How do you feel about Britney Spears


Well-known member
So here's the question, how do you think she is going to end up?
I am not a big fan, I like pop music so I like her music, but when I see he behaviors on tv, internet, pictures and such, it just screams : ''I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE''.

When we look back 5 years ago, she was still ''hot''
Making good music, appearances on tv and more...

Was she always like this but it was hidden?

What's up with you darling? :confused:


Well-known member
Shes going nuts! and I'm watching!

Maybe she is going thru some weird depression stage? acting all coocoo and such .


Well-known member
The thing is, she already went nuts
The whole ''shaving'' thing, the umbrella attack...

Maybe she's sick and doesnt take her medication, who knows


Well-known member
The thing is, I had her money, I would go down a forest in a mansion and hide for months with my kids.

She doesnt seem to be a this point...


Well-known member
I think she's like Michael Jackson or the Olson twins... being famous her whole life has driven her crazy.


Well-known member
Anna Nicole Smith much?

Honestly though, I had back to back babies like she did and I had the worst, almost deadly PPD. I always wondered if she may have had the same problem and it just got out of control in a different way than mine did.


Well-known member
She is a whack job! I like some of her songs, but I never liked HER. Probably because my first bf (1999)had a big crush on her and I felt jealous!!! LOL!!!


Well-known member
To copy someone else's opinion about La Lohan, this is someone who has too much money and NO parenting whatsoever. It's kinda sad.


Well-known member
Fame is really not for everyone. I look at these young ladies who are rich, famous and have the world and they're the most unstable individuals I've ever seen. I think it does take a strong core for these people to be OK. When the core starts to crack, that's it.


Well-known member
wow, i just read on a gossip site that she was fondling herself (how weird and gross is that?!)during this interview the other day and thought the ceiling was falling in on her. They aren't going to run the pictures because they were going to get sued by her. The magazine also isn't paying her a million for it either because she left early in 14,000 worth of their clothes they brought.
I wonder if it's drugs or she has just lost her mind or a mixture of both. I'd HATE to be her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
She's probably always been crazy. Losing JT seemed to set her over the edge, though

Oooohhh losing JT would knock me off a cliff too!!! HE'S HOTTTTT


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Anna Nicole Smith much?

Honestly though, I had back to back babies like she did and I had the worst, almost deadly PPD. I always wondered if she may have had the same problem and it just got out of control in a different way than mine did.

I totaly understand what you're telling about having PPD
I guess living it in front of the cameras didnt help

Its sad because you look back and there was soooooo many people, fans, who would have give anything to be around her... and now it looks like she has to hire people to be friends with her


Well-known member
There is a rumor going around that she might be pregnant again!!! Baby #3 and doesn't know who the father is (geez...). Who knows what she'll do this time around if she truly is pregnant.

I used to like Britney before the whole K. Fed shizzle went on but now... its like bleh. (I actually thought she was really pretty and all)
Now I am just curious what she will do next.. sit back and watch


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
dont celebrities use condoms?

You know, I always wonder the same thing. LOL

Aside from that you all are cracking me up with your comments. Essentially, she's just a trainwreck and the world is watching.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ladybug10678
Anna Nicole Smith much?

Honestly though, I had back to back babies like she did and I had the worst, almost deadly PPD. I always wondered if she may have had the same problem and it just got out of control in a different way than mine did.

I thought the SAME thing. I honestly think it's PPD myself. All the symptoms are there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbabybex
dont celebrities use condoms?
got they must have so many stds around young hollywood



I actually tought (??) about it the other day
I was like... Paris Hilton must have slept with soooo many guys, and those guys probably slept with all the other popular starlettes.

I remember the episode of the Britney show she did with Kevin, where her bodyguard doesnt like Kevin and acts like a big brother. She probably fired him...

When she came out last year saying that she wanted to divorce Kevin, every internet bloggers were happy... After that Kevin said to the media that he was going to write a book about her and her crazyness and everybody was like : shut up dude, you're a loser, this is not true.

Now, who's crazier???