How do you feel about Britney Spears


Well-known member
I didnt know about this girl until last night
I saw a little more on her on the net...
It seems that she can't keep her mouth closed, on any subjects.

Thats sad, but it doesnt change the fact that I'm sad to see Britney lose her mind, more and more, each weeks


Well-known member
It's a damn shame that people are asking/allowing Britney to perform in her "condition". Clearly, she's not ready for this and the MTV audience seemed either bored or amused by her performance. This girl needs to be in a treatment facility, not attempting a comeback.


Well-known member
I thought her performance on the VMA's was terrible. The song was sub-par, her lip-synching was off, and she stopped trying even that about halfway through the performance. She just seemed to pace back and forth apathetically across the stage. Dare I say it, she wasn't even trying? She's been performing well past her expiration date, she's washed-up, and she's nothing more than a tabloid headliner much like Michael Jackson was when he became a washed-up hack, too.


Well-known member
I'm rooting for this girl! sure her vma performance wasnt as great as it couldve been but thier is plenty of time to make that up. I'm def getting her album nov 13!!! mark my words her album will still debut at number one, making her fifth number one album. BRIT's COMING BAAACK!


Well-known member
She looked, in the VMA's,drugged. Like someone gave her Klonopin or Xanax or a drug that makes a person not really there and not really care. I don't think she is having a delayed adolescence, I think she is bipolar and all the rehab vacations in the world will not help her unless she gets treatment. I've seen the horrid pictures of her vulva in the car with Paris Hilton. I think she suffers from mental illness, and that should be no excuse really for all the impulsivity she is displaying. If she wants to be taken seriously, she needs to keep her nose a little cleaner and get a singing coach, because "ooh,ooh" songs are not the ones that get a person inducted into musical legend status. If she wants to be an entertainer, she needs to work at it. Take it seriously like a job. Learn her dance steps,learn some stage presence. It was a mockery,and MTV took advantage of her for ratings.....


Well-known member
I have been a britney fan since her fist song came out, I personally feel that after Justin and her broke up she went down hill, became depressed and just didn't care who she is marrying and didn't care about making better decisions with the men in her life. Now she is overweight, has two children and is unattractive in the eyes of the critics. Her career has gone down hill and she knows it, I always thought she would say her kids were a mistake and she did say it not too long ago.

She most likely regrets the decisions that she has made these past few years, because her desisions were not based on a rational thinking mind, but rather made with a depressed state of mind and dependence on men (kevin) and others that have dissappointed her in the past as well. She is so insecure and lonely, she really doesn't care what will happen next. To me her actions show no light at the end of the tunnel, and she doesn't seem to excited about planning her future with her career nor her kids. She is very depressed, desperate and needs serious mental help from professionals, or else she will end up like Anna Nicole Smith, who ended up like Marilyn Monroe. When she gets desperate enough she will take her own life by overdosing on prescription pills and there will be no more Britney Spears. I would never wish or hope for this to happen to her, but she needs help, help from family doctors and a stay at the mental hospital for longer then a week for her to go back to the bubbly girl we all remember her to be. Only the best wishes I send to Britney for her to keep that fire burning within her and never let her become a dying ember.



Well-known member
If she didn't have babies, I honestly wouldn't care how much of a publicized trainwreck she's become. However, her current behavior is inexcusible in many respects.

Bottom line: She's an imbecile. That and she needs to stop harassing Chester the Cheetos Cheetah.