own.

but for the sake of this thread... how do we get our makeup? we pay for it, usually through a form of income classified as a job... which we work at, to pay for things.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
my boyfriend haha

Haha lucky


Well-known member
Originally Posted by fafinette21
Haha lucky

Does that qualify as sex for MAC?

I use the Discover Card points I accumulate to get Macy's gift cards to help offset my trips to MAC. We charge everything to that card and pay it off monthly. With 1-5% of every purchase accumulating points, it adds up quickly and if you use the points for giftcards, the points spread out further. Macy's, Sephora, OliveGarden/RedLobster, OnTheBorder, Outback/Carrabas all have $45 giftcards that only use up $40 of my reward points. I get a decent amount of "free" MAC and dinners that way.

Other than that, I cut out my expensive coffee drinks around the time I started buying MAC. I used to spend an eyeshadow or lipstick a week on coffee...


Well-known member
Birthdays...Half birthdays...Quarter birthdays...

"Hey everybody! I'm turning 16 and 1/2 next week! Come to my birthday party and don't forget the presents...."

Seriously, if you have a decent job you should be able to afford a little MAC treat once in a while and it'll eventually add up.


Well-known member
Honestly most of my collection has come after I finished college and got a good paying job. Before that I had to wait for my birthday or a holiday to really splurge. Like said above CCO has good deals and also sale threads on here and other sites.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *KT*
Does that qualify as sex for MAC?

I use the Discover Card points I accumulate to get Macy's gift cards to help offset my trips to MAC. We charge everything to that card and pay it off monthly. With 1-5% of every purchase accumulating points, it adds up quickly and if you use the points for giftcards, the points spread out further. Macy's, Sephora, OliveGarden/RedLobster, OnTheBorder, Outback/Carrabas all have $45 giftcards that only use up $40 of my reward points. I get a decent amount of "free" MAC and dinners that way.

Other than that, I cut out my expensive coffee drinks around the time I started buying MAC. I used to spend an eyeshadow or lipstick a week on coffee...

That's a great idea!


Well-known member
LOL...I always find this question so amusing. There really is no magic formula. A lot of people just have a job or generous parents/significant others. Most people who have big collections also have been collecting over a period of time.


Well-known member
also MA have a huge collections. My MA, who we made friends with in MAC store said she has loads of it cause MA always get stuff from new collections as a present, or with a big discount. She has loads of goodies she got for free.


Im just writing some random thoughts here, but this question is often in my mind too. And I understand the concept of having disposible income. Ive worked all my life and am 40 now!!! But even for me, and I consider myself to be quite free with spending my money...well some of the collections make me hold my breath. Im glad some of the younger girls do get bargains and even freebies in their work. Because the Mummy in me sometimes worries about young girls getting too addicted to the Mac collections and maybe loosing sight of the bigger picture. Sometimes when I see a stash that goes for miles I worry about it going off before the owner could ever get to use it all up!!!!

Im never jealous of anybodies collections. In general I enjoy the soft addictions in life!!!! And I love the common love we all have for the product.

Hope I didnt cause any offense here. I was just relating to the posters curiosity about how all these huge collections come about!!!!